Chapter 18: Why do you have it?

1016 Words

~Zoe~ I blinked as the rays of the setting sun almost blinded me, then raised a hand to shield my eyes as I threw my legs off my bed and walked to the window. I adjusted the blinds to block out the sun, then yawned noisily. I didn’t even know when I slept off. When there was no sign of Alex despite waiting for him to come back, I had gone back to my room, still wondering if it was something I said that had made him leave so abruptly. I went over our conversation in my head and there was nothing that jumped out at me as a tangible reason. I must have slept off while I was thinking because I remembered being so tired and wanting the feeling of my sheets on my body. I rubbed my stomach, hungry since I still hadn’t taken anything to eat apart from the bland crackers I had nibbled on in the

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