Chapter 59 - Manuel

1935 Words

I step in front of Lola again, hating hearing him talk to her like that. How he can blame this situation on her is ridiculous. This is all their doing for running a pack so inappropriately. “Do not talk to her like that, Alpha” I hear a voice from the doorway and look up to see a man. “Papi!” Lola says from my side. Ah, I assume this is her Dad then. No chance to feel nervous in meeting her parents I guess! She rushes over to hug the man as he walks into the lounge. He is tall, and has the same caramel skin as Lola, but jet black hair. A muscular build of a typical former warrior, much like my Dad and Uncle. He wrapped his arms around his daughter like he hadn’t seen her in years. “Oh Lola, I thought he was going to have hurt you” he says. “There is still plenty of time for that.

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