Chapter 12: Lies

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K I A R A ' S P. O. V An hour later, Caitlin had rushed down, still donning her flowery pink pyjamas, and wide awake, much to Aaron's dismay. I told him school doesn't matter much when you've just found out you have a niece, and managed to persuade him to let her stay up until we leave. "You don't eat her silly," Caitlin chided, frowning as she pulled her wet drool covered barbie doll from Stasia. I knew what would happen next. A loud blaring sound filled the room, my motherly instincts went straight, brain hardwired to react instantly whenever my baby cried. Caitlin jolted back in shock, glanced down at her doll and murmured a quick goodbye, before thrusting it towards Anastasia. The tears magically vanished, and she grinned, happily shoving the doll into her mouth again. I laughed, only to find Aaron doing the same. We glanced at one another, and I shot him a small smile. Hope flared inside me when he returned it. "Is she upset?" He nodded towards Anastasia, who was furiously rubbing at her eyes. My chest filled with warmth as his eyes were wide with concern. "No, just tired probably. It's late for her, she's normally sleeping." "Bunnee, buneee." She whined, dropping the doll so she could unleash the power of her scream. I cringed, Caitlin slammed her hands over her ears, but Aaron leapt into action, swooping her up and cradling her against his chest. He looked like giant holding her, his large statue engulfing her body. If there's one thing I could say about Aaron Black, it's that he always gave the best hugs. Just tight enough, just warm enough and safe too. Her screams turned to quiet whispers, still murmuring her same demand. I dove my hand into the baby bag to find it. "What's she looking for?" Aaron demanded, clutching her a little tighter. "Her bunny," Once I felt that familiar soft fluff, I yanked it out and quickly passed it to my weeping girl. I smoothed down her unruly curls, then looked up on instinct. I didn't realise how close we are. Our bodies practically pressed against each other's, his musky masculine scent filling up my nostrils, our eyes stuck in their stares, shimmering haunting blue, boring into plain old brown. In that moment, I felt a zing. You know, that electrified spark that rushes through your veins, filling you with wide eyed curiosity, hope and excitement. The kind of zing that just makes you know that this was right. "You should go." He suddenly grunts out. Snapping out of my stupor, I step back. "I just mean, she's tired now. I wouldn't want to disrupt her sleep schedule, and Caitlin needs to sleep...we can do this again. Tomorrow maybe?" "How about Thursday? I think every day will be a much for her, and we're taking this step by step so let's do this twice a week." He just stared unwaveringly, forcing me to arch my brow. "Is that okay?" After a long painful minute, he nodded. "That's fine, just text me dates. I'd like to take her out too, perhaps to the park, aquarium..." "Of course, just let me know a day and we'll be there." He nodded, and watched as I said goodbye to Caitlin, then packed up Anastasia's things. Caitlin ran up to bed, leaving just the three of us alone together. Carrying Anastasia, he walked me to the door, still cradling her taut against his chest. So tight, I didn't think he would ever let go. "Well..." I drawled awkwardly. Aaron glanced down at our daughter and pressed a kiss onto her forehead, her eyes drooping sleepily. "Goodbye bunny, daddy will miss you." Bunny. He'd nicknamed our daughter. That both broke and healed my heart all at the same time. We slowly made the shift and I gave it a minute for her to settle into my arms. "This was really great, thank you for being patient." "Thank you for coming over." I wasn't expecting that at all, I don't think he was either. "I know why you kept her away from me, and believe me if our positions were reversed I would have done the same. You've protected her though, you fed her, clothed her and loved her. That's all I could ask for." He paused for a moment, eyes crinkling slightly at the sides as they drifted over and settled on Stasia. "Now I've met her...I don't think I can ever let go and I know we said three months, but I want a lifetime. A lifetime of this." Then he did the unexpected. Reaching out, he grabbed my hand and placed it against his thrumming heart. "I want a second chance Princess, I want us to be a family. You, me, Anastasia and Caitlin. I know it's a lot to ask right now, but I need you to know that's where I'm heading with this. That's what I want. A lifetime with you. My family." I let out a choked gasp, tears springing to my eyes. My heart was hurting like it never had before, painfully contracting in my chest as I attempted to make one of the biggest decisions of my life. On instinct, my fingers clutched the thing material of his shirt and I pulled him into me. An arm wrapped around my chest, and the other cradled my cheek. Careful of Stasia, he lowered his head to mine, our foreheads pressing hot against one another's and our noses brushing softly. I let my eyes fall shut. Then I slowly blinked then open, and stared into the ocean eyes I had fallen in love with two years ago, the ocean eyes I was still in love with. "I..." "Baby?" A screeching voice soundly cut me off. I turned quickly, still wrapped in his hold. A blonde bombshell wearing heavy makeup and flashy red stilettos, that caused her long legs to seem even longer, stood before us. Her arms were crossed, pushing up her already perfect sized breasts and she stuck her petite nose in the air. The woman looked like a model, her slim figure wearing a classic Dolce and Gabbana dress. I instantly regretted just throwing on a pair of jeans and t-shirt this morning. "Aaron?" The woman questioned, hurt filled in her eyes. I glanced back at him, only to watch him curse under his breath and manoeuvre me to the side. The woman's eyes turned into fierce slits, puncturing my very soul, at the sight of Aaron's hands on my waist. "What the f**k are you doing here?" He practically spat out, venom dripping from his aggressive tone. I instantly recoiled, shocked, and so did the woman. "I...uh...wanted to surprise you?" The fear in her eyes was now long gone as she strode towards us and stroked her hand up and down Aaron's chest. Right f*****g in-front of me. I