
2131 Words
Eight Sabina is panting, kept on moaning as Kurt is driving her mound using only his two fingers "Ahhh" Kurt sipping her right boob as his one hand is busy cupping the left one. Nakapikit lang siya habang hindi alam ang gagawin, kung hihiyaw ba siya sa sarap o hindi. Habang ang lalaki ay sarap na sarap sa ginagawa, binibilisan nito ang paglalaro sa p********e ng dalaga. He groaned when he felt that Sabina is spurting some of her juice kaya naman dali dali siyang pumababa at nilantakan ang p********e nito. Sipping, lapping and sipping again and again. Sabina's body arched as she let her juice came out and Kurt is groaning while sipping it. Sabina moan. Moan again and again. Sarap na sarap siya sa ginagawa ng lalaki. Pagmulat niya ng mga mata, napatingin siya sa paligid "s**t. That was a bad dream" She wiped her mouth and she pressed her lips together when she felt something wet down there. "It was just dream, right?" she asked herself as if she could know the answer. Paano iyon namasa? Iyon ang katanungan na gusto niyang malaman ang kasagutan. Tumikhim siya at napalingon lingon, mabuti na lang at walang ibang tao sa opisina. Kundi, napagkamalan pa siyang manyakis na wala sa oras! But how the f**k she dreamed about that? And it's new to her. She used to dream about blood and guns that giving her bad shapes for almost three years now. She eyed her ring and sighed "You've been in ages now and couldn't find the way to use you" Pinaikot ikot niya iyon gamit ang hinlalaki habang mataman na pinagmamasdan iyon. Her ring was her companion since she bought it. It is really like her bad dreams catcher already. Every time she dreamt about guns and blood, she will just play it like she's doing right now and it's somewhat miracle that she can easily calm her self. Sabina took her phone and purse and stood up from her chair. But before she could pass the door, she saw the Comfort room and decided to go and freshen up not only her fave but it's also down there. She felt like gross though she always wear panty liners but this is not the same as normal days. Parang ang daming lumabas mula sa pagkaka babae niya sa pakiramdam niya e. She took one panty liner from her purse and changed the one from her underwear. After that, she wash her womanhood and took some tissues and wipe it thoroughly. After she felt fresh, she fix her clothes and went out from there. Diretso siya sa café sa di kalayuan sa opisina nila. She already became regular costumer here for years now since she started working in her Precinct. But sometimes she couldn't remember the names of the girls in there. Sa dami ba naman nila e. Kung hindi siya nagkakamali, mga apat or lima ang laging nandoon. Though she couldn't tell who's really the owner, the boss or the waitresses. All in all, they were good. Sabina could tell to her self that she's contented from her work now. But of course, there's no such things as contentment. She knew that. Human beings wants more. When she entered the café, she saw some familiar faces. And one of them is Bautista's wife, Mikaela. She already knew her as Athena and Shaina introduced her to the woman. Mikaela came to her, smiling. "Hi" She smiles back "Hello. Can I have cold americano please" "sure" Napamata siya sa isang nakatitig sa kanya. She slightly frown and she decided —yes, decided — to think their names, naalala niya, sinabi na pala lahat nila Athena at Shaina kung sino-sino ang mga ito. They have different features, but they are carrying themselves gracefully and gorgeous. Hmm. She's Cathy, maybe? Napatango-tango pa siya sa laman ng isipan. That's when Mikaela came back with her cup of coffee. "Thanks" she said smiling. Mikaela sat down in front of her. Glaring at her like the woman reading her mind! What the f**k? "What?" "You're in trouble.. Right?" "Huh?" How can she read me? Am I that transparent? "Girl. I've been there.. I know you're in trouble. But then—she smiled —keep fighting! Okay?" anito saka tumayo at naglakad papuntang counter. Nakakunot noong naiwan si Sabina. What is she talking about?? Matamang pinagmamasdan ni Sabina si Kurt. He came here at her work place when he heard that the driver who caused the accident turned himself in. That's according to Jonas kasi hindi naman niya makausap ang lalaki dahil pinagbawalan siya ni Jonas. Kung bait, iyon ay hindi niya alam. She saw his face darkened. He clenched his jaws as well as his both fist. Sabina watching him from her chair because that's the only way she can do. Ayaw naman niyang lapitan ito, she can tell he's not in his good shape. Baka mapag salitaan na naman siya ng masakit. The last moment they shared was sweet and unforgettable. She doesn't want to ruin those just because of one mistake. No is no. Maghihintay na lang siya ng magandang pagkakataon para makausap ito ng sarilinan. And she doesn't have the title to act like she's the worried girlfriend. She is not the girlfriend. Yes, they've shared kisses. He hugged her, caressed her body while kissing her but they didn't talk about what they are. What label they have. He didn't even said that he likes her. Meanwhile, Kurt is hardly breathing. He can see people surrounding him but it's like they're just floating on the air as his body is stiffened by his thoughts. Napapikit siya at humawak sa ulo gamit ang dalawang kamay, ipinilig niya ang ulo saka huminga ng malalim. Jonas patted his shoulder "Okay ka lang?" "No. Take me away from here. I feel like killing" anas niya. Inakay siya ni Jonas palabas ng presinto at dinala sa sasakyan. Binuksan ng lalaki ang pinto ng passengers seat at pinaupo doon ang kaibigan. Kurt lean his head on the headrest of the chair and put his one arm to his forehead. "No.. Nonono.. Nooo please! Please no!" Kurt is begging on his knees. Pleading for his girlfriend's life. Wala nang mas sasakit pa sa ganitong sa harapan mo mismo mamamatay ang taong pinaka mamahal mo. And to think that she asked for his help