A new day

750 Words

The protectors are seen raiding skrull immigrants from Taqarth.500 skrull soldiers attack the protectors. John fires arrows killing atleast 60 of them. The other skrull soldiers attack Baruto and Gawwd. The commandos surround the other skrulls who are at-least 1000 and start firing bullets towards them. Darr flies the black warriors towards the skrulls who had surrendered . Atleast 20 refugee skrulls are saved as Paul helps the refugees into the Black Warrior. "It's crowded here.We need to take the others in the island" says Darr. "We can't the commandos have the island. They are surrounded by at-least 1000 skrull soldiers." says Paul. A big beam of lightning is seen as it cuts at-least half a hundred skrull soldiers. Everyone looks at the source of the lightning. It is a warrior with

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