2. Quinn-1

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2 Quinn After I reassured Zoey that Ten wouldn’t start any fights without me, her lips loosened with a relieved smile. My stomach followed suit, loosening with its own relief. I had desperately wanted Cora’s friend to like me. Cora had told me about Zoey’s past, her strict, abusive father, her shielded homeschooled upbringing, her shy demeanor. I had felt like a kindred soul to her the moment I’d learned of her because I could too easily relate to a lot of words Cora had used to describe her. I’d actually been hoping I could maybe, possibly, I don’t know...finally talk to someone else who understood some of the things I’d been through. But then stupid, i***t Belcher had shown me that picture of my friend Noel’s girlfriend topless, and yeah...Zoey Blakeland’s first impression of me was shoving him against a wall. Awesome. She probably thought I was exactly like her father. She’d certainly shied away from me quickly enough when I’d merely walked toward her. Now I was going to have to work double-time to convince her that was the first time I’d ever shoved anyone anywhere. I was the least violent person I knew. I mean, I had been... until tonight. My hands were still shaking, surprised by how quickly I’d manhandled the baseball player. But Noel was one of the few friends I had. I couldn’t handle anyone disrespecting his girlfriend by showing off topless pictures of her. Realizing I was actually capable of such violence messed with my head, though. Made me worry what I might be truly capable of doing. “So, uh...” I didn’t know what to say to Cora’s new roommate. The first thing to pop into my mind was that she was early. We weren’t planning for her to make it into town until Sunday evening. But I thought mentioning that would make her feel as if I didn’t want her here, when the idea of Cora having her best friend on hand was actually nice. Unprepared for this, I scratched the back of my head. “Cora’s this way,” I said and started for a back hall I used a lot to avoid running into too many people, but then I wondered if I’d freak her out by taking her into a long, dark hallway alone. So I changed directions, except she’d already been following me to go the other way, and we collided into each other. “Sorry.” I grabbed her shoulders to keep her from toppling over. She might be tall for a girl, but she was still a dainty thing. I was like a big, bumbling buffoon next to her sleek, willowy frame. Feeling her all soft and pliable under my hands made her seem extra feminine and sweet, which in turn made me more aware of how male I was, which was...awkward. Really awkward. She smelled good, too. I caught myself leaning in to catch another whiff so I could figure out what the heck that scent was. I stopped cold when she looked up at me with big sea foam green eyes. And oh...wow. I totally didn’t mean to freeze, but I was thunderstruck, and I paused for way too long of a second. Great, now she was going to think I was coming on to her or something. She’d have Cora talked out of dating me within the hour. My hands jerked off her as if she’d scalded me. My ears burned with humiliation while I cleared my throat. “You okay?” When she nodded, I did too, motioning us back toward the crowded part of the frat house. “We, uh, we should probably take this way.” I was trying too hard. I always flubbed things up whenever I wanted to impress someone. My stress levels rose, I paid too much attention to every little thing I did and said, and I became so self-conscious my stutter usually returned. Refusing to say a word so I could at least keep that little embarrassment under control, I led Zoey into the next room where noise and the bustling activity of a college party assaulted us. She inched closer to me, which was nice, since it meant she wasn’t flat-out afraid of me, but I told myself she did it because the place was cramped; there was honestly nowhere else for her to go. When some drunkard stumbled backward into her, she gasped and grabbed my wrist, smashing her side into mine. I curled a protective arm around her and used my free hand to nudge the drunk away. She didn’t pull away from me, so I kept her flush against me and led her to my girlfriend. Cora was exactly where I’d last seen her, dancing to some hip-hop song with two guys who were laughing and talking with her above the music between all the Jell-O shots they were downing. Eyes closed, she lifted her hands above her head, swished her hair around her face and rotated her hips in a way that reminded me of the first night we’d met. The night I’d lost my virginity. “There,” I said, pointing her out. I freed Zoey so she could go to Cora. But she didn’t leave my side. Her mouth fell open as she gawked openly, moving her face forward as if she didn’t believe her own eyes. “Is...” Her mouth moved a few more times before she looked up at me. “Is she drunk?” I froze, not sure how to answer. But, oh, boy. Apparently, those two had a lot of catching up to do. Instead of saying anything, I left her and eased through the dancers to catch Cora’s elbow. When she turned and saw me, her face brightened, which always lit me up inside. I couldn’t explain how nice it was to be with someone who was always happy to see me. “Quinn!” she cheered, vaulting herself against me and looping her arms around my neck. “Are you finally going to dance with me?” When she lifted onto her toes to kiss me, I kissed her back. I liked it better when she was doing shots instead of sucking down beer. Tasted better. Plus the smell of beer haunted me with too many bad memories. As her tongue slid against mine, I decided tonight’s Jell-O of choice must’ve been cherry. Cora definitely knew how to make cherry my favorite flavor. “Your friend’s here,” I said, pulling away to call into her ear above the music and licking the last hint of cherry off my bottom