Chapter 31: Your screams will be music to my ears.

1042 Words

~Zoe~ “Were you crying like this when you opened your legs like a cheap w***e and let another man put his seed in you?” I watched in what seemed to be slow motion as his leg shot out and connected with my midsection. I let out a pained moan and curled more around myself as I tried to protect the unwanted baby in my womb. As much as the child was a product of the worst encounter of my life, I still needed to keep it safe. I was not keeping it safe because I wanted it for myself. No, the only reason I was keeping it safe was because I had heard horror stories of women getting abortions which left their wombs damaged and unable to hold pups later in the future. That scum of the earth, Jax had already taken so much away from me; my birthright, virginity, pride, family and so much more. I

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