Episode 5 Elerian POV

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After the way Storm treated me I guess I shouldn't have said yes but something in me call it butterflies, or the excitement of a gorgeous man like that wanting to take me out, lust whatever it was something told me I should go out with him and hear what he had to say, plus it was a chance to tell him how I felt about the way he was with me. Storm was picking me up at 7 tomorrow night. I had no idea what I was going to wear. I hadn't bought myself anything except work clothes since I started working at the Northern star, I woke up early, I got in the shower, got dried dressed and headed into town with the girls they were so excited for me but I didn't want to get my hopes up, Storm was taking me to the fanciest and most expensive place in Blackpool Sapori Italian restaurant my favourite food. everything was fresh Italian ingredients, a 5 star restaurant I had been to places to eat with Marco but it was always food brought in from a family company that Marco used for his events being the head of a influential family Marco didn't trust anyone else with his food. so going to a restaurant and food being cooked from scratch was on a whole different level for me, I was nervous and had no idea what to wear, "You need a little black dress," Kim said "Really?" I said "yeah your going to a beautiful restaurant, and you want to knock his socks off after what he did. you'll look stunning in a little black dress, " jess said I smiled, getting excited, Jess linked my arm on the left and Kim on the right, and we all started walking into town, "come on girl we need to get something amazing I know the perfect place to get it" she said taking us to a wedding boutique taylors bridal, we walked in a man greeted us at the door, "Hello ladies, my name is Josh. What can I do for you today?" he said "Well, Josh, my gorgeous best friend here needs a little black dress that will knock her dates socks off, and I know you have the most amazing selection of prom and bridesmaid dresses so we would like to try them on and find the perfect dress for her date tonight?" Kim said "Well, you are right. we do have an amazing selection of dresses ladies if you follow me, we will find the perfect dress" Josh said holding his hand out for me to take hold of, which I did, we walked up two flights of stairs and ended up walking Into a room that had a rainbow of dresses, along 2 of the 4 walls, the the 3rd wall had a huge mirror that covered 80 percent of it and the 4th wall had two floor to ceiling windows that let in the right amount of light in to the room, there were two sofas in an L shape in the middle of the room, and in front of the mirror there was a round platform which every customer would stand on to look at themselves in the mirror. "right ladies you have a look at the different styles, I will be right back with some refreshments" Josh said as he ushered us into the room.and closed the door after we were inside, Jess and Kim were straight in at looking at the long racks I was overwhelmed I was even here with them, my life had completely changed in two months all for the better but it was only now at 29 30 in only a few short weeks, I was experiencing everything for the first time, I took my coat off and put my bag down to the side of the sofa by the windows and began looking through the dresses, there were so many beautiful materials and embellishments I hardly knew what to pick that would be perfect for a meal and to knock Storms socks off. "right girls I think if we each pick 2 dresses for you to try on and then if none of those are right we pick another 2 each I will be shocked if we don't find one though in the first 6 we pick" jess said I smiled and nodded "Sounds perfect to me," Kim said we began looking Jess picked two dresses that were her favourite colours, and the styles for her body, Kim picked two of her favourite colour which were purple and they were both long way over the top for a meal but for her I would try them on. Josh came in when I was about to pick my first choice. He brought In a tray of fresh snacks and a bottle of champagne with 3 glasses, placed them on a small table that was in the corner, and handed me a glass before going back to grab the 2 other champagne flutes for jess and Kim, "Oh, I see, we have some beautiful choices," Josh said as he walked over to me "Shall we get you changed into one of them?" he asked me I nodded and followed Josh into another room once he collected the dresses from Kim and Jess. " right huni I'm going to go out while you get undressed, and when I come back in, we will get you into the first dress, ok?" he said hanging the four choices the girls had picked in the changing room, once he left I stood and looked at each of them, they screamed Jess and Kim but not me, each style a different one and not one built for a curvier woman. I got undressed and stood in my comfy relaxed underwear, "Are you ready, huni?" Josh said from