Chapter 55: I need to get away

1137 Words

~Zoe~ My mouth fell open on its own accord because I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. He wanted me back in his pack as Luna? Wasn’t he the same person who told me to my face that he preferred my sister to me because she was sexier and deserved to rule at his side? Didn’t he say that she was way smarter than I could ever think of being? So what was this madness that he was displaying before me? What rubbish was spewing out of the gutter he called a mouth? “Zoe, I need you. Our pack needs you” He had the nerve to look wounded like I was the one having an attitude for no reason, like I was just being difficult while he was left having to beg me. “Our pack?” I scoffed and rolled my eyes. What was he going on and on about our pack? Just a few weeks ago, it was their pack, but now

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