Chapter 9 - Lola

641 Words
I can’t get over just how busy it is in here tonight. The queue at the bar is crazy as ever, I could be waiting forever, and that is just waiting to get served. And if one more person knocks into me, I swear I will karate chop someone in the head! I had already been elbowed in the ribs by some muscly guy pushing his way to the bar, and some other dude stood on my foot, though I should be grateful I haven’t got dainty shoes on tonight or it would have likely hurt a lot more. Esme told me to make a note of what he looked like and if I saw him again to accidentally on purpose stomp on his toe, I don’t think I would dare, but she made me laugh all the same. She probably would do that, she has that fieriness in her. And I bet if she did it with the heel of her stiletto it would hurt like a bastard too! “Lola, Chica, I just got to take this call, it’s about shifts next week, you stay in line, we got to be served soon. I will be back as soon as I can” Esme says to me, an apologetic smile on her face. Great, so now I was going to be abandoned in the bar on my own. I am no good at standing up for myself, so if people try pushing in I am not likely to be good at defending myself. I need to try to think like Esme. Think fiery…. Think fiery…. Mmmmm…. I notice a tall, dark-haired guy walk toward the bar, he has the most gorgeous eyes I think I have ever seen, chocolatey brown…. He is decorated with lots of tattoos and while that doesn’t normally appeal to me, on him it makes him look sexy……..he walks straight up to the edge of the bar, with an air of authority to him. People seemed to move for him. Wow…. He must be important, or the staff must know him…. As I am slowly edging closer to the bar, I can suddenly hear some guys arguing nearby. They sounded pissed off. I can’t help but look over. They were two big muscly guys, covered in tattoos, one with a beard. I am not even sure what they are arguing over. But from where I am I can see the argument is getting heated. Why aren’t the staff getting security? The men are shoving one another, now face to face. s**t they look real angry. Suddenly one of them reaches for something off the bar… I wonder if he is going to glass him?..... no, he has grabbed a pitcher of cocktail and launched it at him…. I feel a spray of liquid come all over me, I was clearly stood too close........ the pitcher of cocktail he had poured toward his adversary, missed and is now mainly dripping down my front. The dress I am wearing now dripping. f*****g marvellous! Where is Esme when I need her? I am stood in shock for a moment. Dosed in cocktail..... “Oh sorry love” The guy says before walking away. Sorry?! I am now dripping what smells like a strawberry based cocktail from parts of my body I should not be! What a d**k! I look around hoping Esme is nearby, coming back in from her phone call, but I see no sign of her. For a moment, my eyes make contact with the handsome dark-haired guy from earlier. He looks in shock, yeah I can imagine I do look in a bit of a state right now, a she-wolf drenched in cocktail from some drunken dickhead with a bad aim. What a great start to our night out! I need to find the toilets…..
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