the other side of the curtain, "Yeah, I'm ready," I said. Josh walked in and was a complete gentleman, never looking at me. Respecting my privacy, he helped me into the first dress, and I instantly didn't like the feel of it. It felt uncomfortable, "No, I don't like it," I said "OK, next one, sweetie," he said "I put this one on and walked through to show the girls, "Oh wow, El, you look amazing. How do you feel in this one?" Jess asked me I looked in the mirror, which was a high-waisted line dress that my rather large breasts were struggling to go into, "Maybe try another one it just doesn't look right," I said "it's OK sweetie let's get you into the next one" Josh said helping me down from the platform and following me back into the changing room, the next dress i tried on was a lace up corset with asymmetrical skirt full of frills it wasn't me at all I didn't even take it off the hanger then there was the last one and this one was busier than the last one I shook my head Josh made a funny face and took them away for me, "OK, Elerian, tell me what you envision for your date," Josh said "I was thinking something simple but made a statement. Blue is my favourite colour, but I didn't want to be predictable, " I said Josh thought for a moment "I'll be right back. Stay there," he said, a few moments later, he came back with the perfect dress I put it on. It fit perfectly, we walked back into the main room. Kim and Jess were messing about laughing until I walked in, I stood on the platform and looked in the mirror, "What do you think?" I asked "it's perfect, huni," Jess said "You look stunning. My god, he's not going to know what hit him" Josh said I looked in the mirror it was an emerald green silk dress, it had a low cut out back and small straps that hooked around the top of the arms, a low cut front and a slit on the left leg up to the top of the thigh, it had a small train and clung to all my voluptuous curves I felt amazing in it, my long curly hair hung down and complemented the dress perfectly all I needed now was shoes and a handbag, "Do you have any silver shoes and handbags to match?" I asked Josh "Oh, well, do actually give me a moment. I'll be right back?" he said, tottering off to go bring some choices back. "I love it," I said to Kim and Jess as I turned around to look at them, "El, it's stunning. You suit it so much," Kim said "here we are" Josh said as he walked in holding 2 choices of shoes and 3 choices of handbags, I made my choice. "Perfect," I said, smiling as I checked them out in the mirror, Josh held up the 3 choices of bags and I pick one that had a short strap something I could keep close to me hold in my hand, it was a rectangular shape and looked similar to an envelope, my outfit was complete I just needed to pay for everything get changed back into my own clothes and head back to my flat to start getting ready, "Oh my goodness, is that the time?" I asked "Oh, it's is 3.30pm. By the time we get back, you will only have two and half hours to get ready," Jess said "It won't take that long to get ready will it?" I said Jess and Kim both looking at me like I had just said those words, "That fact you just said that means we are in trouble" Kim said laughing finally, back home with everything i set out to get, I ran into the flat. The girls followed me in. I ran straight to the bathroom and showered, and I washed myself and my hair. My hair was always easy to sort. I towel dried it, ran some wet look gel through it and dry it with the hair dryer to give it volume and it was done, my make up however I never knew how to put it on properly so Jess worked her magic. I was finally ready for my dress and heels to go on, I placed my shoes on, I stood in front of the full-length mirror and was astonished at how beautiful I looked. It had nothing to do with how Marco wanted me to look for him and his associates. This was for me. "EL COME ON WE WANT TO SEE YOU?" I heard the girls shout from the living room. I nervously walked to the bedroom door the bottom of the dress was floaty and showed my left leg tattoo off perfectly, when I opened the door and stood there, they both gasped. "Oh el you look amazing" jess said "She's right you look stunning sweetie" Kim "What about my scars though everyone can see them" I said "Don't you worry about those your hair covers most of it and you look amazing regardless of those marks which are faint they are part of your past and what you went through to be the amazing woman you are today wear them with pride" Jess said "Thank you, you girls have been amazing with me and I couldn't ask for better best friends as you two?" I said feeling emotional "Oh no don't you dare you'll smudge your make up" Kim said while we all came together for a group hug. 