Change of Heart

3267 Words
Sofia I sit in my room working on a new potion that Grandmother ordered me to make. It has already blown up in my face, and I growl with frustration. “s**t!” I curse out loud. I hear laughing coming from the doorway and turn to glare at my aunt. “Oh, come on, Sofia, can’t you make a simple potion?” She asks while looking at her long red nails. “It’s not simple,” I mumble. “Pfft,” she snorts. “I made that same potion in my sleep when I was six.” “Then maybe help me,” I gesture to my messy work table. Aunt Alicia folds her arms, “You know the rules. Mother would be livid if I did it for you.” “I’m not asking you to do it for me,” I sigh. “I just need help.” My aunt laughs again, “You’ll get it. You are like Felicia. She would rather fail a million times before getting it.” I want to slap her for mentioning my mother. “Shut up,” I grumble and get up to slam the door in her face. “You better hurry up,” Aunt Alicia shouts from the other side of the door. “This next job is a big one. You better not f**k it up.” I ignore her and go back to trying to perfect the potion. After another hour and two more failed attempts, I finally got it. I had to adjust the main ingredient. I sigh as I pour the contents of my mortar into a velvet packet. I start to clean up my table when there is a knock on my door. The door swings open, “Are you done yet?” Grandmother asks in a snarky tone. “Yes, Grandma,” I hold up the packet. “I finally finished it.” “Good,” She says without emotion and tosses a manila envelope onto my bed. “You have ten minutes to pack your stuff and get going.” I nod and pick up the envelope, and start to open it. “No, get packed first,” Grandma tears the envelope from my hands. I huff, “Fine.” I wander into my closet and grab my large travel bag. I stuff a bunch of clothes and other things into it before slinging it on my shoulder. Grandma is sitting on my bed waiting. “Ready.” “Hmph,” She snorts and hands me the envelope. “You will go to the Hardy Ship Hotel. Ask for Ray. He will show you a room. Then and only then do you open the envelope and read the contents,” She instructs me and then waves her hand. A portal opens up, “Hurry up.” I nod, rush through the portal, and step out into a wooded area overlooking a small town. The portal closes, and a cold breeze makes me shiver. I wrap my arms around myself as I am only wearing a t-shirt and a knee-length skirt. My black hair whips across my face as I start towards the town. It gets colder, and I sigh. It’s a little warmer in town, but I am still shivering. People stare at me as I walk by. They are all wearing jackets and gloves. I look at the building to look for the hotel my grandmother mentioned. I finally found it. A dilapidated house looms in front of me. It has a sign with the name “Hardy Ship Hotel” hanging from a broken pole. I take a deep breath and step into the front door. I am greeted by the smell of stale cigarettes and mildew. A thin man with scraggly grey hair sits at a desk that has seen better days. Dark brown eyes flick, and a chill runs down my spine as I step toward him. “I’m looking for Ray,” I say to him. “You must be Sofia,” A cold voice hisses as he grins, showing off dirty yellow vampire fangs. “Oh great, a vampire,” I grumble. “Your room is ready, miss,” He sets an old-style key on the desk. “Room six is up the stairs,” He points a thin finger to the stairs behind us. “Up the stairs and last door on the right. Enjoy your stay.” I grab the key, and my eyes linger too long on him, “Thanks,” I say and turn away from him. I pick up my bag and start towards the stairs. “Your mother was a good f**k,” He chuckles. I freeze and glare at him, “What?” “Your mother was Felicia Hex, right?” He asks with a lifted eyebrow. “Yeah,” I respond with anger. “She was a good f**k,” He repeats. I say nothing and stomp up the stairs, “Stupid asshole,” I mumble. I find my room and open the door to a queen-sized bed in the middle of a nicely made-up room. There is a lovely quilt on the bed with doilies and other things I wasn’t expecting. I toss my bag in a chair and sit on the bed. I look at the envelope for a second before opening it up and dumping the contents onto the bed. I read the instructions on what I was supposed to do and whom I am supposed to kill. My heart sinks when I learn I am to kill the alpha of the nearby pack, his mate, and two young children. “What?” I huff. I look at the pictures of the happy family and feel disgusted. “I can’t do this,” I mumble to myself. I run my hand through my hair and stand up. I pace the floor and look out the window and only see darkness. I turn on the small TV to get my mind off the task. I finally lay down and fell into a restless sleep. A white wolf guides me to a place I have seen many times in my dreams. He stands close to me as I step into a cave made of trees. His tongue licks my hand, and I pat the top of his head. “Hello, Xerxes,” I greet him. He whines and nudges my hand, so I run my hand through his silky fur. I look around and spot Malcolm standing in the center