Chapter 22: Triggered

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K I A R A ' S P. O. V My hands clench the sink, as his brutal thrusts penetrated my womb, forcing my stomach hard against the marble sink. "Aaron," I moaned, struggling to stay up on my toes, whilst he continued to savagely f**k me. I couldn't complain, I'd been teasing him all day. Sending him dirty little texts whilst he was at work, putting the images into his mind, planing them ideas, then surprising him with black lingerie lining my body as he walked into our bedroom. Our. f**k, it felt so f*****g good to say that word. He suddenly thrust into my p***y, so deep and slowly, that I felt him inside my stomach. "God, f**k!" I slammed my hands on the sink, my eyes screwing shut as pure ecstasy ripped through my body. But this was so much better. Aaron's warm hands traveled up the length of my chest, squeezing my breast harshly as he went. Once he reached my neck, he clasped around it tightly, suffocating and yet enthralling me all at the same time. "You wanted me to treat you like this, didn't you?" I nodded profusely, half sobbing, as he yanked my hair back, causing my back and arch and his c**k to slip inside me impossibly further. "Say it!" "I wanted this. I want to be your dirty little slut. Please, please, treat me like your slut." I needed this. Somehow some old part of me needed the feeling of being someone's, of belonging, of ownership. This gave me that. "That's right baby, you're mine." He quickly shoved me down over the sink, and began f*****g me at a pace my mind could hardly comprehend. "Oh god," I wailed, feeling the overpowering force of my o****m ripping through my body all at once. "f**k. f**k, that feels so good." I clenched my p***y around his c**k, feeling it throb inside of me, just triggered a whole other o****m that spun me into a s*x induced coma. Aaron came inside of me, spurting out streams of hot c*m into the plastic sheath that separated our bodies. God, I missed feeling bare feeling of Aaron's c**k inside of me, rubbing against my walls, stroking me. However, the pill didn't exactly work last time, and baby number 2 was not happening anytime soon, so condoms it was. "f**k," He murmured, leaning over me as he pressed a kiss to my shoulder. "That was amazing." Reaching back, I pressed my palm against his cheek and smiled. "Thank you. I needed that." Slowly, he pulled out of me, causing me to wince. His hands settled on my waist and he slowly turned me around, brushing a kiss against my lips. "Don't ever thank me for f*****g you. I'd f**k you all day if I could." I laughed. "Thank you?" I knew it was a compliment. Kinda. A loud knock on the bathroom door has us tearing apart from one another. "Guys, are you ready yet?" s**t. The park. "Uh...give us ten minutes!" I called back to Caitlin. I heard her deep sigh from the other side. "You guys are always doing it." She mumbled. I bit my lip to stop myself from bursting out into laughter. Aaron's eyes almost popped out of their sockets. "How the hell does she know about s*x?" "School. Duh! That's how most people find out and we're not exactly discreet." "That's your fault." He murmured. I turned to him, arms folded across my chest. "How exactly is it my fault?" His eyes were pinned my breasts and he nodded at them. "Exhibit A. You're just too hot." "Aw, my sweet-talker." I grinned, wounding my arms around his neck. His smirk turned devilish and I gasped as he picked me up, forcing my legs to wrap around his waist. "Aaron Black! What the hell do you think you're doing?" He flicked on the shower, letting hot stems billow out and surround us. "I can make ten minutes work." I narrowed my eyes at him. "More like five." "Don't worry." He winked, pressing me up against the wall. "I've got you." Then like always, I forgot all common sense as he f****d me into oblivion. *** "Anastasia don't go too far!" I called out, the brisk mid winter air blowing a draft of cold wind towards me. Ignoring me, she sped forward but Caitlin gripped her hand, tugging her back. "It's freezing." I murmured, shoving my hands deep inside my pockets. "I'll warm you up." Aaron wrapped his arm around my shoulders, pulling me into the warmth of his body. "s**t, Princess you are cold." "I told you." My eyes flickered over to where Anastasia began screaming and pointing up at the swings. "Dada! Dada!" Aaron ran over, leaving me alone to face the cold. He swept her up into his and placed her gently inside the safety of the orange swing. I leant against the fence, watching in content at the love of my life and my baby laugh. "Hey," I took sight of Caitlin's dreary