The Replacement

1494 Words
I could hardly get a wink of sleep, my mind drifting off to Reed. I couldn't help being worried. What if she didn't make it on time? What if something happened? The paths to Lake Dimur were extremely dangerous. It is easy for a majestic lycan wolf like Prince Zidane since no one would even want to attack him, but as for her... I swallowed, then got out of bed. It was almost dawn. I checked the stopwatch just a few minutes to five..should I tell mother so she can stop her? Or father? I started to walk to the door when it suddenly opened, admitting Reed. "Oh lord, Reed..." "I will be back. If the time comes, just buy some time for me. I don't know. Sit in my stead, wait there for me, lie, cry, throw a tantrum. Just ensure my bonding is not destroyed." "Reed, just stay. we can think of something else." She looked at me. "You are saying this because you hope I won't have a gift and he will take it as a lack of interest on my part, right?" My brows furrowed. "What?" She gave a sigh, then brought her hand and removed a ring. It was a large diamond, held down with two bands of gold. "What is this?" "Queen Isabella gave it to me. I need you to wear it and stay in my place. Give it back once I come back." "Reed, please..." I started to say, but she had already turned away, dashing off towards the main entrance. I stood there in front of my door as she stopped for a bit and looked up to me. My eyes were wide with nervous tears, and she turned away, leaving the door slightly open. I melted to the floor, my hands coming to my hair, my chest heaving. I already felt anxious, and there was still a bit of time. I swallowed hard, then stood up. She was already gone. Now I just need to make sure no one notices. I stayed wide awake till morning, hearing my parents go around, organizing the gifts. I gave a small sigh, dragging myself toward the bathroom. The cold water from the shower calmed some of my nerves, and I swallowed, parting my lips a little. I got dressed in one of my simple knee-length dresses. Reed's dress was still on my bed, since she hadn't even collected it yet. I swallowed hard, then packaged it into a neat bag. I am sure she can just change over there in the palace. "Leilyn?" "Yes, mum?" There was no reply, and I went to the door, meeting her halfway as she climbed up the stairs. "Where is Reed?" I swallowed. "She said we could just go to the palace and she will come there. Apparently, she...uhmmm...went to get a pin for her hair." "A pin?" Mother said, her eyes thin. I nodded, knowing how silly it sounded, yet knowing I had no option. "Then we can wait for her here. After all, the bonding is in the afternoon. We have to be there just two hours before so it will be fine." I nodded, hoping to everything alive that it would be fine. That she would come and the bonding will go as planned. My hopes started to dash, however, when the early morning started to burn away as the sun rose higher and higher, giving way for the afternoon. I turned to the clock. Three minutes after twelve. Exactly two hours before two. I swallowed, my hand coming to my hair. "Is Reed not back yet?" Mother asked, barging into my room. I could see the worry lines now etched on her face. "The royal entourage is here, and we need to go." I swallowed. "Well... she asked me to pack up her things. She will meet us in the palace." "Is she wearing her dress? Her makeup? Is she ready?" I swallowed, nervous tears filling my eyes. "She will be back soon, mother. I swear. It is just... maybe a little more time?" Mother looked at me like she was about to bite my head off. "Did something happen?" I shook my head. "No." She stopped for a few minutes, watching me, as if she wanted to see through the lies. At long last, she walked away without a word, leaving me back there. I went downstairs holding the bag that contained the dress, the ring in my hand. She needed to come back now. I watched the clock again. Fifty minutes after twelve. Mother looked positively worried now, and father looked almost livid. I swallowed as they went out, each one of us hoping Reed would be back soon. The palace was the tallest building in Whispers, all painted in white. Most of it was made of glass, however, and the afternoon sun bounced off it, casting the rays on the elegant celebrations outside. Huge canopies had been set off, with a smaller one in the middle. It was decorated with flowers, and there was a couple seat. The seer was sitting right next to it, his eyes closed as he waited. The crowd was huge, the music, the banquet. I swallowed hard. Time was passing, and Reed wasn't back yet. Mother walked up to me, her eyes now as nervous as mine. She only gestured with her hand, and I shook my head, biting down on my lip. My chest felt constricted, and I hugged the bag to my chest, like it was Reed herself. King Alejandro was in front of the dignitaries canopy, a large spread in front of them. He was leaning to his queen, whispering something in her ear, a small smile on her face. Hell, I didn't want to imagine how it would look like if Reed didn't show up. I shook my head hard, trying not to entertain the thought. "His Highness, Prince Zidane is approaching!" My heart felt like it had been hammered at an impossible force as I looked up, my eyes wide. It only meant the auspicious hour was near and if the prince himself was already here.... I swallowed as he slowly emerged. He was wearing a simple black button-down shirt and light grey trousers, his raven black hair flying with the soft breeze. He looked more human this way, a single ring on his right middle finger. I swallowed as he walked towards the canopy set for them, a single guard following him. He paid brief respects to the king before he took his seat, his eyes set in stone. Mother came back, her hands now trembling. "They are asking of Reed already. Where did she go?" I swallowed hard, feeling the same jitters. "She. .. She will be back. It is not time yet." Mother took in a deep breath in an attempt to calm herself down as I turned towards the vast space behind us. Reed wasn't there still, and I swallowed hard, turning back to the canopy. "Where is the maiden with whom Prince Zidane is to be bonded to?" It was King Alejandro, his voice smooth. I bit down on my lips nervously. "She will soon be here," Father answered, the calm in his voice only betrayed by the uneasy look in his eyes. King Alejandro only nodded and turned away. Throughout, Prince Zidane didn't say a word, his eyes closed as he waited. Hell. The seer stood up, his eyes darting to the sky. "The auspicious hour is in six minutes. Where is the bride?" Mother looked close to tears, and this time, even father didn't say word. Prince Zidane's eyes turned to us as everyone waited for an answer, even the cheering crowd now silent. "Your Highness, my sister sister is on her way. She will make it before the auspicious time." "Is she already making His Highness wait? Is her lycan wolf more powerful than his?" Prince Zidane raised his hand. "We can wait four more minutes." It wasn't much, but I was drowning, and I was clinging to straws. Straws that would cut off in four minutes. Everyone waited in tense silence as the seconds ticked by. I could almost imagine Reed returning. Imagine Reed coming back now. "Two minutes to the auspicious hour, Your Highness." Prince Zidane's eyes darkened as he turned to the king. Something seemed to pass between them as he slowly stood up, his eyes falling on us. Mother was now in tears, her light makeup smeared. Father had run his hand through his hair more times than I could count. "Well, it is a shame Reed could not be here. She will just have to be replaced..." He trailed off, causing my mother to look up. Replaced? Reed will be replaced? I was ready to stand up to protest when his eyes fell on me, keeping me in place. "She will just have to be replaced by her sister, then."
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