'KNOCK, KNOCK, KNOCK' the door went, I looked at the clock it was 6.50pm oh my goodness it was him, he was early. "Hello Elerian, its me Greg I've come to escort you to the car" he shouted through the door. "I'll go let him in" Jess said smiling, Jess walked to the door, opened it I had gone back into my room to grab my bag money and keys. I heard a wolf whistle "Damn girl storm does not know what's coming?" Greg said I laughed at him "come on good sir escort me down" I said "Thank you girls I love you both so much" I said "See you when you get back" Kim said Greg and I walked towards the lift Greg pushed the button, it opened and we got in, "So do you like Jess?" I asked bluntly "Ah uh erm... well" he said while I was laughing, "Take that fumbling as a yes?" I said I giggled, "She likes you too if you like each other give it a go" I said "I'm worried that if it doesn't work one of us will have to leave the circus" he said "I can understand that but sometimes if life gives you a chance at finding true love you have to take" I said "But what if it doesnt work out? What if we..." He said "That's exactly what they are what ifs? But what if it turns out to be the best decision you've ever made?" I said smiling at him, "Never thought of it like that before" he said I smiled at him, DING!! the lift doors opened "We only regret the chances we don't take" I said stepping out of the lift, Greg followed me and opened the door to the reception, "Oh Elerian you look beautiful," Louise said Howie was stood with Louise when I walked through the door, we caught each others eyes "Thank you" I said "Don't you think so Howie" Louise said "Yes you look cosmic" he said our eyes connected and for a moment silence "Have fun sweetheart" Louise said breaking the silence. I smiled and turned as Greg opened the front door for me, as we walked out storm was on the phone with his back to us, "Make sure you get this sorted NOW?!" he said knocking his phone off, he stood for a moment took a deep breath, "Hey you ok mate?" Greg said He turned to Greg, "Yeah im fine, is she..." he said then seen me looking over Greg's shoulder, he couldn't stop staring at me, he looked so handsome he was dressed in black skinny jeans, black shoes, a white shirt that was open around the collar showing just a small amount of chest hair, with a grey suit jacket over the top, he walked past Greg and up to me, "Is everything OK? Do I have something on my face or on my dress? Im over dressed arent i?" I said checking everything "You look extraordinary" he said I blushed instantly looking down at the ground he gently placed his finger under my chin and guided my head to look up at him "Thank you" I said "Shall we go?" He asked holding his arm out for me to link, I took care as I walked towards his car, he guided me to the passenger side in the back and helped me into his land rover, it was huge he walked around the car said something to Greg and then joined me in the back as Greg got in the front "All sorted?" Greg asked "Yep let's go" Storm said I nodded and smiled We set off to the restaurant Greg pulled up outside we got out there was a cue of people stood outside behind a barrier and a red carpet laid on the floor leading outwards, in front of the barrier, security guards were letting people in, Storm got out first, he walked around and opened the door for me he helped me out took hold of my hand and walked us in a security guard a very tall handsome black security guard stepped forward, "Hey storm I see your back good to see you man been too long" he said shaking hands with him, "Hey Shaun mate how's things going with you? It has been a long time here give me a call" he said handing him a business card "I will thanks man and I see your taste in women has had a massive upgrade" he said looking me up and down "My god you are fine" shaun said as Storms grip tightened around my hand, i smiled through the pain, until my hand holding my bag swung towards his arm bringing him back to where he was, his grip released and I carried on as if nothing happened, what the hell was all that about and why did Shaun say what he said things I needed to ask about but wait until the opportune moment, "Thank you" I said shaun opened the door for us storm let go of my hand and I walked in, in front of him, "Hello do you have a reservation?" The waiter said welcoming us into the restaurant, "Yes, King, Storm King" Storm said "Ah yes Mr King this way please" the waiter said showing us to our table, Storm took hold of my hand and lifted it to his mouth he kissed it lightly if it wasn't for the fact I needed to stay on my feet I would have swooned, we made eye contact and I knew it was his way of saying sorry for crushing my hand, we began following the waiter every woman sat in the restaurant couldn't take their eyes off storm, as he walked with confidence through the tables towards the back of the restaurant, I didn't blame them he was a beautiful man It was a private booth in the corner or the restaurant candle light, it was beautiful and so cosy, I sat on the seat and shimmed round until I was sat in the middle, "Bottle of prosseco please" Storm said as we approached the table, "Yes sir right away" the waiter said Storm took