
1094 Words

Chapter Twenty-Six – Summoned Red’s POV My smile fell as my eyes shifted to my mate’s bandaged legs. I should pay White a visit first. I mind linked to a warrior around to arrange a hearing with the council. My father’s friends were amongst the council and they knew what kind of headache White was, this wouldn’t end well for him. I left my seat. “I’d like to make sure we have a hearing with the council as soon as possible. Excuse me.” I left the room while they watched. I felt relieved that Esme didn’t offer to join me, she might be getting fond of Aida. “Nathan, prepare a cab for me.” I mind linked. I disconnected before I’d get a response, and hurried into the forest as Klaus was coming towards my direction. I didn’t want him following me either. “Klaus, Aida is at my office inj

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