of the large room, wearing nothing but a pair of jeans slung low on his hips. His violet eyes sparkle as I smile at him. “Come home with me, Sofia, and all will be forgiven,” He says to me with his arms out. “I can’t do that, Malcolm,” I whisper. He runs his hand down my cheek, “Sure you can.” He kisses my lips, and I am jolted awake. I open my eyes, and sunlight streams through the curtains. I jump when I see my aunt sitting on the edge of the bed wearing one of her tight dresses. Her sweet perfume permeates the room, and I must refrain from gagging. “Slacking?” She asks. “No,” I narrow my eyes at her. “I was just sleeping.” Aunt Alicia rises from the bed and picks up the pictures of the family I am to annihilate. “Well, you better get your ass out of bed and work on eliminating this family,” She smirks. “Cute kids. Too bad that they have to die.” “Why do they have to die?” I ask her. “Who cares?” She laughs. “They are just kids,” I argue. “Why do we have to kill them?” “We aren’t given a reason, Sofia. We are just hired to kill people. Who cares, why?” I sigh and look away from her. “Are you going to cry?” Alicia says in a mocking tone. “You can cry and get your ass dressed.” I turn to see her set the picture down on the table. “I’ll get moving in a minute.” “Good,” She nods. “Don’t fail us, Sofia,” She says and opens the door. “Where are you going?” I ask. “Oh, to go look for Ray. He is a good f**k,” She laughs and walks out of the room. I shudder at the thought of her and the dirty old vampire. I go into the ensuite bathroom to get ready for the day. I shower and get dressed in a drab outfit. I put on my black cloak and my velvet purse where I keep my potions and charms. There was a map in the envelope, so I grabbed that and some other papers. I stare at my pale face in the mirror before leaving the room. I hurry down the stairs and see a sad continental breakfast on a low table. I pick up a banana and hear my aunt moaning in another room. “Gross,” I mumble and hurry out the door. I look down at the map and head towards the pack, which borders the town. I sneak through the woods towards the center of the pack. I spray myself with a potion to make me smell like a wolf. I wander past some storefronts and try to ignore the suspicious stares. “Who are you?” A gruff male voice asks from behind. I turn to a large male dressed in all black. I assume him to be a warrior. “Oh, damn, I am lost,” I say in an innocent tone. “I am looking for Regina Masters.” “Why?” The man asks me. “I am a new omega, and I am supposed to start today,” I explain. “I didn’t hear about any new omegas,” He huffs. “But no one tells me anything, and I am the delta. What is your name?” “Uh, Jane Winters,” I reply. The delta’s eyes glaze over for a second. “Okay, Regina knows about you,” He laughs. He points down the street. “You see the large building that is the packhouse. Regina will be waiting for you in the back. Just follow the path to the right of the building, and you’ll see her. Regina is hard to miss. She is a big lady.” “Thank you,” I respond and start towards the packhouse. “Welcome to Silver Mountain Pack, Jane,” The delta calls after me. I flash him a smile before hurrying away from him. Eyes stare at me with suspicion as I walk down the path. The packhouse looks like most of them. It’s made out of wood and resembles are huge log cabin. The path becomes lined with thick shrubs as I walk around the house. I find myself behind the house and see a vast field spread out behind it. Several young kids are running around playing tag. Two of the kids look like the alpha’s children. They giggle and scream as they run around. A beautiful woman in a white sundress approaches them. “Mommy!” The kids screech and run over to her. I stare at the Luna and her pups for a moment before being interrupted by someone clearing her throat. “Jane?” A gruff female voice says from behind me. I turn to a rather large woman in a dirty brown dress standing behind me. Cigarette smoke billows out of her nose. “Yeah, I am Jane. You must be Regina.” She takes a hit of her cigarette, “I must. Where are your things?” “I left them at the hotel,” I respond. She shakes her head, “I suppose you can retrieve them later after I show you around.” She takes one more hit of the cigarette and then drops it on the ground and stamps it out. “This way,” She opens a door. “Who is that?” I point to the Luna and her pups. “That is Luna Clara and her pups Jayden and Kaylee,” Regina responds. “What pack do you hail from again? Your aunt was rather quick on the phone.” “Oh, that sounds like Aunt Jean,” I laugh. “I am from the Vista Valley Pack. My Aunt Jean and Uncle Grant raised me.” Regina and I enter the house and into a large kitchen with several others bustling around at various stations. The smell of food cooking makes my nearly empty stomach rumble. “I understand you are here to help in the kitchen, right?” I nod, “Yeah. I worked in the kitchen at Vista Valley.” “Good,” Regina leads me over to another woman who looks similar to her but is a little less fat. “This