The Lady Katelyn

1265 Words
I woke up to the sound of a lock being opened. My body was aching and my head was pounding but I looked up , expecting to see Gamma Kai. My vision was blurry and my head was spinning so badly that I thought I was going to throw up, and I half expected to throw up again. "Glad to see you're awake..." I didn't recognize the voice - I knew it was a man speaking, but I didn't think it was one of our Pack members, and I would not have forgotten a voice like this. His tone was mesmerizing: husky, authoritative, and commanding with an edge that I could only describe as dangerous. I shook my head; I didn't know who this voice belonged to, but I was struggling to see straight, and I couldn't hear him properly for the pounding in my ears anyway. "How do you feel?" I felt like I was going to throw up, but I didn't answer - whoever this man was, he had been sent here to drag me out to face Alpha Lincoln's wrath. "Wonderful," a woman's airy, ethereal sounding tone answered the man's question, and I forced myself to sit up. I rubbed my eyes, and looked around so I could figure out where I was and what was happening. "I feel wonderful." It was then that I realized I was in someone else's bedroom. "That's what I like to hear," the man's voice was closer now and I squinted to try and focus on him, "because I feel pretty wonderful too. I've got you right where I want you; I've been looking forward to this for a long time." He stepped closer to me and I finally saw him clearly; his hair was black and his eyes were ice blue, and they were dazzling. The man was stunning... but he was looking at me like he could see right through me.  I twisted around uncomfortably as I tried to take in more of my surroundings and I saw that I was on a large bed next to a young woman with white blonde hair that reached her shoulders in elegant waves, and eyes the color of honey. She was the one the tall man was looking at - she was the one he was talking to... I stood up quickly and backed away from both of them, covering my eyes as I tried to get their attention without looking at them. I cleared my throat, then waved my free hand slightly. "Hey...excuse me, I..." I didn't know what to say. The woman turned in my direction, and finally I lowered my hand from my eyes so I could see her properly; she was wearing a pale blue nightdress and she pulled the bedsheets up around herself and looked at me in horror. Not at me...through me... The door behind me swung open; the tall man laughed as he turned to face me, and the beautiful woman's perfect skin turned crimson because they had just been disturbed during a moment of intimacy that I should not have been in the room for and... it really seemed like I hadn't been in the room for it, as far as they were concerned. "Please forgive me, Alpha Walker, I..." My eyes widened as soon as I heard the name; I had never seen Alpha Walker before, but I had not expected him to look like this... the man I was looking at was devastatingly good looking. He was tall, and well built, and his striking dark hair and piercing blue eyes made him look so intense that he seemed to radiate a dangerous energy. I looked at him, then I glanced at the woman who was still sitting on the bed, and I realized that she - the elegant, pale woman he was in his bedroom with - was Lady Katelyn of the Battlepelt pack. Alpha Lincoln was furious because he thought he deserved this woman, but it seemed as if she was happy with this man and Alpha Lincoln would not have made any woman happy. I was filled with a renewed sense of dread when I realized that this couple had no idea what Alpha Lincoln and Beta Leo were planning to do to them, and I turned around with a look of sheer terror to say something to whoever had come into the room. I prayed to the Goddess that the older woman in fine, but plain, clothes was there to tell them they should deal with the threat my Pack was posing to them, but she was holding a tray with fresh food on and I realized she had been apologizing because she was interrupting them to give them the food. I tried to get her attention as she carried the tray over to them, but she didn't seem to see me either, and so I slipped out of the room as she left and followed her through the Pack house as I tried to get somebody to acknowledge me. "Excuse me!" I hurried around and stood in front of the woman, but she didn't stop for a single heartbeat and I felt a sickening sensation in my guts as she kept walking and passed right through the spot I was still standing in. I twisted around with my lips parted and my arms wrapped around myself but I couldn't make a sound and it took a while for me to recover from the horrendous feeling that had wracked me when she walked right through me. In the end I moved again because somebody else was approaching and I didn't want to experience that ever again. When I saw that it was Alpha Walker approaching I remembered what was so important, and it was about more than moving out of the way - I needed to warn him. I needed him to know that he was in danger, and that Lady Katelyn could be hurt if he didn't do something about what Alpha Lincoln had planned to do to them. I tried to shout, to shake his arms, to scream right beside him... everything but standing in his way and feeling that same awful sensation again. I followed him as he strode through the lavish hallways of the Packhouse to collect something from a young woman, and then all the way back to the room I had awoken in, and nothing seemed to work... I needed him to know... I didn't want any of these people to suffer at the hands of my Pack. By the time he got back to his room I was exhausted. I had done everything in my power to get him to see me, and I was afraid that this was all a horrible dream - a figment of my imagination brought on by the silver and a lack of food. I sank down to the floor and clutched my head in my hands as he pushed open the door to his bedroom. I expected to hear the Lady Katelyn's angelic voice, and his playful laughter in response, but there was a moment of sickening silence before an anguished scream; a noise of pure terror that I could never have imagined, but I did not need it explaining to me. Nobody did. A scream like that was so instinctive and primal that it was clear something had happened to the beautiful young woman in the time he had left her alone there, and I knew that whatever it was, it was my Pack who had done it.
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