Chapter Five:

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Author’s POV: Much of the early hours of the morning was engulfed in sorrowful anxiety as the folk of Dragon Land, along with all the royals and their guards searched every corner of their lush forest, their hidden caves and the waters of every lake. Where was their beloved princess and why did everyone have a feeling that something incredibly and seriously wrong had happened? It was as if a dark, thick and suffocating energy was buzzing in the air as reptilian eyes scanned over the moss floors and the sounds of swooping wings echoed from the skies above. “Tell me again what happened, Dean?” Queen Charlotte begs the young dragon as he sits on the floor in a crumpled mess. His eyes are bloodshot and his body is shaking with grief. “I-I don’t know!” He replies and the King roars in anger. Little could be done to calm the raging fire burning in his soul at this moment. His only child is lost and he can feel her sorrow as they speak. “We don’t have time for this, boy!” King Dominic growls and shakes the young dragon’s shoulders. Everyone watches as their King grows impatient, his dragon on the verge of breaking loose and causing havoc. The princess has been missing since midnight and the guards have started heading out into other Lands to find her. A shiver runs down his spine as he recalls the Dark Lands and the threats of its an infectious disease taking over so many. What if? King Dominic shakes his head, refusing to believe anything like this could happen to his daughter. “We aren’t mates!” Dean cries out again, his mind mulling over every minute leading up to him finding out that he and Amber aren’t fated. What a cruel reality they had to face, but why did she run? Dean felt hurt at her reaction. Did the Princess not want him if they were not fated? A lot of dragons take on chosen mates, so why should they be any different? “Hush, my boy. It will be alright.” Lacy tries to embrace her child, hating how devastated he is as he sobs on the lonely rock in the forest. She remembers running to him when they heard the Princess’s cries. His sorrowful face will haunt her for the rest of her life. Perhaps they were all too presumptuous in thinking the two were mates? A frown forms on Lacy’s face at how inseparable the two have always been. It is uncommon for people to share a bond when they are so young, so what could it be if they are not mates? “THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!” Dean jumps up, his words harsh and full of bitterness. His eyes look to the King, the Queen and his mother who are watching him with concern. The air dips as the King’s aura increases, but Dean is too furious with these irresponsible adults to even comprehend how he is speaking to his superiors. “IF YOU ALL JUST DIDN’T PUT SO MUCH PRESSURE ON US, THEN WE WOULDN’T HAVE BEEN SO SURE LEADING UP TO ALL THIS!” He shouts again, knowing that his words are meaningless. It’s nobody but his own heart's fault for allowing himself to believe they are mates before being certain. Still, he is hurt and angry and confused. King Dominic growls loudly, his whole body vibrating with dominance as the Land shakes under his demand. Everyone submits their necks to their king, even Dean, who can’t control the tears falling from his eyes. “My love…” Queen Charlotte tries to calm her King, but the young Dragon’s words have been the last straw for the already fuming father who is desperate to find his daughter. “Don’t you ever…” King Dominic begins, his eyes turning into dark slits as he moves closer to Dean. His sentence is interrupted by someone shouting from the distance. It is as if the Land becomes quiet for a second. “WE FOUND THE PRINCESS!” The voice shouts again, its low and panicked timbre shaking as it moves closer and closer towards the steps of the Palace. All eyes are on the small opening of the forest where the voice is coming from. The air moves slowly as everyone’s hearts drop. Only when the figure emerges and the lifeless-looking body of a pale and naked Princess can be seen draped across the arms of a guard, does the storm truly begin. Just like that, there is chaos and everyone screams in fear for their future heir. Amber’s POV: It feels like my body is floating in a dark pit. I have no idea where I am or even what I am currently doing. All I can feel is the intensity of tingles radiating throughout my body and screaming for me to open my eyes. I know it’s my mate. Every bone in my body can feel his large frame absorbing me in as he holds me close. Is this a dream? Is this some sort of false reality? Does he accept me again? If staying in this black void allows me to be close to him, then I will stay here and never return. Anything to be closer to him. I feel his tingles brushing across my face and for a moment, there is a breathy warmth against my forehead, his mango scent intensifying for only a moment, but then nothing. In place of his warmth, I feel my body shiver and where his tingles once were, I feel a hard and flat surface. I am in too much pain to even notice that the air has become warmer and denser. “SOMEONE!” I hear a female scream. My dragon stirs. What is going on? “STAY WITH US PRINCESS!” Another male shouts and I feel my body being lifted. Stay with them where? Once again, my body feels light and I feel my arms swaying from side to side. I try to focus on what is being said, but every fiber of my soul feels shattered. Even my eyes are too weak to open. My mate rejected me, even though I never got to hear the last of his words. My skin pricks with agony and even as I lay in this emptiness, all I feel is anguish. First Dean, now Kylo. Why do I have such a cruel fate? To make matters worse, I have been fated to the Lord of Darkness himself. The very person who lives in the place of rot. “WE FOUND THE PRINCESS!” The man screams again and I feel the air around me become chaotic. Almost as if the elements were hanging by a thread and have now snapped. My hair blows below me and I feel my head hang. Footsteps are frantically approaching me. “Amber! Amber, oh my sweet child! What happened to you?” I hear my mother cry from the distance. Her sobs are heartbreaking and there is nothing I can do. I feel my body being shifted into another’s arms before loud growl echoes across the whole land. I want to protest, as I know these large hands. I know this broad chest that is moving to hold me. I know this warmth. Dean. “Take your hands off my daughter!” It's my father’s voice now. No, not my father. It is the king. I can tell he is at the end of his tether. How long have I been gone? My lips cannot move as I feel my