expression. "What's wrong?" My instincts became on alert, ready to harm anyone who hurt Caitlin. She was sort of like a daughter to me, even though she was Aaron's little sister. I cared for in the same way I cared for Anastasia, and I think I always would, no matter what happens to me and Aaron. "Me and my friend just got into a fight." She shrugged like it was nothing. I had been the girl to get into a fight with her friend, this was never nothing. "What happened?" "She likes this guy. The same guy I've had a crush on for a while now and when he asked her out, she said yes. I get it, he asked her out. He likes her, not me, but it still hurt." "Tessa and me went through something similar once. We both were in love with Rashid Kumar from our drama class when we were twelve. He was the boy every girl wanted to be with, and I honestly thought he liked me. It broke my heart when he asked out Tessa instead of me to the dance. But you know what healed it?" Caitlin, soundly invested, gasped like she just found who gossip girl was. "When she said no, and chose me. That's how I knew that Tessa was my person, my best friend for life. If your friend didn't do that, she's not really a friend. You choose friends, over boys any day." I held out my pinky finger. "Promise me?" "Promise." We sealed the promise, interlocking pinkies, and then she hugged me tight. "I've never had a mum Kiara, but if I did, I'd want her to be just like you." Clinging to her tighter, I wiped away the fallen tears with my sleeve. "I love you Caitlin." Through her soft sniffles, I heard her quiet murmur. "I love you too Kiara." I smiled. When did life become so f*****g perfect. "What happened?" We broke apart at the heavy concern in Aaron's voice. I smiled through my teary eyes, and held my arms out for Stasia, who was calling out for me. Cradling her close to my chest, I met Aaron's confused gaze. "Nothing. Everything's perfectly fine." He gave me his hand, and took Caitlin's with his other. "Let's go get some coffee." My eyes fluttered shut as his lips brushed against mine. The quiet whisper of a kiss providing a promise of our eternal happiness. "Ice cream!" Stasia cried, slapping her tiny fists against my boob. "Ouch." I cupped it. "Want me to make it better?" "Gross." Caitlin blurted out in disgust. Aaron grinned devilishly, eyeing my aching breast through my sweater. I slapped his shoulder, causing him to swear. "Now that's where she gets it from." He glared at me mockingly rubbing his arm. Scoffing, I turned back to Stasia. "That's bad. We don't do that, and no ice cream because it's cold." It didn't take long for the tears to flood out, or the tantrum to follow it. "Just let me buy her some ice cream." We we're sitting in the small coffee shop located wishing the park. Almost everyone was staring at us, more specially the screaming baby who was strapped inside her pushchair. Caitlin was occupied on her phone, taking small sips of her hot chocolate, and I sat there bored of the loud screeching noise. Whenever I acted like I didn't care, she stopped. Usually. "Kiara!" I glanced up at Aaron. "What?" He gestured to our screaming baby. "You're just not going to do anything?" "She's having a tantrum Aaron. If you give in and she gets what she wants, then she'll think that it's okay to do this whenever she wants something and that's not how I plan on raising my children." "Then what? We just let her scream?" I took pity on the panic and fear flaring in his eyes and sighed. "Stasia," Her screams turned quiet. "No more screaming, okay? If you want something, then you can have some milk or a chocolate biscuit?" "Ice cream." She demanded. God, she really was my daughter. "Let me." I sat back, a little surprised, and let Aaron take over. "Hey bunny, it's not very good to scream so loud. Not because Mama said no. If mama said no, then that means no." "Dada, ice cream." She now sobbed quietly and I could see Aaron's resolve slowly breaking down. "Sweet girl, not today. I promise, Dada will buy you all the ice cream you want tomorrow." Her eyes lit up with flecks of joy and I stared at his self satisfied grin. He really didn't know what he'd just done. "Choco bisc." Aaron ordered a few chocolate biscuits for her and we settled back in to the domestic routine. "What?" "You know what you just promised her." He waved it off. "She'll forget." That made me grin internally. He really had no clue what was coming. Because like mother, like daughter, we never forgot. *** Another few hours spent at the park at my feet had surely turned into icicles. Anastasia was dozing off in her pram and Caitlin was running ahead to Aaron's