Chapter 7 Reasonable Enough

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"I mean that woman is the second sister of the club, but I didn't say that my husband is also a member of the club," Xu Zhuya explained. "I don't know how my husband and that woman met, but my husband really wants to join that club. He said that the monogamous marriage was boring. If he could join a club, then he would live in polygamy. That would be interesting. Because he's awful, I didn't dare argue with him. At the begining,I quarrelled with him for a few times, but later I didn’t dare quarrel with him.So he always talks to himself now I don't care about him. " "Looks like he's been bewitched by that woman." "Maybe not. He would ask strange questions when we had s*x before he did not know that woman." "For example?" After hesitating for a moment, Xu Zhuya said, "For example,how could I feel if a strange man has s*x with me.Or will I agree if a man suddenly wants to join us to have s*x. " "Your husband really is a little abnormal." "He said it was common in France, but I said it was China, and I couldn't accept the French s****l concept." "And you never thought of a divorce?" I don't want to hurt the parents of both sides. " "I think the person who will be hurt in the end will be you," said Shen Jun. "You have to protect yourself. Don't become a member of that club some day." "Since I've already opened up my mind to you, I will ask for help from you if my husband force me in the future." Shen Jun wanted to say that it might be too late to ask for help from him, but he did not think it is necessary to say so. Since Xu Zhuya didn't intend to divorce her husband, no matter how many times he warned her, Xu Zhuya wouldn't care. On top of that, Shen Jun only wanted to find out whether or not his wife was cheating. Thus, he did not continue to talk about this topic with Xu Zhuya. Sitting in front of the cash desk, Shen Jun began to look through the information related to the exchange of partners. He found that such clubs were very common in France and it was essentially part of French culture. This sounded a bit inconceivable, but Shen Jun, who was looking at the information, had to believe it. In cities of France such as Paris, one in five couples have experiences in exchanging partners, and some couples regularly exchange partners, just as some people play golf once a week. The more he saw, the more he felt that this world was truly crazy. In the eyes of those men, is his wife a public product? Why did some men get excited by seeing their wives having intimate acts with other men? What a abnormal psychology this was. However, Shen Jun also seemed to have a similar feeling. The difference between thinking and doing was very different, so even though Shen Jun occasionally reacted by thinking about his wife's unfaithful act, it didn't mean that he wanted his wife to be unfaithful to him. Otherwise, he wouldn't have been so irritable when he found out that his wife had betrayed him. For example, some women would fantasize about being raped by one or several men, but most of them did not want this to become reality. Of course, a small number of them would still hope this to become reality. He had met a woman like this last year when Shen Jun played some social software. The woman expressed such kind of idea when he was talking to the woman anonymously. The woman said she had a great demand for s*x and hoped to be met by many men. She even asked Shen Jun that whether he could come to her place or not.If he could, she would give her address to Shen Jun directly. Then Shen Jun would pretend to be a criminal to tie her up and have s*x with her. In the end, that woman scared Shen Jun away. Shen Jun directly deleted the woman’s social account from the list. Now, when he thought about the experience, Shen Jun felt that there were so many such kind of women. When it was close to noon, Shen Jun ordered some snacks with Xu Zhuya. While eating halfway, Shen said the food was not fresh enough and the price was particularly expensive. As a result, Xu Zhuya suggested that she buy an electromagnetic stove and rice cooker so that she could make some simple dishes in the store. Shen Jun said that his wife was not free, but Xu Zhuya said she could cook. Perhaps it was because he was tired of the surrounding fast foods, so he nodded. After finishing his meal, Shen Jun locked the door and took Xu Zhuya to nearby supermarket. When choosing an electromagnetic oven, Xu Zhuya always checked the brand, power, function, and the like. She would also ask the guide for some details. Therefore, when Shen Jun saw Xu Zhuya, he felt that this woman Xu Zhuya would become a good wife and mother. He also hoped that Xu Zhuya would not become a member of the club. Once she became a member of the club, it meant that Xu Zhuya could be played with by any male member. After buying it, both of them went back to their shop. They had made such a promise, Xu Zhuya would buy groceries in the nearby market, and pay for the them first. Every month, when the statistics were counted, Shen Jun transferred the money and salary to Xu Zhuya. Because the lunch fee at noon was from Shen Jun, it was reasonable to agree. At five o'clock in the evening, Shen Jun closed the door and drove to thecommunity. When he got home, he saw his wife busy in the kitchen. It was still hot in August in Dongguan, so he saw his wife, who was cooking, sweating, and wiping the sweat from her face with her arms. Looking at this situation, Shen Jun felt sorry for her. But,thinking that his wife might be with Liu Chengyong, Shen Jun became slightly angry. She had married him when he hadn't had a car before, so it was his wife who had spent the most difficult time with him. Now, their conditions had improved, so he was obviously trying to be nice to his wife. But if his wife was unfaithful to him, how could he be good to his wife? Remembering that he married her wife because she was unintentionally pregnant, Shen Jun frowned again. Wouldn't his wife marry him if she wasn’t pregnant after having s*x with him when they were drunken? "Hubby, I've cooked your favorite braised pork leg," Su Wan replied with a smile. "If you want a drink, you can order some.” "I don't think I'd like to drink today." “It's good for your body. You go stay with Jia Jia first, teach her to draw pictures or read words, and I'll call you when supper is ready. " "Right." Shen Jun originally wanted to ask if his wife knew Liu Chengyong, but he decided to ask her after supper. Just as Shen Jun was about to leave, Su Wan, who was putting the braised pork leg on the dining plate, said, "We agreed to go to the water park in Guangzhou tomorrow, but I'm going to Fuzhou this weekend, so we have to to next week." "What for?" "For business." After hearing the two words which he had heard many times, Shen Jun, who had been furious, asked, "Who are you traveling with?" "the service manager," Su Wan smiled. "It's an elder sister. Don't worry. She will take care of me." Damned lies!
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