Chapter 7: Catastophe

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K I A R A ' S P. O. V "I hate karaoke." It was a statement I had lived by my whole life. Now my best friend wanted to drag me out for a night of headaches and singing Abba. Tessa grinned sweetly. "Please, it's my bachelorette party and there's this super cool karaoke bar down in Queens." I sighed, and she dragged on an annoying please until I finally caved. Who was I to deny the bride anything? "Yes, I'll text the rest of the girls that the plan is a go." I snatched her arm before she could leave. "Who are the rest of the girls?" "A few of my cousins, my old neighbour I used to hang out with and some friends from college." Right, my best friend was currently enrolled into NYU, living her best days partying it up and meeting hipsters on campus. Was I jealous? A little. "Don't worry though, I'm sure you'll get on with most of them." I doubted it. Plastering a fake smile, I nodded and we parted, her probably spending the next few hours with my brother and me...well, that was still undecided. My dad had taken Anastasia out to the park, I know right Mafia mobster strolling with a park through Central Park, so that just left Alessi all by himself. "Hey Bella," I melted into a puddle upon being greeted by his charming smile. The best thing about it was that it was always real. The man was unusually happy all the time. "Hi." I squeaked out, climbing under the covers next to him. The bed creaked under my weight, filling the weird silence. He draped his arms around my shoulders, pulling me into his chest. Our legs became instantly entwined and I rest my head over his heart, listening to the rhythmic beating. "Tessa's party is tonight, yes?" I nodded, burrowing in closer to his body. I loved the cuddles and hugs. That was my favourite part of a relationship. The way you could be intimate without having to actually be naked. "I hope you won't be seeing any naked men, swinging their c***s around." I couldn't help but burst into laughter at his description of a strip club. Alessi was grinning down at me, a solemn look in his eyes and a smile that didn't quite look right. Tilting my chin up, I frowned. "What's wrong?" He shook his head, gently pushing back my hair. "I haven't heard you laugh like that since we arrived. It's strange, you should be happiest at home." It was almost as if he was studying me. Meticulously watching out for any sign of despair or depression. "This isn't my home anymore." "So Italy is?" He looked so happy with that revelation that it broke my heart to say no. "Anastasia is. Wherever she is, I'm happy." Although his smile dimmed slightly, his eyes held only understanding. "Hopefully one day, you'll feel the same about me too." I couldn't. I couldn't keep up this facade and pretend to be in love or happy with this beautiful man, when I knew I never could be. He deserved better, and anything was better than being stuck with me. A sad pathetic girl who cries tears for soulless men who will never love her, because they aren't capable of it. "Alessi I..." He silenced me with a kiss, abruptly cutting off my words. I was sucked in instantly, his tongue working wonders to make me forget all my troubles and pain. Sex always did this for me. It was what I used when Tristan left me to forget. I guess now, Alessi acted in its place. Climbing onto his lap, I dragged my nails up and down his bare chest, teasing him with my rough touch. He yanked my shirt over my head and quickly got to work, ridding us of all our clothes. As his hands touched me in places that caused me to moan his name, I knew that the only way to get rid of him was to f**k Alessi. To let pleasure overpower then pain. It only lasted a short while, after that I was left with nothing but painful regrets. *** By the time my dad returned home with my baby girl in his arms, I was already ready for the night to come. My hair was curled to perfection, my makeup flawless and sleek as ever and my body was wrapped in a tight fitted ruched baby blue dress that stopped mid thigh. The plunge was low, there was no denying that, and thanks to my favourite push up bra, my breasts were poised to perfection. For the first time, I felt like a twenty year old girl, not a single mother. "Kiara, what the hell are you wearing?" I knew I looked sexy whenever my father told me off for my outfit. It meant it was too risqué, too provocative and that's exactly what I needed. "Dad, do I need to remind you that you're literally holding my baby in your arms? If I'm old enough to give birth, I'm old enough to dress myself." He was about to snap at me