but he couldn't move because there's gun pinpointed to his head doubles the pain in his heart. He came here in this place kasi nakatanggap siya ng tawag mula sa kasintahan kanina na nagsasabing magpapakamatay ito kung hindi siya pupunta. Gusto kasi nitong magtanan na sila. But they were just both 23 years old that time. And Kurt doesn't know how to form a family with that age. He loves her, so much that he was already willing to give up everything and just marry her. But then he was confused when her attitude was changing all of a sudden. The last thing he saw was, her hand waving on the car door. Full of blood and nothing he could do to save her. As the car explode, Kurt lose consciousness. Pagmulat niya ng mata, nasa sasakyan pa din siya. Tumingin siya sa labas ng salamin at nakita niyang maliwanag pa. Therfore, he dreamed of that moment again. He blows a deep breath. Jonas entered the car and gave him a bottle of water "Same old habits, five minutes nap" anito. Kurt opened the bottle water and drink it, nang mainom nitong lahat ang laman niyon, pinitpit niya iyon gamit ng isang kamay. Wala siyang magagawa. That dream always hunting him. "Same dream huh?" Kurt nodded. Hindi na lingid iyon sa mga kaibigan niya. Jonas, Goldwyn, Thadeius and Roderick. The rest doesn't know about what happened to his past. Even his own family doesn't know about it. His twin brother Brandon, doesn't either. "Why not try to ask help from psychologist? I know some—" "—I'm fine. I can still hold it" "It's been nine years dude. How much longer you can endure the pain every time you dream about it?" "Nah. I'm okay" that's all he can do. Enduring the pain just because he didn't have the strength to help and save her. "She's still in your heart that you couldn't have a serious relationship?" Jonas clicked his tongue "I mean, you're now thirty two. May mga anak ka na sana kung nag asawa ka nung mga Twenty nine or mas maaga" he added. Kurt deep sighed "Don't know" "Sabina?" Kurt tilted his head to Jonas "What about her?" "Are you—" "I just go with the flow. There's nothing to rush about" Sa totoo lang, he's been inspecting his feelings for her this days, he's fond of her. He's smiling again because of her. He's not offended every tome she speaks bluntly. He's heart fluttered every single time she's near. He is now capable of laughing. He can talk to her, he can communicate with her kahit pa minsan puro away lang. He can kiss her while closing his eyes that he couldn't do every time he have partner in bed. He can already control his temper with her and for her. But he does not know if this is love. Maybe he needs more time. He has feelings alright. But he doesn't know what exactly that is.. "Hindi kaya masyado ka namang mabagal? Baka mamaya magugulat ka na lang, she's taken na pala" "Nananakot ka ba?" Jonas chuckled "Hindi a. Ikaw din" "Nagsalita ang mabilis. Di sana hindi ka nabasted ng pangatlong beses na" Jonas tsskd "O di huwag mo akong gayahin" Kurt clicked his tongue. "Kaya nga I'm not into rushing because I don't want to see myself living a life like you" "f**k you" Kurt laughed. "Thank you" When Kurt decided to go back to the station, he saw Sabina sitting. Naka knunot noo ito habang may nilalaro sa sariling daliri. Kurt frown when he saw the ring she's playing with. Napa buga siya ng marahas. She's... Engaged?! Nagmamadali siyang lumabas at padaskol na pumasok sa loob ng kotse, si Jonas na halatang naka tulog ay gulat na gulat at ang isang kamay ay naka hawak na ng baril. "Oh f**k! What were you thinking?!" he snapped Kurt panting then frowned "Sabina..." he swallowed his own saliva first then deepening his breath "She's engaged?!" he is hysterical. Jonas chuckled then seconds later, he's now holding his stomach while laughing the s**t out of him "Pisti ka. Paanong naging engaged yon?! Ni hindi nga magka boyfriend e, fiancee pa kaya? Gago ka ba?!" I'm sure I saw the ring. f**k it! He frowned at Jonas who is now grinning "Are you sure?" Jonas nodded "Yeah. Tho I don't know if she's still the same Sabina I used to know but what I know is that she's never been in serious relationship before —" "—what do you mean not in serious relationship?" Jonas tssk "Man, you know the thing called fling, right? Gano'n na gano'n" anito. Kurt fell in silence. He doesn't know but somehow he felt relieved. Her being not in serious relationship means he still have the chance. But for her having the thing called fling made him angry. But of course, alam niyang wala pa siyang karapatan. Ni hindi nga niya alam ano talaga ang sitwasyon ng puso niya para sa babae e. The two went home after Jonas got an emergency call. Days passed. Sabina couldn't concentrate on her job because she always wanted to cut her curiosity about Gazmen. But for the last three days, hindi na naman nagpakita ang lalaki sa kanya. Gaya ngayon, nasa kalagitnaan siya ng pagkakape dahil maaga siyang nagising sa klase ng panaginip niya. The dream that always waking her up. "Is he playing hide and seek with me?" marahan siyang bumuga ng hangin. She’s playing her ring while sipping her coffee when Shaina called. "Yeah?" "favorite café. Now na!" Nagmamadali siyang tumayo, she's wearing shorts and sando without bra but she just took her long coat, took the car key besides her coffee and ran towards her apartment's door. She drove to the café like there's no tomorrow. When Shaina spoke that way, asahan nang may kakaibang nangyayari, at siya na 'marites' kailangan niyang magmadaling pumunta! Nang makarating doon, madalian din siyang bumaba, mabuti na lang at pwede pang mag park sa tapat ng café. She’s entering when she saw a special figure that caught her attention. There he is, the man she's longing to see for the past three days already and here she is, slowly dropping her jaws as her heart started pounding... God... why do I find him attractive when he scratch his nape??
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