Chapter 25 : Trying To Be Normal

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K I A R A ' S P. O. V I could feel the hot light skin of my naked body as it filtered into the room. The soft whooshing of the blinds opening up and the faint melody of birds chirping away as they frittered from the blossom trees. The thin sheet covering my nude body was mattered with post coital sweat. I can't remember the last time Aaron and I had f****d that much. Looking around the room, I found it in a complete disarray. The pictures hung crookedly on the wall from the way Aaron f****d time against, the chaise in the corner was tipped over; Aaron f****d me over it, and the pillows were everywhere. Some shredded and others just found around in the throes of our passion. He strolled into the room, a towel sitting dangerously low on his hips. As he noticed me awake, I hoped to see anything on his face. A smile, the lift of his eyes, but instead he was void of emotion. It seemed to almost always be like that. He felt guilty. After last night and two bottles of wine, he apologised for what he had said the week before. Despite it being the truth. We spoke, we agreed to try again to be us. I guess, I was the only one that remembered. "Hey," I forced pep into my otherwise sour tone. He nodded and perched on the end of the bed, resting his elbows onto his knees so he could bury his face into his hands. I noted the visible knots of tension in his shoulders, the bags under his eyes from sleepless nights. "Aaron...I thought we agreed to be better." His heavy sigh filled the room and then he lifted his hand towards me. Taking it tentatively, I let the sheet around me drop, crawling over to him. My arms around him, my bare chest pressed flushed his back. I let my chin drop onto his shoulder. "What's wrong? Talk to me." He clutched my hand a little together. I watched the way his muscles flexed beneath the skin. "I woke up happy, satisfied and ready to start new. Then I released that I have a meeting with Mikhail today and all that positivity just drained away. He's getting suspicious, and he's begun withdrawing deals. The company is loosing money, and with the increase in fixed costs I...I'm just freaking out." "It's okay to freak out." I let my lips press against his neck. The scent of his normal wash was replaced with a strong lavender fragrance. "Is that my body wash?" He grinned sheepishly. "I ran out." I couldn't help the fit of giggles that burst out of me. His hands grabbed my waist and pulled me into his lap. The towel fell to the floor, exposing his hard erection that rubbed sensuously against my lap. Our heads tilted towards each other. An undeniable magnetic pull which had always lured us towards each other. I brushed my nose against his. "You know I love you right?" "Of course." His dark alluring stare enticed me closer. "I love you too Princess." I felt the chill radiate throughout my body when his fingers stopped their tracing chill. "That's why I need to tell you something." I knew this wouldn't be good. There was just something in his manner of voice, his tone, his eyes. "That job...I got you it." "How?" "By threatening the owner." There was no ounce of regret in his tone, only a slight radiating chill. "Why...why would you do that?" I pulled back on instinct, but his hands planted me in place. "You shouldn't be the assistant to some measly middle aged man who would only choose you because you have a good ass." "Excuse me?" I stammered out. "What if I got that job on merit alone? Because I earned it?" "Princess, you didn't go to college. You got basic grades and whilst you are the smartest woman I knew that doesn't change the fact that the world, the system, doesn't recognise that." I glanced down, but he tilted my chin up. "Hey, I love you. I did it because if you were going to work then I wanted it to be something you would enjoy and I knew you've always talked about working in marketing." "I know what you were trying to do, and it's sweet really, but I wanted to earn it myself. It wouldn't feel like me, it wouldn't feel right if you just gave it to me. I'll turn down the job, and I'm going to start looking for something else." He tried to protest. "Ah, I need this. Just trust me when I say I'll be okay." "I trust you." He murmured in that deep husky voice. I felt his fingers curl into the tendrils of my hair as he tugged me forward. "Now let me f**k you. Last night wasn't nearly enough to let sate myself." I rolled my eyes, a sly grin on my face. "You and your libido will be the death of me." "You know it baby," Then he devoured my mouth with his own, plunging me into the lustful haze I had only just managed to break out of. I slid my hand leisurely up his long length, relishing in the feeling of his hard c**k pulsing underneath my hold. I moved with it, grinding up and down his thigh, smothering it with my slick wetness. "I love you, so much." His words were turned into gasps against my neck as I circled the top. "I know I f**k up, I know I make mistakes but just never forget that. Never forget that I love you." "I know, and I love you too." The moan that slipped from my mouth was wild with an animalistic fever. "Now f**k me, holy s**t. Please," I felt him reach under us, position himself at the entrance of wet sipping core. All I had to do was seat myself down. A cry ripped through the gasps and moans. "Maybe she'll fall back asleep?" Aaron offered, but my daughter never did things half-heartedly. Her screams grew in volume, causing me to groan in frustration. I let my head onto his shoulder. "I'll get her." Aaron moved me back onto the bed, his warm fingers trailing over the subtly of my curves. I noted the frustration in his eyes, the wild building up of tension from a predator watching over his prey. There was promise in those eyes, and f**k, I couldn't wait for it to be fulfilled. *** It took almost two hours to soothe Anastasia. During breakfast she'd ended up throwing her porridge all over herself, and me, and then she spilt orange juice everywhere. By