again, when my mum shot him a scathing look. "Don't remind me," He mumbled, handing me my precious angel. "What's wrong Stasia?" I could always tell when there was something wrong with my baby, and from the slight tinge of red in her cheeks and the coating of perspiration over her forehead, she was sick. Or heading there at least. "Mama ba tum." Bad tummy. s**t. "Ready to go?" Tessa called out, twirling around so I could admire her flawless figure. She was smiling brighter than the sun, and I hated to be the one to dim it. "Actually, I think I better stay." Her face fell and the look was an instant kick in the teeth. "Stasia is sick." "Honey, I can take care of her." My mum stepped forward, her arms open for my baby. I glanced down at my little girl and frowned. How could I leave my child sick and unwell at home, whilst I went out? It was immoral, reckless and not the actions of a responsible parent. "She's my baby mum, I should be the one to take care of her." "Kiara, you came home to enjoy the wedding. Tonight is apart of that. I know for a fact that Tessa won't have a good time without you and that you will regret not going out with her if you stay home." "But..." She placed her hand on my shoulder and flashed me a motherly smile. The same smile I've received a hundred times. The same smile that gave me strength and reassurance. "You're an amazing mother. Not many eighteen year olds would choose the responsibility of raising a baby alone. You did, you've proven your worth and we all see how how hard you work. Let me take care of my grandchild now, please." I handed Anastasia over without hesitation. She was right. I needed to trust other with my baby, I needed to trust myself enough to have a life. "Just remember to heat a water bottle for her and only one bottle of milk..." "I know darling, I've had four kids." I nodded and smiled, stepping back. "Bye baby," I blew her a kiss, earning a small cry of protest. My heart broke as I turned away from her and pecked Alessi on the cheek, wishing him good luck at playing poker with my brothers. Tessa hooked her arm through mine and together, like so many nights before, we walked out my house. This time though, I had a baby screaming for me to come back. *** "See I told you this place wasn't bad." I took another sip of my vodka martini, letting the strong singe burn my throat. The more alcohol I consumed, the better the singing sounded. Tessa's cousin was finishing up completely destroying Smells Like Teen Spirit by Nirvana, and next up was Tessa. I was standing near the bar to avoid small talk with the rest of her college friends that were occupying the big booth Tess had reserved. What was I gonna talk to them about? My gap year, spring break? I'm pretty sure breast feeding and nappies were the last thing they wanted to discuss, so I kept away. "Yes, go Tessa!" I clapped along to the beat of the sound and laugh as she sung terribly, belting out the lyrics for the entire world to hear. "That's my girl." I cheered. "You used to be mine." I jolted up in my seat and sprung back. "What the f**k?" I blurted out, startled. My eyes assessed the Greek god stood next to me, and I almost shivered at the sight of him in a leather jacket again. Why the hell did he have to look so damn hot? A dark riveting laugh vibrated through his chest. "My apologises, I didn't intend to scare you." His gaze darkened as his eyes roamed my dress. "That dress...fuck, you shouldn't be wearing stuff like that out all alone. I crossed my arms, knowing they torture him further but extenuating my breasts. "First of all, I can take of myself and handle any bastard, present company included, that think that it's okay to comment in my outfit. Second, I thought we agreed that you would never track me down again, that you leave me well alone." Putting his hands up, he smiled. "Hey, I didn't. This is my bar, and you stumbling into it must be fate." He winked. "I told you the universe wanted us together." "You own a karaoke bar?" I asked, voice laced with mirth. "Actually the manager decide to have Tuesday night karaoke, I guess it got so popular that now every night is karaoke night. I don't have much input in the creative decisions, I'm merely the cash that keeps it afloat." That made sense. Probably the only thing that made right now. Because Aaron Black in a karaoke bar of his own free will, was not something I had expected to see...ever. "Well now you can f**k off." Turning away from his, I could hear his deep laughter right behind me. "And why would I do that?" His voice was lower, sensual almost, as he stepped forward and placed his hands on my hips, rubbing