Memorial Dinner

2168 Words
Malcolm Beta Roman leads me up to the alpha floor of the packhouse. I enter a living room, and Pascal Lavigne is sitting on one of the large plush couches cradling Bastien. The baby coos in his grandfather’s arms. He looks up at me. “Prince Fury,” He greets me in his thick French accent. “I am honored that you came back to help us settle the pack after the deaths of my dear son and his beautiful Luna.” Tears glisten in the old alpha’s eyes. “My dear Ariella is beside herself with grief. I sent her to our room to rest.” I sit close to him on the couch, glance at Bastien, and smile. “Armand was a good friend, and I was quite fond of Blanche. Neither of them deserved what happened. I will do everything I can to help, Alpha.” An omega steps toward Pascal, and he lets her take the baby. She speaks to him in French, and he nods before looking at me. The omega carries Bastien out of the room. “I called other alphas here to discuss the problem with the Chameleon Killer.” “Would you like me to call my father?” I ask. He shrugs, “If you want. We would be honored to have King Cassius here to provide support, but unfortunately, he has no authority here in Europe.” “I understand. From what I know, European wolves aren’t the only ones she has assassinated,” I respond. “I am aware,” Pascal nods, picks up a fancy white pipe from the end table, and strikes a match. The smell of pipe tobacco fills the air. “I apologize for the pipe, but I need to calm my old nerves,” I say nothing as he takes a couple of puffs. “We have been in contact with leaders from the other nations, and she has hit Asia and Africa as well. And it seems werewolves aren’t her only targets. Even high-ranking vampires have been targeted. I gulp as I wonder about my twin sister Daisy. She is the Queen of the vampires, and I would hate to think about her or her husband being targets. “I should call my brother-in-law about the vampire issue.” Pascal pauses, “Right.” He lets out a small dry laugh. “I can’t imagine having vampires as kin.” “They really aren’t that bad,” I chuckle. “The others shall be here early tomorrow. You are free to do as you please, your highness,” He takes a few more puffs of his pipe. “I am going to go check on my mate.” He stands up and walks out of the room.” I sigh heavily and head down to the guest room. My phone is ringing when I walk in and see that my father is calling. “Hello, Dad.” “Malcolm,” Dad responds. “How are things there in France?” “Oh, peachy,” I sit on the bed. “I assume you heard about Alpha Lavigne.” “I did.” “His mate, Blanche, just died shortly after giving birth as well,” I tell him with an air of sadness. “The baby is fine, though. Armand’s parents are here caring for him.” “It’s a tragic loss, son. I am proud of how you are handling it,” Dad sighs. “I have just gotten a call from one of the werecat leaders, and one of theirs was assassinated,” He informs me. “Malcolm,” He pauses. “Yes, Dad, I suspect Sofia is the one involved,” I grumble “You only suspect her?” He huffs. “Well, I have no solid proof, Dad. I only have intuition,” I leave out the conversations I have had with Sofia. My heart is heavy thinking my mate is responsible for so much needless death. I also hate accusing her without proof. “I understand,” He replies. “Other alphas will be here tomorrow to discuss the situation,” I tell him. “I wish I could be there, son, but I have issues here,” He snorts. “What is going on there?” I ask with concern. “Nothing major. Just things that need my attention,” He responds. “You do your best to represent our family in my stead. Ask them if they need any warriors or anything else, and I will do what I can to help.” “I’m sure they’ll be pleased to hear that, dad,” I say. There is a knock on the door. “Dad, I have to go.” “Malcolm, I miss you. I wish you would come home so you can learn at my side like you are meant to,” He tries to persuade me. “Dad,” I whine. “I-“ I pause when someone knocks again. “I have to go. Tell Mom I love her. Bye,” I hang up before he can respond. I open the door to a small omega female. She bows her head and looks up at me with sky-blue eyes. “Your majesty,” She says in a thick accent, “Alpha Pascal wanted me to invite you to a memorial dinner in honor of our departed Alpha and Luna.” “Thank you,” I say to her. “Tell Alpha Pascal that I shall be there.” She bows again and walks away. Addison walks toward me, so I let her into the room, “Where is Rico?” “Doing Rico things,” she chuckles. “He better not be off screwing half the pack,” I pinch the bridge of my nose. Addison shrugs, flops on the couch and props her feet up, “You know Rico.” I shake my head, “Tell him I need him alert for tomorrow. Alpha Pascal told me that several alphas are arriving early to discuss the Chameleon Killer,” I explained. “I don’t think there will be any security issues, but I want both of you on alert.” Addison nods, “We’ll be on it, Malcolm,” She mock salutes me. “Have there been any other incidents involving your mate?” She asks, and Xerxes growls. ‘Hush,’ I hiss at him. “Yes,” I respond. “A high-ranking werecat was hit,” I mention. “s**t,” Addison snorts. “The last thing you need is to be on the bad side of werecats.” We