18, Wiped her sobs away

1062 Words
Lerisa arrived at her father's house earlier, parked her small red car, and went inside to her bedroom. She remembered the moment she had seen Anthony walking into the event hall with Clara, holding hands as they approached the stage. Lerisa wiped away her tears, knowing that Anthony couldn’t love her again. She felt embarrassed when Ben asked her why her expression changed upon seeing Clara and Anthony arrive together as the couple of the night. Lerisa thought to herself, "I wasn’t expecting my emotions to betray my feelings. What if Ben goes and tells Anthony that I'm in love with him and jealous of seeing him with Clara? Hmm," she sighed. She knew there was a chance Ben might reveal her feelings to Anthony before she had the chance to. But she reassured herself, "Anthony wouldn’t believe Ben. I can’t tell Anthony yet that I love him; I’m not confident enough to do that." Taking a deep breath, Lerisa decided to take a bath. She stripped off the green gown she had worn to the event just as she was about to step into the shower. Her mobile phone rang, and she picked it up to hear her sister's voice. "Hello, Lerisa, where are you?" Martha asked inquisitively. Lerisa sighed again and replied, "I’m at home." "What?? Why didn’t you wait until the birthday celebration was over to give Anthony his gifts? When did you leave?" "Martha, it doesn’t matter who presents the gifts to him. Besides, Mom and Dad are there, and anyone can give them to him. I couldn’t drive back; I had a headache, so I decided to come home to rest, and I didn’t have time to tell you first. I’m sorry," Lerisa apologized, leaving Martha momentarily speechless. Finally, Martha responded, "Well, it’s okay. I’ve already given the gift to Anthony. I was just calling to check if you’re still around. Mom was wondering if you went home with the guy you were dancing with earlier?" "No! Martha, how could Mom think that?" Lerisa asked in surprise. Instead of getting annoyed, she laughed, which made Martha relax, knowing Lerisa was alright. Martha then said, "Okay, Mom, Dad, and I are coming home now. Mom asked me to call you to see where you are. Goodbye, sister." "Okay." Martha ended the call and turned to face her parents, who were waiting to hear her response along with Anthony's parents. Martha told them, "Mom, Lerisa has gone home. She said she had a headache, which is why she left early." "Are you sure she’s alright? That’s fine; we’ll go home to see her now. Goodbye, Mr. and Mrs. Gregson," Mrs. Antonia waved goodbye to Anthony's parents, who stood at the mansion's entrance watching them. She got into the car with Martha, and her husband started the engine to drive them home. Mr. and Mrs. Gregson sighed and finally went into the building to rest for the night as their security guard shut the gate. +++ Anthony had also retired to his bedroom on time to rest after taking the last gift Martha had given him. He placed it in his bedside drawer, still heartbroken about hearing that Clara had slept with Remy. Standing beside the drawer, Anthony loosened his white shirt in preparation for a bath. He searched his trouser pocket and found the diamond ring he intended to give Clara. This was his fourth relationship, and once again, he had been cheated on. Anthony felt like throwing the ring away but decided against it, placing it back in the drawer. Discarding it didn’t seem wise, especially after spending so much money on it. He thought he would keep it until he found the right woman, as he loved the diamond design. Anthony stripped off his clothes and entered the bathroom to bathe. A few hours later, after spending a long time soaking in his white bathtub filled with lukewarm water, he stepped out, wrapped himself in a towel, and walked to his bedroom to get dressed. After putting on his clothes, he noticed it was already late—past 11 PM. He donned his white robe and walked to the window to close the curtains. Lying on his bed, he found sleep elusive. Anthony was still heartbroken and hungry. He stood up and went downstairs to find something to eat to ease his mind. This wasn’t his first heartbreak, but he had spent so much on Clara, believing she was the right woman for him. He settled into a dining chair and called for Sandra, who was still tidying up in the kitchen. Sandra, a 26-year-old young lady, had a crush on Anthony but knew the boundaries. Besides, Anthony didn’t see her that way. "Serve me something to eat, Sandra. I’m still hungry," Anthony said casually. Sandra quickly left for the kitchen and returned with a plate of fried rice and meat, setting it on the dining table in front of him. As she left for the kitchen again, Anthony resumed eating. While finishing his meal, his mother walked out of her room and saw him at the dining table. Being her only son, she felt the need to check on him and see if he was okay. Hearing footsteps coming down the stairs, Anthony turned to see his mother approaching. He finished the fried meat, and his mother, wearing a long white nightgown and a matching jacket, asked him, "Anthony, how are you feeling now? I was worried, so I came to check on you." "I’m fine, Mom. Heartbreak isn't the end of the world," Anthony replied, grabbing a napkin to wipe the grease from his lips. His mother sighed, "Hmm... I know you're a man, and men often don’t cry easily." "I am heartbroken, Mom. I loved Clara very much. I gave her everything and supported her through school. Yet, she still cheated on me with Remy," Anthony said sadly, shaking his head. His mother smiled faintly as she sat beside him. She pulled out a chair and said, "Maybe Clara isn’t the right woman for you. I know you love her and want to marry her, but it’s possible she isn’t who God intends for you." "Then how do I know who God wants me to marry, Mom? I’m getting tired of all these relationships. Were you like this when you were younger?" Anthony inqured.
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