his hard erection against my ass. I fought an illicit moan which threatened to leave my mouth, and clung hard onto the wooden bar. My nails dug in deep, creating a sharp ident, forever marring the place where I fought hard to regain my sense of control. "I've got you right where I want you," His hot breath fanned against my cheek, his almost grazing my ear. "Princess." He moaned, tempting me further to shut my eyes and relinquish all control. "Don't call me that." I demanded, as though I was in any place to take orders. This man was everything. He was my pain and my strength, my biggest regret and my best mistake. Right now, I was struggling between turning around and letting him f**k me on top of the bar counter or kneeing him in his nether regions and fleeing the bar. Fortunately, one of Tessa's half brain college friends gave me another choice. "Kiara, your turn to sing!" The sound of my voice being screeched across the bar, was enough to divert Aaron's attentions away from me. I slammed my elbow into his, loosening his grip on my waist and quickly slipped out his hold. I ran to the stage before he could grab me again. Exhaling, I could finally breathe again. "Song?" The grouchy old man manning the karaoke stand grunted out. Aaron had turned my brain to mush, so I could think of nothing. "Surprise me." Tessa handed me the microphone and sent me a concerned look, her eyes flickering over to Aaron. I shook my head and smiled, letting her know I was fine. Well...kinda. The light dimmed and I watched as Tessa ran over to where I was sat before, next to Aaron. She whispered something to him and I watched him angrily respond. "Uh hum." The grouchy man cleared his throat, gesturing to the silent crowd watching me and the song playing on the screen overhead. Great, the bastard had chosen I will always love you, and Aaron was intently watching me as though he had nothing better to do. I sung the words aloud, cringing at the tone deafness of my own voice. My eyes were looking anywhere but at him, and I felt nauseous when I caught sight of Tessa's friends silently snickering at me. Whatever, I had grown a baby in my body, pushed it out and I still looked better than them. As I got to the final verse, I sung the same line I had sung over five times already. Yet, there was huge life altering difference. I looked at him. I stared at his piercing blue gaze and charming stance. My heart clenched at the sight of his dark tussled locks, and his soft smile. I could nothing it stare at him, and fall in love with him all over again as I finished up the terrible rendition of an iconic song. Actually, I didn't fall in love again. I realised that I was still in love with him, that I would forever irrecoverably be in love with Aaron Black. The man who broke my heart, tainted my soul and plunged me into a darkness I never knew existed. And I knew, that I would never be able to love Alessi. That I would eventually end up shattering his heart, as mine had once upon a time...and that it was all this man's fault. I am in love with a monster, and that monster would never leave me alone again. "I will always love you." As the words left my mouth, they signified the truth of my revelation. I would always love Aaron Black, but he would never love me back. I didn't even notice the first tear until it splashed onto my breasts, running down the plunge of dress. The audience was dumbfounded, watching me in complete silence. Pure wretched agony plagued Aaron's eyes, and the minute I found the strength to tear my eyes away from his...I ran. I ran and ran until Aaron Black was out of sight. *** A A R O N ' S P. O. V I watch as my Princess bolts from the stage, tears streaming down her face and I stand immediately ready to follow her anywhere. "Don't." Tessa seethed, placing her hand on my arm. I've seen her around a couple of times, after all I do own half of New York's night life but we never said a word to each other, until she threatened to have my balls castrated if I made Kiara cry again, right before Kiara sung. Oh s**t. I just did. "Leave her alone Aaron, you've done enough." The words are spat in such disgust, I'm forced to take a seat. Tessa's right. She needs her friend and I need to stay away from her. For my sake and hers. Ordering another drink, I down my shot and sit for a moment contemplating where I should go next. Oh f**k this. Storming after them both, I slow as I hear frantic voices coming from the lounge near the back door. I still, hovering just outside the door, and let my ears do all the work. "It's not fair! It's not...I've worked so hard Tess, so hard and after two years