Episode9-Way to Rayvin Academy

937 Words
LEAVING FOR RAYVIN HIGH "Damnit!" Looking at his clock, Mael realizes that they are going to be late for their new school and that is not a good first impression. Recitation all night, hugging and getting an endless sermon from their mother made them wake up so late. They barely slept. Even when they had the time during the day, they had to run errands just to make sure that their parents will not stress about anything. It was a challenging task but a good one. Hopefully, they will not get punished and whosoever would be there to receive them will be in a good mood or unavailable which would even be better. Harry and Mael rush out to the car with their already packed luggage, screaming excitedly and nervously at Mrs. Vindisia, "mom, hurry. We are so late." She had offered to drop them off at the train station. Getting there, she drops them off and bids them goodbye. Sadly she has to leave. But, before she left, "Harry. Mael. Remember all the recitation and things that your father and I thought you both. Mael, you are special and not a weirdo. Do not let anybody make you feel less. I love both of you so much. Watch each other backs and do not forget what I told you, Harry, about your brother." "Mom you make it sound like we are traveling out of this universe. We get to FaceTime whenever we miss you guys so much. And, why does it have to be Mael that gets all the attention and I am ignored? Am so jealous right now." Harry scoffs. Ruffling his hair, "hey! My sweet cupcake you are worth as much as Mael. Please. But, he's the better son who stays out of trouble, helps me out and maintains good grades. Do those and included good grades, maybe, just maybe you will get the same appreciation as him." "Haha. Very funny, mom. Well, I don't feel bad since I am the handsome one." "You both don't know how proud you have made me. I love you both so much." Releasing them from her embrace, " you must go before the train leaves." Frowning, "Why are we using this weird train. It's spooky. Everyone seems to be heading to the same destination. And I've never seen this train station before. It is in an unusual area. And there are no other passengers except those seeming heading our destination." Mael's curiosity got the best of him. "My lovely boy, all the answers you seek, you shall find at your new place. The school holds the key. Remember," Amara says, hugging and kissing them goodbye. Boarding the train, Mael and Harry, waves goodbye to their mother and sits down. Both of them gets intrigued in their video game conversation. Both of them had one thing in common and would never give it up, video games. "I am going to miss mom and dad," Mael says out of the blue. "Me too," Harry agrees. Both of them gets continues with their conversation. Suddenly, someone steps on Mael's foot and falls with her things clattering to the ground. Mael locks his gaze with hers, looking into the prettiest set of eyes. They are light brown with a hint of gold that flashes through them. Shimmering like gold when put under the sun. Her hair is black, long and well-trimmed and it falls to her back. She has flawless glittering olive skin, smooth and hairless all through. Mael's eyes travel further, scanning and examining the beauty. She dresses in a white button-down over a black sweater, black pants and nude overcoat. She looks stunning and neatly dressed. Not to forget smells nice too. Mael's jaw drops open. I bet a lucky fly would have gained access to it. Loss for words and shock, his mind travels to another Universe. "Are you okay? Did I hurt you?" The beautiful girl asks, gathering her things. Mael freezes in place. Not replying and staring deeply into her eyes, watching the words flowing from her perfect lips. Finally, he pulls himself together when Harry shakes him. "Let me help you." Mael blurted out. Bending, he helps her gather her things that have scattered around where he and Harry are sitting. Mael and the mysterious girl fumbles and reaches for a notepad at the same time. To relieve the awkwardness, "Rayvin Academy, huh?" Mael tries to make a conversation. "Is it that obvious?" She asks, smiling. "Yeah, it is," Harry grins. "Everyone here seems to be heading to the Academy. I've not seen anything different." "I am Harry, the handsome one and that is my brother, Mael." Harry intrudes, stretching out his hand for a handshake. He was never comfortable with being ignored so he would always find a way to bring attention to himself. Getting the last part of her things, "Nice to meet you, Harry," she shakes his hand and "so nice to meet you, Mael," she equally shakes Mael's but it took longer than Harry's did. "Thank you for helping and saving me from an endless embarrassment," she flashes a smile at Harry and Mael. "Anytime," Mael mumbles. "Is the seat next to yours taken?" "No. Not at all. It is very much empty," Harry responds. "Sorry. But, I am talking to Mael." "Me?" Mael asks astonish and speechless. "Yes, you." Getting her things to the spare seat, "can I sit?" "Yes, of course. You can." Mael and Harry echoed. Both struggles to clear the seat. "My name is Melody." "Hi, Melody." Mael and Harry her a weak wave before settling down.
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