lip. She frowned up at me, obviously confused. So I pointed out Zoey, who was still hovering in the same spot I’d left her, arms crossed over her chest as if she were cold...or scared out of her mind. “Oh my God. Zoey!” Deserting me, Cora lifted her arms over her head and shook them excitedly as she wove through people to reach her friend. Swooping in, she gave Zoey a huge hug, to which Zoey couldn’t really hug her back because Cora had pinned her arms to her sides. “I can’t believe you’re really here. This is so exciting. We’re going to have the best year ever.” When she pulled away, she grabbed Zoey’s hand. “Come on. Let’s dance.” Zoey’s eyes went huge and her head began to swish back and forth. I knew the last thing she wanted to do was dance. In fact, I knew she wanted to get out of this place. Bad. The way she kept glancing around with such apprehension reminded me of how I’d felt a year ago when Noel had invited me to my first party. He’d been the big star, the first string quarterback for the football team, and I’d been a lowly freshman nobody. An invitation from him hadn’t been something I could turn down. I had wanted to fit in and feel normal, so I’d sucked up all my anxieties and gone. I’d hated every minute of that loud, overbearing frat house. And I still hated parties, but my girl loved them, so I kept taking her to them, which made her happy and in turn, made me happy. But that didn’t mean I didn’t totally sympathize with Zoey. She wanted to leave, so I was going to help her escape. I caught Cora’s shoulder before she could tug Zoey too far away. “She’s probably too tired to dance. She had to have driven all day to get here.” Cora paused and glanced back at Zoey, who quickly bobbed her head up and down. “Do you mind if I just get my key and find the apartment?” “Of course not.” Cora was usually easy to convince of anything when she was drunk. She grinned at Zoey and looped their arms together. “I’ll go with you and help you settle in.” Though Zoey looked relieved by the suggestion, I scratched my ear with unease. “Uh...” I spoke up before I meant to. But I could already see where that offer was headed. Cora could never stay awake during a car ride after she’d been drinking. Besides, we had come here together in her car—hers because she hated having to climb up into my truck when she was wearing a short tight skirt like the one she had on now. Both women glanced at me, so I thought up something quick to say. “I can follow you guys in Cora’s car.” And after that, I’d probably help Zoey carry a passed-out Cora up to their apartment. Cora sent me a big, bright smile. “Sounds great. Let’s go.” I was silent as Cora took off, easily gliding through the crowds while she dragged Zoey along. From behind, they could’ve been sisters. Heck, twins. Their hair was the same pale blonde and roughly the same length. Well, Zoey’s was actually up in a ponytail, but it seemed as if it was probably about as long as Cora’s. They had the same build and even the same height, though Cora was in heels, which meant Zoey was probably a little taller, placing her around five ten. Chattering the whole time, Cora steered us through the maze of people before we reached the exit. I drew in a deep breath, glad to be free of that crammed place. Slipping my phone free of my pocket, I texted Ten. I’m out. Making sure the girls get home okay. Behave yourself. I should’ve known he’d have something obnoxious to reply. And he did: Girls? Plural? You are so the man. Give me every detail tomorrow. With a sigh, I declined to respond. He’d probably only come up with something cruder to say. So I pocketed the phone as we came to a brand new, silver Lexus. Zoey unlocked it with her key fob and made the lights flash in welcome. I slowed to a startled stop. For some reason, when Cora had talked about her best friend, I’d pictured Zoey Blakeland as a little more destitute...like I’d been. Everything else about her childhood has seemed so similar to mine; it had made sense for me to think she was just as poor as I’d been. But Cora had come from a well-to-do home, so it also made sense that her friend might too. It just surprised me to discover she drove something so nice. As Cora climbed into the passenger seat as if she’d already forgotten about me, Zoey paused and sent me a hesitant glance. I shifted a step back. “I, uh...Cora’s car is just around the corner. I guess I’ll see you guys there.” Zoey nodded but waited until I’d backed up a couple more paces before she slid into the driver’s seat. I watched, blowing out a long breath. Then I lingered until she’d started the engine and pulled away from the curb before I turned away. My gut roiled uneasily, certain I’d flubbed up my one and only chance to befriend Cora’s new roommate. As the taillights disappeared around the corner, I finally tracked down Cora’s Maserati, a little red convertible I felt like an ape driving because I could barely fit behind the wheel. She loved to drive fast, and could zip it around town well, but there was no way I could afford to get it fixed if I ever damaged it, so I never drove it as recklessly as she did. After safely stowing it in the gated parking garage connected to her high-rise apartment building, I pocketed the keys and glanced around for the silver Lexus. Zoey looked a little frantic when she waved me over. “Uh...” “She passed out on the way home?” I guessed. When I got a nod for my answer, I smiled. “No problem. I can carry her.” “Does she do that a lot?” Zoey bit the corner of her lip as she worriedly dogged my heels to the passenger side door. “Is she okay?” “She’s fine. She does this every time we go out.” I sent Zoey a smile to reassure her before I undid Cora’s seat belt and slid her out into my arms. I was used to the process by now. When her head fell limply on my shoulder, Zoey gaped wide-eyed.
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