New Friendship

514 Words
John cannot believe his eyes as he zooms at the sky through his bow to see an aircraft carried by a flaming woman.Darr and Gawwd look as John confused until they too see the sight shortly. They see Norva with her flame carrying the island with Paula,Baruto and Paul and the commandos inside it. "Looks like they met with our new friend "Says Gawwd as she slowly brings the aircraft to land. "Tell me how do you like our new friend Commander"Says Darr to Paula as comes out of the aircraft. "Yes Norva already told everything.And we are lucky to find her here"Says Paula. As Norvas flame vanishes.Paul sees her.He can't get his eyes off her.Green hair,black beauty with black eyes and tall as he himself. "Thank you Norva.If you weren't here we would have died.We are in your debts"Says Paula. "No mention.I am happy that I have got company.But this May be a waste but there are small insects lurking in the night .We might need a big tent."Says Norva. "Well we have an island of an aircraft.You can stay in with us"Says Paula. "Well tell me about your powers.We might need it if we are to survive here" Says Norva as all of them enter the aircraft. "Well you haven't crossed the boundary yet"Says Norva as She talks with John. "If She  leaves her role without providing a guardian in stead of her .Then the Master may disintegrate her as he did with Trapp my love.And he might exile you too"adds Norva. "I told him not to f**k her"says Darr. "Hey you were drunk.You didn't even know the bathroom if i recall."Says John. "It's not John's fault.He loves her and she loves her too.We just need to regroup and find our way out of this"Says Paula. "You need to get out of here first.The Master doesn't kill a protector but you should worry about your guardian."Says Norva. "So he'll disintegrate his own daughter.He loves her ,doesnt he"asks Gawwd. "Don't worry.Prieta isn't stupid.I know her.She'll do everything that is good for us"Says John. "You love her with your life don't you.I can see that."Says Norva. "Last time I remember myself in your place .And that led me here.The things we do for love."Says Norva. "So is there no way to bring him ....I mean trapp back"asks John. "No he's been disintegrated.Only eternity himself can bring him back.I wanted to die but an exiled cannot die and my powers do not let me die"Says Norva. "Well you can be with us.We need you .I have never seen such a powerful individual beside charlie who didn't need a weapon."Says Paul. "I...I. don't know.I am bound here"She replies. "We'll be here a long time.We can find a way always" Says Paul. "I can help you in fuel.We can extract oil from the waste.But that may take time"Says Norva. "Tell me Norva.Can a guardian find us ."asks John. "Yes they can.If they want to.They can telepath in a non protector."Says Norva. "I hope that's true then"Says John as he looks at the black sky of the waste.
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