sleek new Lamborghini that cost way too much for my liking. "I'll see you tonight." He brushed my lips so softly, as though I was a piece of fine art he was fighting hard not desecrate. "I'll miss you." I murmured lowly, my words carried away with the wind. He smiled lazily, stroking my cheek with his rough fingers. "I won't be long, and I'll bring home a pizza." He winked, leaving me blushing in the cold as he climbed into his car with Caitlin and sped away into the distance. Bastard knew exactly what pizza meant to me know. Whenever the word hit my ears, my mind clouded back to our night together, spent having mind blowing s*x that ravished my entire body and soul. It all happened, after we ate the best pizza of my life. "Dada, Cat." Anastasia babbled drowsily as I picked her up from her phone and secured her into the seat of Aaron's old car. "Dada's taking Caitlin to kickboxing class and then he has some work baby. Don't worry they'll be back later. Sleep, bunny." I pecked her cheek and she smiled, her eyes quickly fluttering shut. Her stuffed bunny that was now lacking one eyes was tucked safely in her arms. It seemed like everyone had adopted the nickname bunny now for Stasia. Aaron was jealous that I had stolen his nickname but it was just so cute and fit perfectly. My phone began puzzling incessantly the moment I slid into my car. I hooked it up the car and pressed answer, surprised to hear the familiar voice which filtered through the other end. "Hey, what's wrong?" "How did you know something was wrong?" Tristan chuckled humourlessly. "I can just sense it, you don't sound happy." A deep sigh vibrated through the line. "I'm not, at the moment and I guess I just needed to hear a familiar voice. Aaron didn't pick up." "He's just gone to take Caitlin to her class."'I paused for a moment. "What happened Tristan?" "Mia. We got into a fight, again. She wants me to move in with her and I just think everything is moving too fast." "Well you're allowed to have that opinion, but I'm guessing you didn't handle it very well?" "Try not at all. She brought it up again, I freaked out and just left." "What? You just left?" "Yeah, I'm a f*****g i***t. She's texting me loads but I'm too much of a coward to face her right now." "The more you wait the worse it will get." I turned on the ignition and started to pull away from the curb. "She's probably confused right now and scared and she needs you." "I know, I know. What if she leaves me though? What if this was the last straw for her and she's already planning to break up with me..." "Tristan." I said decisively, cutting him off. "She's in love with you. I saw the look in her eyes at Anastasia's party. She wouldn't throw your relationship away without a fight." "I think I'm in love with her too." I smiled at the prospect. Tristan was one of my closet friends, he deserved happiness more than anyone. "I know you are, but right now you're being an i***t. Call her, text her and tell her you're coming back. Talk it out, try and compromise because love doesn't come with sacrifice." "I know. Thank you baby girl." An involuntarily grin broke out at the nickname. "I haven't heard that in a while." "I haven't said it in a while. I call Mia, sunshine. It's so cheesy, I know, but whenever she walks into a room, she just light me up. I need her." "So tell her Tris, and don't let that woman go." "I won't. Give Anastasia my love." I glanced back in the rear view mirror and saw my little girl still sleeping soundly. "I will." Ending the call, I parked in the driveway and got Anastasia out first. The alarm didn't go off, instead everything stayed silent. I was so damn sure I put it on. Wandering upstairs, I slowly walked down the hallway into Anastasia's room. It was dark, the blinds drawn closed with only the smallest fragment of light shining in. She whined a little but quickly settled as I bundled her up into a blanket. Creak. My head shot up. The sound echoing from the down the hall. Nothing else followed and then a gust of heavy wind shook the house. It was just the wind. I grabbed the baby monitor and walked out the room, slowly shutting the door behind me. As I turned, a sharp pain obliterated my skull, and the monitor smashed to the floor. My vision turned black as I fell to the floor and all I could make out was the faint sound of red heels clicking across the floor. "Gotcha." The nasally voice whispered, before I let myself succumb to the darkness. ________________________________ A/N: Who do you think has kidnapped Kiara? And what about Anastasia? What will Aaron do when he finds out?
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