More Hordes

1093 Words

Chapter Ninety-Five – More hordes Red’s POV Another horde of rogues had come to our pack and these ones were very particular about where they bite. This wasn’t what I planned to meet after returning home with a good mood that I settled with my mate. Yet I was glad I came home on time. What if it had happened with only Esme around? The werewolfess, tending to my wounds pressed it a little hard and I sighed to make her notice. I try not to get scars on myself, they were unsightly, as my mother used to say. Rogues, which were warrior ranked, had attacked two other packs in North America, and in hordes. I didn’t know what the King of Rogues was doing now. Wasn’t only gifted wolves his target or was he trying to attack the werewolf community in general causing another Great War? It’s

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