dug my nails into my free palm, welcoming the sharp pain. "Don't." He grabbed her hand and squeezed it painfully, flinging it back at her. Stumbling back in her six inch heels, she sighed and then turned her unwanted attention to me. "Who's the girl? And why is she carrying an ugly baby?" Fucking b***h. I went to slap the living hell out of her but Aaron stopped me, stepping in-front of me. I glared at his back, hoping that if I did it harshly enough, a hole would burn through his back. "Don't look at them, don't talk about them and don't test me Sasha." Sasha? Not once had I ever heard of anyone called f*****g Sasha. I mean it would be known knowledge if Aaron Black had a girlfriend. Right? The press would have picked it up, or a gossip site and it wasn't like I hadn't googled Aaron over the years. I had, so many times that I'm ashamed to even admit this. "But baby, I missed you." In an instant, she had her arms wrapped his neck and her lips latched onto his. "What the f**k?" He shoved her off, but this time carnal rage flamed in her eyes. This was definitely my cue to leave. "I'm going to go." I quietly murmured, before storming over to my car. Aaron's heavy footsteps quickly chased me, but I ignored him. Clearly he had s**t he needed to sort out. Without me. I wasn't too angry about the whole thing because I had done worse and like always I would just read into the situation wrong. Because Aaron didn't do girlfriends, and if anything, he surely wouldn't be with her. I'm right. He wouldn't say all that stuff about being a family and then suddenly have a girlfriend. Right?...Please tell I'm right! "Don't leave." I smiled up at him and buckled Anastasia into her seat. Somehow she managed to fall asleep during that. "I was leaving anyway, you sort your s**t out and we'll talk later." He picked up my hands and brought them to his heart, causing mine to flutter. "About us?" I could still feel Sasha's sharp glare monitoring us. "Yeah, about us." Because there was so much to say, so many feelings and emotions and complications but I couldn't deny that we would always have something. Sasha cleared her throat, breaking our little moment. The smile on Aaron's face vanished and the monster facade he played took place instead. Slowly, he turned. "That's your kid. Am I right?" I was waiting for him to confirm it, but instead all there was the faint noise of an owl hooting in the background. Sasha took a dangerous step forward and smirked. "And that's your baby mama? A seventeen year old. Really?" Disdain laced her venomous voice. "I'm actually twenty." Nearly twenty one but I refrained from adding that. She rolled her eyes in response. "We're meant to be Aaron, stop fighting." The way she drawled her words seductively, letting her tongue poke her cheek and giving him f**k me eyes really made me snap. And I mean, snap. "Hey, I don't know if you're some crazy fan, a groupie or a just a dumb blonde who doesn't know when to back the f**k up? He's not interested in you, he doesn't even want to see you so I suggest you walk away with your fake Prada purse and whatever dignity you can scrounge up. Okay?" She flushed red in embarrassment and opened her mouth to retort when I remembered the thing I was truly pissed about. "Oh yeah, and if you ever talk about my baby like that again, I'll personally make sure that you'll need another nose job. Are we clear?" Fuck that felt good. Adrenaline mixed with excitement and shock rushed through my veins giving me the same thrill I received whenever I took down a b***h. She gasped at me openly, staring at Aaron as though begging him to do something. He merely let out a deep chuckle. " w***e!" I snorted. "Was that really the best you could do?" Then something came over her, some sort of revelation that caused her to smirked. "Do you know why I'm here?" When I didn't respond, she c****d her head to the side and laughed. "Oh god, you really do know nothing. Let me guess, he promised you a forever together. A cute rich family. The one you probably got yourself knocked up for. Except, that can never happen." "And why not?" "Because I'm his fiancé." Then she flashed her large sparkly ring in my face. "The forever you're wishing for is mine instead." No. No. No, he wouldn't...he couldn't...I looked back at my dark knight. The man who's supposed to save me from everything cruel and evil in this world. He couldn't even look me in the eyes, instead he flashed me a guilty look and then stared down at the floor. "Is it true?" This was everything I had wanted to avoid. A brokenness again. A painful horrible broken heart that couldn't be nurses back to health because it wasn't his own demons destroying us this time, it was his actions. It was his...fiancé. The man who claimed to never Just not to me. Finally he sighed. "Yes but..." I shot my hand up for him to be quiet. Because I was down for his lies for one day. He had a fiancé this entire time, and failed to tell me about it. He wanted a forever, yet he'd already promised it to someone else. I sucked in a sharp breath and forced my tears back. I wouldn't cry for him, not again. "I'll contact you soon about another visit." Then I proceeded to climb into my car. He ran after me, slamming his hands on the glass window. I lowered it down, only to prevent him from breaking the car. He had the nerve to look broken, upset. "Just talk to me Princess, let's go inside." The nickname did nothing to me, it wasn't anything more than a word now. "We've said all there is to say." "But...but...what about us?" He really thought we could carry on after this. There was too much mistrust, too much heart break, too much pain. "There is no us Aaron. There never will be." He stumbled back in shock, momentarily stunned, and I took the opportunity to roll up the window and drive away. Only when his house was nothing more than a fade of lights in the distance did I let myself cry. Because even though Aaron protected me from everything cruel in this world, he forget about the worst thing. Himself. ________________________________ A/N: Guys!! My heart is broken I swear!!! Who else is suffering right now? I was debating whether or not to let them share their first kiss (again) in this chapter, or wait and decided to wait because of course it has to be epic! What did you think of Sasha and the shocking revelation?
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