Episode 18 -Elerian's POV

1790 Words

I sat on the bed looking at Blaze as he told me about his brother working for Marco and how he wouldn't turn me in to him. He would keep me safe, but maybe that was what the problem was. Maybe running away and others trying to protect me wasn't the best thing to do anymore. Realization was hitting me like the icy cold wind in winter, I had to face Marco and my past head on to be truly free from my past. I had to face it. "Stop!" I said "What?" Blaze said "Stop talking" I said. "Elerian please..." Blaze said. "Enough you knew it was me the moment I stepped off that bus, didn't you?" I asked. He nodded. "Yes, I did, but Elerian, I never planned to turn you in to Marco or my brother.” “What did you plan on doing then?” I asked him. “I always wanted to meet you from the m

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