of trying to forget him he's just here now! He's here in my face, touching me, whispering things in my ear and I'm losing it. I'm losing control, I'm falling into his grasp again." Her words should be music to my ears. Her words should ignite hope inside my dead hollow chest but all I fear is disappointment and disgust in myself. She sounds...heart broken, angry at herself. That was last thing I wanted. "It's okay, just take a breath and calm down okay. Do you want to go home?" I didn't know what answer I was praying for. "Yes, I need to be with Alessi right now." Alessi? Who the f**k was Alessi? "Okay, I'll just tell the girls and then we'll go." "No!" Even I was startled by the volume of her voice. "You stay, this is your night and I'll catch a cab." "You shouldn't be alone..." "I'll be fine." That was my girl. Strong, caring and brave. I heard Tessa mumble a fine and cave. Hiding in the shadows, I watched her leave and heard the back door open and then shut. My head was telling me to go to Ghost and find a desperate willing girl to make me c*m so hard that the name Kiara Romano is momentarily forgotten. Yet, the heart wants what the heart wants. And my heart will always want her. Shoving open the back door, I walk outside, careful not to scare her off. She's standing by the overflowing bins, her phone pressed against her ear and she's smiling. Smiling like I've never seen her before. My heart breaks and then it crumble completely when I heard the words leave her mouth. "Baby it's okay. I'm coming home now. Yeah, home. I can't wait to give you cuddles in bed, I've missed you so much baby." Baby. Alessi. Bed. The only person my Princess should be cuddling in bed is me. Storming over to her, I snatch her phone before she can even register what happens and let my uncontrollable rage take over. "Listen to me mother fucker, you better pack a bag and flee the f*****g country because if I ever get my hands on you, you're going to be..." "Mama!" My heart lurched out my chest. "Mama! Mama!" A baby...a f*****g baby was screaming mama on the other end of the phone. Crying and wailing for its mother to come back on the phone, to hear hear voice, to hear...I glanced down at Kiara, only to find her eyes wide with fear and bottom lip trembling. She was...this baby "Not possible." I let the phone slip from my grasp and watched it clatter on the floor. The present became a distant blur, as I struggled to comprehend what had just happened. Kiara was a mother. Some bastard had c*m inside my Princess and gotten her pregnant with his spawn. She was a mother. She had a baby, a family. Was she happy? Of course she was, she wanted this. To be a mum, have a family, have a husband. On instinct I looked at her left hand and sighed when I found no wedding ring. She had picked up the phone and was reassuring her kid...fuck that was weird, that she would be home soon. As the phone call ends, she switches off her phone and puts it in her purse. Then she glances up at me with those beautiful brown doe eyes, wet with tears. "You have a baby?" She nods. My mind flicks back to her so called cousin I picked up. "It was that little girl I held the other day, wasn't it? " She nodded again, and my lips turned into a tight lipped smile. "Who's the father?" Her entire body froze, and yet she trembled at the same time. I had never seen such a reaction, such a scared and terrified posture in my life. And I had shot guys, made them wet themselves in fear, but nothing like this. "Does it matter?" She finally breathed out. Her words stemmed something dangerous to boil inside of me and in the blink of an eye, I suddenly had her pressed against the wall. Her eyes were wide and filled with fear as I gripped her chin, forcing her to look at me. I chose to ignore the way her peaked n*****s brushed against my chest. This was no time to get an erection. "Who is it?" I seethed, tightening my hold on her when I received no answer. She winced but I didn't let up. I was furious, angry, raged. I was fuelled with a mix of dangerous and volatile emotions I had never felt before. "Who is it?" I bellowed, sending the crows flying overhead. "You!" She screamed aloud. In the shock of it all, I let go of her and stumbled backwards. Her words a painful blow to the chest. "You're her father," She whispered in defeat, and I knew that despite my feelings for this woman...I hated her. I hated her in every way imaginable. ________________________________ A/N: Ahhh!! He's finally found out!!! What do you think will happen next? How will he react? Thoughts on what he said last?
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