The Second Session-2-2

2039 Words

Valerie: I want you to pretend just for a moment that your fantasy came true. Do you think that she would have lived up to your fantasy? Karen: Well there’s a loaded question. To be honest I have to admit that given enough time the gloss might have rubbed off but what I did come to realise afterwards was that I was attracted to women and for quite different reasons than my attraction for men. Valerie: So she was a watershed for you? Karen: Definitely, and not just because I admitted to myself I had a crush on her but the fact that I’d lost so much weight and gained so much self confidence, I felt like a new woman. Valerie: Do you still see her? Karen: No, she moved to the Gold Coast and when she accepted my friend request on f*******: I found out she’d moved to Scotland and was now di

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