off his jacket and squeezed in beside me, The waiter came back with two champagne flutes and a very large bottle of prosseco, "I will be back shortly to take your order here are the menu's" The waiter left and I opened up my menu, "Wow everything looks amazing doesn't it?" I said smiling at storm, "It does look amazing what do you fancy having for dinner?" He asked "Oooooo erm I think I'm going to have" I said scanning the delicious meals on the menu "The PANE CON AGLIO E FORMAGGIO if you will share with me?" I asked looking at him, he looked at me and said "of course" he said smiling, "So main course what would you like?" He asked "Hmmmm" I said with a finger over my lips, he watched me and giggled "I'm going to have the PENNE SAPORI sounds delicious, what are you going to have?" I asked he stopped looking at me and I smiled when he looked at his menu to see what he wanted, "I'm going to have thee, AGNOLOTTI ALL’ ARAGOSTA" he said "Very nice now all we have to do is tell the waiter" I said laughing "Yeah your right" he said laughing along with me, he looked out towards the restaurant and signalled for the waiter to come and take our orders he ordered everything and gave the waiter our menu's, I took small sips of my drink as I sat back my leg crossed over the other which only uncovered them more, revealing my tattoo, "Elerian" Storm said I turned my head towards him, "Yes storm" I said as he looked at me, "I owe you an apology for what happened when we were on the balcony, I never meant to make you feel like nothing which I know I did. you are beautiful and stunning and I wanted to kiss you but everything that happened before it I didn't want you to think I felt sorry for you or that I just wanted you for one thing" he said I smiled at him, "Do you still want to?" I asked "Still want to do what?" He asked "Kiss me" I said "I do very much" he said I smiled and blushed my god I felt the heat rushing to my cheeks, he smiled and laughed with me at how giddy we both were. "Here is your starter sir" the waiter said "Thank you" I said while looking at the waiter then back to Storm, I picked up a piece of garlic bread with cheese and took a bite, "Mmmm delicious" I said Munching on the piece of garlic bread, "So you have to tell me where did you learn to ribbon perform?" Storm said taking a bite on a peice of garlic bread, "I started when my grandmother was still alive, she was my best friend, she brought me here to Blackpool whenever she could, and the first time I seen a ribbon performance I fell in love with it, the skill and passion to be in the air, gracefully posing and feeling the music take control, I practiced daily creating my own stunts and moves wanting to push myself, then..." I stopped there remembering getting married to Marco, sadness took over me, He touched my arm, "Hey are you OK?" He said I shook my head and smiled bringing me back to where I was, "Yes I am sorry where was I... oh yes I remember I couldn't do it anymore, I had to focus on music so I did and learned the flute and guitar" I said hoping that was enough to keep him on the subject we were on, "So you play guitar and the flute, a woman of many talents?" He said smiling at me, I smiled back "Yeah I am" I said confidently proud of the things I had achieved over the years and none with the support of Marco or my family. The waiter came to take our plates away and shortly after brought our mains out, "So tell me about how you became the ring master" I said "Well it was supposed to be my brother Freddie, he was killed in a fire that happened back stage 10 years ago" he said "I'm so sorry to hear that" as I took his hand and squeezed it a little, "It's not your fault, Freddie and I were very close practically inseparable, the way it works in a circus you see is that the eldest inherits the right to become ring master but its who has the most passion and love for being in the circus that ultimately receives the honour of taking over, my brothers Samuel, Cameron and Jackson they love doing what they do, so they passed over their turns and after Freddie died the role was given to me, 10 years ago I was in peices I had lost everything I held dear and I walked away to travel work put what it was I really wanted to do with my life, I travelled the world built a technology company from scratch. But everytime I thought I had everything I wanted I would come back to the circus the last two months I've been working at the circus again I've never felt more alive but it's like there's something missing and I can't work out what that something is" he said smiling at me, he laughed "Sorry I have been waffling on about myself the last 20 minutes" he said I smiled and laughed back, "don't apologise I like listening to you, I know how you feel, even though I know how hard that is to believe when anyone says that to you but I do, I do know how it feels to feel alone and ... trapped, I have no doubt you'll find what your missing and everything will fall into place, your an