the time the kitchen was cleaned, and she was, Caitlin and Aaron were already heading out the door. I knew we needed a night. Not a night to purely f**k like yesterday but a date night where for once we weren't parents, we were just a pair of twenty olds in love. After dropping off Anastasia at day care, I began job hunting. Cafes seemed to be my forte and I was surprisingly amazing at making salted Carmel Frappuccinos. I found this one quaint independent shop that was only ten minutes away from the house and it was a run by a lovely elderly couple who needed some extra help. They called me in for a interview and after ten minutes of chatting over chocolate chip cookies and going over my previous experience, the job was all mine. As I left the shop, I felt that subtle glimmer of excitement that sparkled inside of whenever you had accomplished something. I'd missed that feeling. "Hey," I answered the call, whilst I crossed the street. "Hey, what you doing?" Kieron was calling me...he never called me. "What do you want?" "I don't want anything." That invoked a voluntary laugh. "You only call me when you need something and you never need something so you never call." "Fine." He snapped, sighing deeply. "I'm going on a date next week and I need you to cover for me." "Cover for you? You're not thirteen, you can go on a date." "Yes, but you know mum. She'll be all up in my business, asking questions and everything and if it goes good and I don't come home, then they'll know..." "That you had s*x?" "Uh, yes." I could practically see his cheeks staining red. Kieron was never one for crass comments, not like Kai and I. He respects privacy and boundaries but, where was the fun in that? "Fine, I'll say you're staying over with me to babysit." "Great." "If..." I could hear the relief dying out of his voice. "You actually babysit tonight. I need some alone time with my boyfriend." "You want me to bring Stasia here?" "Yes, Caitlin's having a slumber party and Aaron is finishing early for once. He's got some big meeting and then he's done." "Okay, yes, but you better cover for me." "Don't worry big bro, I've got your back, as long as you've got mine." As we finished up our talk, I walked home with a satisfied grin on my face. Tonight was officially looking bright, and Aaron had no idea what was waiting for him when he gets home. *** I decided on a black slip dress, one very simple and easy to remove. It had a low sweetheart neckline that amplified my breasts alongside the new push up bra I bought. His favourite red stiletto heels of mine were fastened tight on my feet and the delicious scent of pesto and lemon salmon filtered through the air. I roasted some broccoli and set aside the cause to set. Anastasia had already been picked up, and Caitlin was safely at her friend's house. It almost seemed too perfect to be true. The two of us finally getting a peaceful night in without the drama our lives usually entailed. Aaron would be home in half an hour exactly. Plenty of time for me to cook up some thoughts for tonight. Aaron was always in charge but, maybe that was problem? Maybe he just need to let go every once in a while? My phone began to buzz incessantly whilst I was fixing my fair. Dashing down the stairs in my three inch heel, I narrowly managed to answer the call. "I'm on my way to pick up Anastasia." My fingers froze amiss the thick curls of my hair. "I thought you'd already picked her up." "What?" He scoffed. "I thought you usually got her at five, and besides I had s**t to go you know?" "No, no, no the daycare called me earlier and said her uncle arrived to pick her up. I told them that it was fine and he was. They said you took her." Panic flared inside my chest. "Kieron, if you don't have my baby then..." "s**t. Don't worry, I'm driving near your street right now, I'll pick you up and we'll go together." His words of affirmation that followed were nothing more than faint blaring sounds in the distance. She was gone. Someone took my baby and this time I was pretty sure it wasn't just another nightmare. The doorbell ran and I tripped on the large rug as I rushed to answer the door. I saw the panic in Kieron's eyes, the fear that pooled inside of them. Kieron was never scared, he never feared. He was the cool, calm and collected sibling that always had a solution to everything. "I've called ahead to the daycare and told them to pull up the security footage. It's possible Kai and Kalen picked her up, I mean I told them about it earlier but they would have text, and neither of them our answering their phones now. I'm sure it'll all be fine and she's...." I couldn't comprehend what he was saying. I could function, I couldn't breathe. There was nasty pile of pressure building up inside my lungs that caused the world to slowly envelope me. I didn't register the car slowing down, or stopping, or running into the reception of the daycare. We were taken into a small room where a monitor stood showing footage from outside, then it flickered to one of the daycare rooms. "There," Kieron's voice managed to break through the resounding panic. His finger pointed at a tall well dressed man holding my child. He looked so plain and average that there was anything I could do to place him. The only thing I knew was that he had kidnapped my child. "Kiara," I felt Kieron's heavy hands land flat on my shoulder. "Breathe okay, I'm going to call dad and it's all going to be okay." But it wasn't, and it wouldn't be as long as my baby was gone. I felt the room begin to spin as everything broke into chaos, the dialling of 911 and the bellowed shouts of Kieron. I couldn't take anymore. No more fear, or panic, or nightmares. So I let myself fall, I gave myself up to the dark, hoping it would take me to a brighter world. One where my baby was safe in my arms and the monsters were vanquished. ________________________________ A/N: Who do you think took Anastasia? What do you think Aaron will do when he finds out? you blame Kiara? Or not?
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