father's even larger frame move closer and tenderly pull me in. Unlike the other man who carried me, he places my head against his frame comfortably and his hands hold onto me with care. I am his daughter after all. “I have you now, Amber. You are home.” My father whispers, his voice cracking as I feel him moving with me. Where are we going? “SOMEONE FETCH THE DOCTOR, NOW!” Dean shouts from the distance and my heart bleeds at how panicked he sounds. Oh, Dean. My Dean. What will you say when I awaken and you come to know that I am fated to someone else? Will you still want me? My heart bleeds at the idea of his soul breaking. I had already said I would take Dean as a chosen mate, but this was before I met Kylo. This was before I met the tall, strong, dark and mysterious man to whom my soul cries for. Can I still love Dean after having met my fated? A strong jolt of misery and liquid sizzle goes through my limbs and I feel myself screaming at how it burns. I even grit my teeth to stop it from hurting. “What is wrong with her” My father begs and I feel my breathing increase. The pain only intensifies as he lays me on some sort of soft surface. “I-I d-don’t know my King.” An unfamiliar voice replies. I thrash at the plushness below me as my body vibrates uncomfortably. It feels like every bone in my body is twisting and my insides are in continuous spasm. “HELP HER, PLEASE!” My mother cries desperately. Her shouts only make it worse. I agree though. Someone, please help me! I feel something pinch against my skin and a cold feeling starts taking over my body in place of what was once pain. Then once again, I feel myself drifting back into the pit of nothingness. At least I may feel peace here. It feels like my eyes have been closed for years and as I start to become aware of my body, I feel an aching in my back, perhaps from being on this same surface for so long and my skin has a sheen on it, from the humid air. I can still not open my eyes, but my ears start to pound as the sounds of life happening around me begins to fill their corners. I can hear the sound of a regular beeping and my nostril inhales the clean, chemical smell of cleanliness. Am I perhaps in the Palace clinic? Even more evident, is the feeling of the warm hand that is holding mine. “Please wake up, Amber. Please…” The male voice cries and I want to frown. Wake up? I am trying, but my eyes don’t want to! “You have been asleep for over a week now and I can’t stand to see you in here anymore. Your father and my parents won’t let me see you! Your mom had to sneak me in. She feels bad for me, Amber. She knows how difficult this is, but what are we to do?” The voice says again and I feel my breathing increase. He sounds so desperate. He sounds lost. “I know we aren’t fated, but surely you know how much I am devoted to you? I want you, Amber. I want you and only you, forever. I understand that it hurt when we came to realize our cruel fate, but this doesn’t change anything for me! This doesn’t mean I don’t choose you. Choose me, Amber. Open your eyes, please!” He pleads and I feel my heart clenching. Dean. I try to move my hand, but it doesn’t comply with my mind. “I love you, baby. I am so sorry that I couldn’t find the strength to follow you. Only the mother of Dragon knows what happened to put you in this state.” Dean whispers again and his voice breaks. I feel his gentle fingers running across my forehead and I want to reach for him to tell him all is fine. Truly, he is everything that is warm and comforting and home for me, but the dark tingles across my cheek still sit proudly in my memory from when my mate touched me there. I feel the room become empty and then there is silence. I have been engulfed in silence for so long, the only thing keeping me company is the slow, sad and tormented beats of my heart. I can’t help but think back to seeing Kylo’s unearthly pale eyes, the way they darken as he looks at me, the tanned and creamy skin that dips and curves over his well-developed muscles. Even his tattoos are a sight to behold. I have never seen anyone more alluring, as the Lord of Darkness. A shudder runs over me and I feel myself smiling, but it is short-lived as the memory of his rejection sits heavily in my heart. “He doesn’t want me.” I whisper to myself and I feel my insides crying. “Please, please don’t reject me!” I plead to the image of my mate in my mind. His wicked smile and the way he laughed at my pain are like daggers that sink into me repeatedly. “PLEASE, JUST STOP!” I cry again and I feel myself becoming frantic. I hardly notice the sound of the door flying open as steps rush in. “Shhhh, shhhhhh, Amber…” A mother’s voice tries to soothe me, but my heartbreak is too far gone. My insides twist and I contort my body to brace for the piercing shivers of anguish. “Oh, my baby girl, I am so sorry for your pain. Let me help you. Open your eyes and let me in.” The voice says again and I feel her warmth surrounding me. “M-mommy…” I breathe and I hear her crying. “Yes, my sweetheart. I am here for you always. I am right here. Let it all out and let me help you.” She says again and I feel the flood gates open wide. I always thought I had enough fire in my soul to dry up all the water in my body, but this moment proves me wrong. It is as if my tears cannot stop and my cries become mixed with that of my mothers. She hasn’t let go of me once. “H-he r-rejected me, m-mommy.” I cry and her body stiffens. “Oh my angel, Dean told us you guys realized you aren’t fated. He hasn’t rejected you, though. He still wants to take you as a chosen one.” She whispers and I cry more. It all clicks into place. Nobody knows yet that I met my mate. “N-not Dean, m-mommy. Kylo.” I say and she stiffens again. I can still hear her sniffles, but my cries are making me feel utterly exhausted and her warm and comforting arms are making me become sleepy. “You met your mate, Amber? When? Where did this happen? What do you mean her rejected you?” She says again, a bit more panicky and I feel myself slipping further into darkness again. “M-my mate, K-kylo. He was so b-beautiful, b-but he didn’t w-want me.” I say again and hiccup. I am so, so tired. Why am I so tired? My soul aches again. “Amber, when did this happen? Who is Kylo?” She tries to ask, but I feel myself becoming limper. “H-he was in…” I begin, but my sentence becomes cut off by my sleeping state. All I can hear as I allow myself to succumb to my dreams is my mother asking me and shaking me for answers, but I don’t have the energy anymore. I don’t know how to be awake when everything was ripped away from me in one go.
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