is my sister Brenda. You will be learning with her,” She explains. “Brenda, this is Jane. She is our new omega.” Brenda smiles at me, “Welcome to Silver Mountain,” she holds out a hand, and I shake it. “She’s all yours, Brenda,” Regina says and walks away. “Don’t mind, my sister,” Brenda laughs. “Okay, where should we start,” She looks around. “Oh, can you mix up cookie dough?” she asks, and I nod. “It’s little Kaylee’s fifth birthday today, and Luna Clara asked us to make her favorite cookies.” Brenda leads me over to a counter with multiple ingredients spread out. She picks up an index card, “Just follow the recipe and mix up the ingredients and place them on those cookie sheets and bring them over to me.” I nod and get to work. I easily follow the recipe and hum to myself. I finish the cookies and pass the cookie sheets to Brenda to bake. I help mix up some cupcakes and then decorate the cookies. After that, I am allowed to take a break, and I step outside and sit on a bench. Luna Clara is outside with her pups again. I see a large muscular man in a suit join them and only assume it’s Alpha Devin Phillips. He lovingly greets his family. The pups respond happily to him. “I can’t do it,” I say out loud. “Then don’t,” A familiar male voice says from beside me. I turn to see my grandfather, Tuatha sitting beside me on the bench, “Gramps?” I jump. “Yep,” He smirks. The old wizard is wearing his usual linen outfit with his long white beard billowing in the wind. “You don’t have to keep doing what you are doing, Sofia. There is a better way to live.” “Will they see you?” I ask and look around. The alpha and his family seem oblivious to Tuatha’s presence. “They might,” He shrugs. “Though they’ll just see Gus, one of the omegas.” “What are you doing here?” I ask. “You are one wanted young lady,” He responds to me. “If you are caught, you will most likely be executed.” I gulp as I stare over at the alpha and his family. “I better not get caught.” “You can try and plead your case,” He leans forward and clasps his hands. “Tell them that Eleanor and Alicia forced you to commit the heinous acts, and perhaps you will be spared.” “I don’t want to kill anymore, Gramps,” I watch Alpha Devin lead his family into the house. “Then don’t,” He touches my shoulder. “Quit this dark path.” “I started it for a reason,” I fold my arms. “To kill Jemma Fury, I know,” He sighs. “I am not happy with Jemma myself. But she is my friend.” “She killed my mother,” I glare at him. “Your daughter.” “Felicia did many horrible things, Sofia. I was upset that Jemma killed Felica, especially when she wanted to turn things around. But Jemma had her reasons. Your mother tried to kill your mate and his twin while they were still in utero.” “I didn’t know that,” I look at the ground. “She raised your father from the dead. She helped conspire with the demons to aid in their rise. The demons rising won’t be a good thing,” He explains. “That’s not what I have been told,” I shrug. “I’m sure. Eleanor, “He trails off. “I love her so much, but we can never be together again.” “What do you want me to do?” I ask. “I want so many things, child, but it’s up to you to do it,” Tuatha looks out at the field. “My advice is to go find Malcolm Fury. He will take care of you.” “I really like Malcolm, Gramps. But I am no queen,” I shake my head. “You could be, Sofia,” He rises from the bench. “Think about it. Kill Alpha Devin and his family, and it will weigh on your soul just like all of the others. But leave the assassin's life behind, and I will find a way to clear your name so you won’t be executed. You can live happily with Malcolm and fulfill Selene’s plan.” “Jane?” Brenda calls out of the door. “Oh, there you are,” She spots me and walks over. “Gus, what are you doing here?” “Oh, I was talking to the new girl,” Gramps smiles at her. “Okay,” Brenda narrows her eyes and looks at me. “Come on, Jane. We have more to do for Kaylee’s party.” “I’ll be right in,” I nod. I look at my grandfather, “I’ll think about what you said.” He smiles and touches my shoulder before disappearing. I walk back into the kitchen and get back to work. Hours later, I am allowed to leave. I return to the hotel and find Ray sitting on a couch in the lobby, watching TV. He grins at me, “Your aunt is a better f**k than your Mom.” “Shut up,” I grumble and stomp up the stairs. I have some leftover food in a bag. I stick the container with chicken and rice in the microwave and turn on the TV. I pick up the instructions on how to kill Alpha Devin and his family. I stare at the pictures and sigh. I then rip up the papers and drop them in the trash. I calmly eat my food and watch TV. I pack up my bag and go to sleep. In the morning, I get dressed and then go downstairs. I set the key down on the desk, picked up a dry muffin from the breakfast table, and walked out of the hotel. I take a deep breath and then recite a spell, and a portal opens up, and I walk through it on my way to look for Malcolm. I am done with the assassin life.
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