are quiet for a moment, “I am going to get ready for dinner.” “Are Rico and I invited?” Addison tilts her head. “Of course,” I smirk at her. She slaps my knee and stands up, “I’ll see you at dinner then,” She says and slinks out of the room. I shut the door and headed into the bathroom. Thirty minutes later, I am showered and dressed in a nice suit. I stand in front of the mirror in the bathroom, combing my light blonde hair. “Looking good,” A female voice says behind me. The scent of sage fills my senses, and Xerxes goes nuts. I try to remain calm as I slowly turn to her. She looks ravishing in a bright red dress that accentuates her chest. Her black hair is tightly braided with a red ribbon running through it. “Who are you going to kill now?” I try to sound serious but my voice cracks. Sofia lets out a low chuckle and steps toward me, “Aren’t you going to compliment me?” I clamp my lips together and say nothing. Xerxes is fighting to take control. ‘Claim her,’ Xerxes practically screams. I ignore him. “What are you doing here? You already murdered an innocent Alpha.” Sofia snorts. “I hardly think he was innocent.” She brushes her hand down my cheek causing tingles to spread through my body while her scent envelops me. “Let’s not worry about anything right now. I want to kiss you,” She leans in, and I step back. “No, Sofia. I can’t,” I force out. “You can’t what?” She folds her arms. I turn away from her. “I should just reject you.” A hand touches my shoulder, “But you won’t.” She whispers. I sigh and do my best to maintain my composure despite the desperate wolf in my head. “Despite everything, I still want you,” I breathe out. “But I can’t have you.” “Why not?” Sofia chuckles. “Because I killed some people? Big deal. How many have you killed? Or your father? King Cassius has killed many. Not to mention your mother killed mine,” She slinks around me and gets in my face. “We are all different sides to the same coin Malcolm.” She licks my cheek and kisses my lips. For a moment, I get lost in their taste and allow myself to get caught up in the moment and forget everything. Xerxes wants me to go all the way, but I pull back. “We will catch you,” I whisper in her ear. Sofia shrugs, “Perhaps you will. Perhaps, I’ll let you.” She touches the tip of my nose. There is another knock at the room door, and I walk away from Sofia to answer the door “Your highness,” Alpha Pascal bows to me. He is standing beside his mate, Ariella. I let them step into the room while looking towards the bathroom. “Were you talking to someone?” He asks suspiciously and walks in the direction of the bathroom. “No, sir,” I mumble. “Just myself.” He laughs, “I do that too.” He pokes his head into the bathroom. “I apologize for being so suspicious. I am on edge after my son’s tragic death.” I hear a sob behind me and turn to Luna Ariella, who has tears in her lovely brown eyes. I step toward Ariella, clasp her hand, and lightly kiss it, “Luna Ariella, words cannot express my sorrow for the loss of Armand and his mate Blanche. I vowed to always protect your grandson, Bastien.” “Merci, Prince, merci,” She sniffles. Pascal walks back to her and wraps his arm around her. “Tonight’s dinner shall be a memorial for Armand and Blanche. I would love it if you said a few words to the pack about my son tonight.” “I would be honored, sir,” I nod. I follow him out of the room and down the hall. Beta Roman and Gamma Louis join us along with Addison and Rico. They are both dressed up, and I am relieved. We enter the dining room, and it is filled with pack members. Addison and Rico go to sit with the pack members while I follow Alpha Pascal and Luna Ariella up to the head table. He raises his hands and begins to speak in French. I stand quietly, surveying the room. The pack is small and fits within the dining room. They all stand together. Warriors are mixed with omegas, and even the beta and gamma stand within the pack, not above them. Pascal turns to me, “You may speak to them ow.” I take a deep breath and step forward. I say a few words in French to the pack. “Armand was a strong alpha that treated you all like family. As his friend, I vow to find justice for his unjust assassination,” I explain, and a few people clap. “My father, King Cassius, has also offered help to this pack and any others affected by this killer. We will not stop until they are captured and brought to justice.” I pause for applause. “Thank you,” I say and end my speech in French. Pascal invites everyone to sit down, and dinner is brought out. We feast and speak our memories of Armand and Blanche. After dinner, I bid goodnight to Pascal and Ariella. I speak with Addison and Rico before heading to my room to settle for the night. I need to get up early to help greet the arriving alphas. I close my eyes and fall into dreams about my mysterious mate. I follow her through a never-ending meadow, but I never do catch her. I open my eyes in the morning, and the scent of sage hangs in the air, causing my wolf to whimper. I look around, and she is not in the room, but I sense her lingering presence. “I will claim you one of these days, Sofia,” I say out loud before starting my day.
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