chapter 5

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Omega Sofia is readying me to attain the ceremony. I was sitting in front of a mirror wearing a wedding dress. The dress is white. Today Tyson is accepting me as his Luna in front of the whole pack. I don't think the pack accepts me as their Luna or I can replace Ellis in Tyson’s heart. I looked at my reflecting image in the mirror. My face does not look happy. “Luna, your final touch-up is finished”. Sofia said. Sofia is my caring omega. She is now in charge of caring for Alpha's family. Suddenly someone started to knock on the door. Sofia looked at me, “Open the door”. I said. Sofia comes near the door and opens it. Sam is standing there outside. “May I come in, Luna?” Sam asked for permission to enter. “Sam, You can come in”. I said. Sam entered the room and came near me. Sofia standing away from both of us. “Sam, you didn’t need my permission to do things. You're the beta of our blue moon pack”. I said. “But, you are the Luna of the blue moon pack after some time. Technically, you have the command over me and I need to ask permission from you”. Sam said. I don’t know how to respond. Luna? A contract Luna. Sam came closer to me and said, “Today onwards you are a Luna. So please act like one”. “But why did Alpha choose me as his mate? He must have other options. Why me?”’. Sam smiled. “Because you are chosen by the moon goddess to become Alpha's mate”. Sam said I went silent. “Maybe he has hundreds of options. But nobody gives the satisfaction than his mate and you must know something our pack's existence is at stake. A weak alpha means, the end of the pack. To protect our pack. We must protect our alpha. I am the person who told Alpha to choose you as your mate. When he said to me I felt an immense attraction to you and your presence helped him to get balance in life.”. Sam said. Tyson wants balance in his life and I want love. But Sam is correct, our pack is important. “I am the beta of this pack and you are the Luna of this pack. We must protect our pack. So, come on, Luna”. Sam said. I get up from the chair. Sam started to walk towards the door. Sofia came closer to me and double-checked that my dress and makeup were okay. Sam is waiting near the door. I slowly started to walk towards the door. When I reached the door, Sam opened the door for me. I came out of the room and walked towards the biggest ceremony in my life. Everybody's eyes were on me when I entered the ceremony hall. Sam and Sofia are with me. The people started to talk to each other. We stood in the middle of the ceremony hall. “I want to accompany alpha. So, so I will be right back. Do not answer nobody, and don’t forget one thing towards onward you are the Luna of this pack. So, behave like one”. Sam said and he vanished from there. “Luna, I will stand in the crowd. You can call me if you need any help ". Sofia said. “No, you can stay near me”. I didn’t want to feel alone. “Luna, omegas can’t stand with Luna when a ceremony takes place. Don’t worry, I will not stand far from you”. After saying those words Sofia walks towards the crowd and stands in front of it, the way I can see her. Suddenly, Tyson entered into the ceremony hall. Sam is accompanying him. Tyson's walking style is dominating. He is showing who is the alpha in the room. He is wearing a red shirt with a white coat. It is a weird combination for me. But it’s my favorite combination for Tyson. He came closer to me and stood. When our eyes get locked he just smiles. I looked at the faces of the people attending the ceremony. It looks like they don’t know what is happening here. “Dear the people of the blue moon pack, here we are conducting the ceremony of our alpha choosing his new mate”. Sam said with enjoyment. But the crowd didn't look like they enjoyed Sam’s statement. “Ridiculous''. A voice came from the crowd. The crowd started to talk to reach each other. “We can’t accept an omega has our luna”. Everyone in the ceremony didn’t want me as their Luna. Tyson's face became red. Is he going to shift? “Silence please. Alpha is the one who decides who wants to be his mate. He can’t do anything about it”. Sam said. The crowd didn’t become silent. They are questioning Alpha's decision and some of them are cursing me. “Stop it”. Tyson growled.” I am Tyson. The alpha of the blue moon pack. Nobody had the authority to question me. You all obey what I have to ask. Don’t try to question me again, otherwise I will kill those tries”. Tyson’s voice echoed in the hall like thunder. The crowd became silent. Fear spread in everyone’s face. From the crowd, the gamma came forward. It’s the same person who talked about alpha with Arnold. My eyes searched for Arnold. Finally, my eyes caught him. He is enjoying the things happening here. “You are weak alpha. That’s why you are choosing an omega as a mate. Blood moon pack will attack us again. We do not survive the next attack. Because our alpha becomes weak”. Gamma pointed to Tyson and said to the crowd. Tyson’s eyes turned red. He is losing his control. “I want to warn you all. Get ready to remove this alpha from our pack or ready to become slaves to Rex”. Gamma said. Tyson started to shift. I move away from me. Sofia runs towards me. Sam also kept a distance from Tyson. Tyson’s dress became torn apart. His eyes turned red. Tyson became a beast that was thirsty for blood. I became afraid. The people started to run outside of the ceremony hall. At that, the gamma also shifted. He is not as big as Tyson. Tyson jumps straight to the gamma and hits the gamma in his face. The gamma fell to the floor. Without wasting a moment Tyson carries Gamma and throws him. The gamma fell into the corner of the hall. Gamma tries to stand up but he is suffering. With immense speed, Tyson reached the gamma and with his hands, Tyson tore gamma’s body into pieces. The blood of gamma filled the ceremony hall. After that Tyson shifted into his human form. He started to walk towards me slowly. Tyson’s body can be seen by his torn dress. He came closer to me and held my hands and said, “I Tyson. alpha of the blue moon pack chose you, Claire, as my Luna”. Tyson said. “I, Claire of the blue moon pack, choose you as my alpha”. I said. Everyone clapped except one person, Arnold.
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