Chapter 7 - Lola

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I always find it so weird staying in Esme’s room, but love visiting my cousin. She is so lucky to be able to come to university. Not many she-wolves from our pack are allowed to leave the pack unless it is because of going to be with their mates, and even then that rarely happens, so for Esme to be allowed to go to university was pretty rare. Our pack was The Crimson Night Pack and was down near the southern border, quite the distance away from the university Esme was studying at. I do wonder if that was part of the reason she chose this university, because of it being the furthest one away possible she got accepted to. This was her fifth year there and she loved it. She was doing amazingly, and had really had to fight our Alpha to allow her to come and study, so she was truly making the most of her place here and doing so well. I was so proud to be able to call her my cousin. My Uncle, had helped argue the fight for her, to help her get permission to go and study so she would be able to go and study, and in the end the Alpha backed down. Our pack is not like many others. It is very old-fashioned. Women do not have many rights. We are simply seen as being for running the home and for having children. We are second-rate citizens in the pack to the males. We have little to no right really within our pack, and while we are allowed to complete our education in the pack, there is little to no point, as the majority of the women in the pack do nothing other than become mothers and housewives. I love the occasional freedom of being allowed to come and visit my cousin, though my parents do say I have to do it secretly, as my Alpha would not agree with it. But Esme and I have been close since I was small. So I missed her terribly when she went away for her medical degree, so my parents allowed me to visit her once every few months for a weekend. It did Esme good too, as she missed me too, I think, not that she would ever admit it, she was too much of a hard ass for that. “Hey Lola, come on dammit, are we going out or not?” Esme asked, brushing my wavy red hair off my shoulders. I rolled my eyes at her. “Anyone would think you wanted to go get drunk Chica” I grin. She smiles at me. Dressed in a skinny pair of black jeans, and white crop top, with black stilettos, her tight dark curls loose to her shoulders, and dark make-up. She is beautiful, but quirky in her style with her piercings in her nose and ears, but I love that about her. Esme has never been bothered about what others think of her and has always been who she wants to be, and that is what has got her to university when most of the women in our pack have just done as they were told and stayed in the pack, running the packhouse, doing menial tasks, looking after the children and waited for their mate. I guess I am one of those who does as I am told. But that is just me. Esme has leant me some of her clothes tonight. I always feel like someone different when I come to visit her, when I am away from the pack. She rubs off on me, makes me feel more confident. We would often joke after too many drinks about running away from the pack, making a fresh start for ourselves, but that would not be allowed. Our pack is not that way, we can’t get permission to leave without a mate. And even then, they prefer the mates to be in our pack. Tonight Esme has dressed me in a short deep green dress, with thin straps and a scoop neck, the colour complimenting the olive tones of my skin, and black-wedged heeled shoes. My shoulder length, newly dyed, wavy red hair, is loose the way I prefer it. And my make-up is as dark and sultry as Esme’s tonight, which is weird for me as I usually am not one for much make-up, but we’re off out drinking and to have fun, so I have let her style me and that is what she has done. Two she-wolves on the town, Esme, has said university has been hectic this week, with a big assignment due, so she needs to let her hair down, so we are headed to a local bar, she says she goes to frequently, one that is used fairly often by both humans and werewolves alike so hopefully there will be no trouble. I think Esme likes being out in the human world doing her training to be honest, and I think given a chance, she would be there all the time. Though I know part of the arrangement for her coming here to university for her medical degree would be to return to the pack after and become a Dr in pack, so she has to fulfil that promise. I know she will dread finishing the course in two years time. After near 7 years of freedom, returning to the confinements of the pack and the rules and restrictions there will be difficult for her. We head into Black Star Club and make our way straight for the bar. We need a drink……..
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