amazing ring master." I said as I sat forward to hold his hand, as I tried to pull it away he held it a little tighter and pulled me closer to him, we slowly moved towards each other when the waiter showed up to take away our empty plates, "Have you finished?" He asked I pulled away from him and sat taking hold of the champagne flute, "Yes thank you it was delicious compliments to the chef please" I said as the waiter took our plates and cutlery, we had finished a full bottle of prosseco between us, and we were still holding hands, The waiter came back, "Would you like the dessert menu?" He asked "Yes please" Storm said before I had a chance to answer, "Two of the finest chocolate brownie and ice cream I have ever tasted please" Storm said "To go with spoons if possible?" I added, the waiter smiled and nodded. "To go?" Storm asked "Down boy...Yes to go, it's a beautiful warm night let's eat our puddings on the beach watching the sunset" I said "Sounds perfect to me" he agreed we were about to get out of our seats when a woman who i recognise slid in next to Storm, it was Cassie oh no what the hell was she doing here? Was Marco right behind her I had to leave and quickly "Storm hello how lovely it is to see you, have you missed me darling" she said "Cassie what the hell are you doing here?" Storm asked, "Well I'm here to see family" she said "Oh well the people of Blackpool will be thrilled" he said "I see your taste In women has turned for the worse... where did you pick this fat skank from?" She said I wasn't even given the chance to defend myself, "Cassie get out of here, you have been rude, thoughtless and cruel to a woman that is 100 times the woman you will ever be, she is everything your not and I'm thankful for her finally being the reason that you are no longer the woman holding me back from being vulnerable get out of my way and don't you dare look for me again" Storm said climbing out of the booth before helping me out holding my hand, and taking hold of the puddings that were now wrapped up and in a plastic bag, he paid for the bill and tipped the waiter who served us and we left Cassie stood wondering what had just happened. Thankfully she didn't recognise me I was safe for now at least. We walked through the streets on to the front we sat on a stone seat that had a plaque on it which said 'memories of a lifetime shared together always my sun, my moon, my stars love from S x' "I'm sorry about that, last I heard she had moved away and found someone new" he said little did he know I knew it was my ex husband, "It's OK you both obviously have history together" I said "We do... she... well she...10 years ago before Freddie died Cassie was my girlfriend she was my everything and I found her and Freddie in each others arms, Freddie tried to talk to me about the whole situation but I ran off and I tried for a couple of days to speak to him we made up then the fire started and I never got to make it right between us properly. the last thing Freddie thought of me was that I hated him and I never did I wanted to make it right and tell him he was my brother and I knew he'd never hurt me" he said becoming upset tears streaming from his eyes, I stood up and knelt in front of him, I wiped away the tears from his eyes and gently kissed each cheek, "Your brother knew how much you cared for him, I'm so sorry she hurt you one day I know you'll find peace with it and when you do you'll know just how special you were to him" I said we gazed at each other, then out of no where he pulled me close to him and his lips crashed on mine, it was slow sensual movement to begin with but then became heated him pulling me on to his lap, still kissing each other, I pulled back remembering where we were, "we cant not yet... I hope you can understand that" I asked as I panted and gasped for air, he made me feel things I hadn't felt in a long time. lust and passion urges but I couldn't help but think of Howie oh my this was so confusing Storm was an amazing beautiful man and I did have a connection with him but Howie effected me body and soul I stepped back and sat next to him, "I understand more than you think you never have to worry about that" he said instantly putting me at ease, "Come on let's go further down on to the beach and find a place to each our puddings?" He said and I agreed, we walked hand in hand and as we approached the sand I stopped to take my shoes off, Storm didn't want me to feel left out so he took his shoes off and together we walked bare foot across the beach finding the perfect place on dry sand further up, I sat on the beach with storm side by side we ate our brownies. Storm was right the brownies were the best, once finished storm took the rubbish to a near by bin and when he came back he wrapped his legs either side of me wrapped his jacket around my shoulders and snuggled me into him, for the first time in my life I felt safe and dare I even say it ... loved....
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