chapter 7

1027 Words
“I am just joking, Luna?”. Jess said. I know she means it. Jess didn’t want an omega as a Luna. But I didn't do anything to her and just gave her a smile that I enjoyed. “First of all you want to meet some important stuff, come on”. Jess said and she started to walk. I followed Jess. She didn’t show any concern that I was following her or not. Jess entered into a huge office. So many people are sitting in front of the computer and working. Some of them are taking calls and conducting serious conversations there. The employees in that office most of them beta women and girls. “Good morning, beta Jess”. One of the women wished Jess. I think Jess is the head of these women. Because she is the wife of beta Sam, who is the beta of alpha Tyson. “Good morning”. Jess wished back. “Dear ladies, just have a moment. I have to introduce to you all, our new Luna, Claire”. Jess said. Some of them clapped. Everyone’s faces become dull after they meet me. “Good morning, Luna." Some of the girls wished me well. This is the first time I have experienced this. “Good morning to all of you”. Suddenly a woman got off from her chair and started coming towards us. The woman looks middle-aged. She came near us. “Claire, your mother cleaned my room before she went to take care of the alpha’s family. You also cleaned my room. I am sorry to say that I can’t accept you as my Luna. Alpha Tyson made a huge mistake by choosing you as his Luna. Alpha and this pack will suffer for this mistake”. Woman said. “Sorry, beta Jess”. She said to Jess and went straight to her chair and sat on it. I didn’t say a word. She is right. I am an omega, I can’t be a luna. But her words have hurt me. Her words become a deep wound in my heart. “Just leave it, Luna”. Jess said. She didn’t say a word against that woman. I know she enjoys it. “I am okay”. “Can we move into another section of the company?” Jess asked. She wants more insults towards me. “I just want to see alpha. We can continue after that”. “Okay, Luna." I went straight to Tyson’s cabin. I just want to escape from Jess. Nobody likes me as a luna. Everyone is blaming Tyson. When this goes this way, everyone starts to hate Tyson. I came near Tyson's cabin door. I opened the door slowly. At that time Tyson was arguing with someone. I entered the cabin. When he saw me, he waved his hands to get out of there. He looks very angry at that movement. I quickly stepped out of the cabin. Jess is standing in the cabin. There is an awkward smile on her face. She came closer to me. “I have been working at this company for three years. I never heard Alpha arguing on the phone. He always behaves nicely and respectfully towards his partners and workers. But now everything changes, after the death of his Luna. He killed a gamma on your wedding day. Now he is losing control. I hope Ellis didn’t die on that day or Alpha chose an eligible person as his Luna. But now everything is in jeopardy”. Jess mocked me. Jess wants to prove I am ineligible Luna. She never says a word against me directly. Always indirectly mocking me. Because she wasn't afraid of me but the position of Luna afraid her. “You have said the right thing. Our pack deserves a better Luna”. I said. Then I went straight to the entrance of the building. I was standing at the back side of the company building. This place is quiet. There are no phone calls and arguments here. Just silence. There is a garden here. It is filled with different kinds of plants. The fragrance from the flowers on the plants is running through my nose. That fragrance reminded me of my mom. She always likes flowers. That’s why she developed a garden in front of our home. But it got destroyed due to the hurricane. On that day I will never forget my mom trying to hide her tears. She is insulted by betas and gammas. But she didn’t lose her spirit. My mom always does her duty, whatever happens. But I failed in my duty. I can’t become a luna, I am just an omega. I must ask Tyson for a divorce. He will get an eligible Luna. Suddenly I started to hear footsteps. It’s coming from the garden. I take a few steps back. The footsteps become clearer, it’s coming towards me. I quickly started to run away from the garden. When I looked behind me, two men were running towards me. They had guns in their hands and one of them started to point the gun towards me. Suddenly I heard a huge gunshot. One minute I thought the bullet went through my heart, but it didn’t. Did they miss the shot? I looked at my behind while continuing my running. One of the men was lying on the ground. I slowly reduced my running speed and looked forward to Tyson pointing his gun at the other man. I heard another gunshot. I looked behind me and the second man also fell. I slowly stopped running. I started to breathe heavily. Tyson came near me. “Are you alright?”. Tyson asked. “Yes, I am okay alpha. Thanks for helping me”. “An alpha should protect his luna. I just did my responsibility”. Tyson said and he came closer to me. Tyson touched my shoulder and hugged me. I can hear his heartbeat. That hug is not s****l, it’s compassion. Then Tyson kissed me on my lips.
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