Chapter 15: What She Needs

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A A R O N ' S P. O. V A white dress, silhouetting her perfect figure flawlessly. A bouquet of flowers, blue roses...her ever favourite. The gentle melody of the music, swaying gently in the air. A small perfect tiara, flawlessly sitting amiss her mass of dark curls. A veil draped over her face, and yet I could still see her beaming smile. Marrying Kiara had always been a dream, and yet, sitting here...watching her walk down the aisle with our daughter. Watching her smile and laugh as her best friend and brother married. I realised it didn't have to be a dream. I had spent so long believing it that I manifested the idea that happiness could never truly exist for a monster like me. That people like me, only ever ended up like my father. She made me feel different, she was the light that guided me to see the truth. Love can be real. "You're finally seeing it, aren't you?" Tristan smugly whispered besides me. "f**k off." I murmured. Then I glanced up to see a cross hanging over head. Shit, sorry. f**k, not s**t. Christ, I didn't mean to...oh whatever, you know what I mean big guy. He smiled annoyingly, and leaned in. "When are you going to stop being such an i***t and just admit the truth. You love her." "If I was going to love anyone it would be her..." I faced forwards, watching her eyes light up as Tessa and Kalen had their first kiss. A small smile appeared on my face. I wouldn't mind seventy years of waking up to that smile. "She needs to know, you need to admit it yourself." "Tomorrow...I'm..." Scared of rejection, afraid of hurting her again, worried I'll ruin this day for her. "not ready yet. Besides, she won't talk to me." "She'll talk to me." He was wearing that cocky expression on his face when he was plotting. "I can set it up, make her think it's me she's talking to instead." "And you think she'll like that?" I was tempted to follow through with it. Just so I could watch my Princess kick his ass. "Fine whatever it's a shitty idea but you have to tell her." "I will, soon." "Shh!" An old bat hushed angrily in-front of us. Tristan and I looked at each other with incredulous looks, before turning back to the lady. "Shh!" We mocked, chuckling quietly when she flushed red and murmured something about hooligans these days. "Look there's your girls." Kiara was now holding Anastasia, bouncing her happily as they both clapped for the newly wed couple. "She's so f*****g adorable. How she is half of you, I'll never know." I snorted. "You're just jealous because I'm better looking. Come on, admit it." He smirked. "You know that babies are like chick magnets?" I narrowed my eyes at him. "I want Kiara dipshit, I don't care about other women." "I know that, I mean if you and Kiara ever want alone time, Uncle Tristan could babysit. I get any woman I wanted." Like f**k he was using my little girl. "You even so much as talk to another woman with my baby in your presence and you're dead. Got that?" Putting up his hands, he laughed. "Chill man, I've got my girl don't you worry." "How are things going with Mia anyway?" "Good, we've agreed to put a label on us. She's my girlfriend now." He was genuinely happy. I felt both envy and joy for my best friend. "Good, you deserve someone who makes you smile." I always felt guilty whenever we talked about Kiara. It felt like I had taken something from him, and her. He loved her, once, and he could have given her everything she ever wanted. Marriage, babies, a family, love. Hell if Anastasia was his, he'd probably move to Italy just to be close to her. What if I had robbed Kiara of the future she deserved? The future she was meant to have? Tristan elbowed me sharply in the gut. "Hey, it's over. Introduce me to Anastasia." Right. He hadn't officially met her yet. We rose, alongside the rest of the guests who were currently congesting around the exit to get a seat at the reception. Suckers. If they knew anything about Tessa, they would know that she most definitely has one of those f*****g table charts. God, did I hate them. I bet she even paid for those fancy name cards. "Tristan," Kiara breathed out, her eyes flickered over to me but she said nothing. Pain glimmered in her eyes, and I could see it now. How my actions hurt her, words caused her to scar. Protecting my Princess from all the bad in the world was no good if I didn't change to be better. "Dada!" Anastasia squirmed, her hands reaching for me. Slowly, I approached them both and offered my arms. Kiara hesitated, but then pressed a kiss to our baby's cheek and slowly passed her over. "Hi bunny," I smothered her face with kisses, causing that melodic giggle to bubble out her throat. "She's beautiful Kiara, the perfect blend of you both." Kiara snorted at Tristan's comment. It was striking at how much of resemblance Anastasia was to me. "She looks nothing like me, but thanks." She turned slowly to address me and winced, as though act was physical painful. As though it burned to look at me. "Will you take her to the party? It's at my parents, uh...she should be okay. Just give her this bottle if she gets hungry and...oh f**k, you don't have a car seat." "I do actually." I smiled, proud that I actually thought to buy one alongside all the other baby stuff I had purchased yesterday. "Already installed too." She eyed me warily. "You sure it's in right? It's safe." "I got the best model I promise, and the guy installed it for me." She turned to Tristan, who nodded. "It's good." "Fine, but Aaron I'm trusting you with my baby. Please, take care of her." "I promise, on my life." A promise I would never break, and even Kiara knew that. She hesitated as she left, looking back to see is Anastasia would cry but she was soundly satisfied with pulling at my tie. We turned to leave but fate was not on my side. Ryder Romano stood hauntingly before me, his face one of utter rage, and his fists bawled at his side. "Grapa." Suddenly, something happened. A rare moment to capture. Ryder...smiled. His hard exterior cracked at the sight of his bubbly granddaughter. I studied him carefully. Was this how I looked with Anastasia? Vulnerable, calm, relaxed...nice? "I expect you'll care take of my baby." It was strange, his words were threatening and yet his face was beaming brightly, as he continued to make strange faces at my little girl. "Um...of course." He cleared his throat and then stepped back, nodding curtly. "Good." His eyes drifted over to Tristan, and then back to me. "Both of you have hurt my daughter, both of us have caused her pain..." They hardened on me. "You continue to bring her pain." Taking a threatening step forward, I gulped nervously. "End her pain, or I end you." With a kiss on Anastasia's head, he walked away, whistling a merry tune. "What the f**k just happened?" Tristan blurted out. I elbowed him sharply. "Ow!" "Baby." I gestured angrily, before joining the ever growing sea of people blocking the exit. *** "Where's her fudging bunny?" I rocked my crying baby a little faster, and sent Tristan a sharp glare. "Hurry up and find it!" She'd been crying since the music started. No-one had f*****g bands anymore, so of course, Tessa had to have one. They were stupid, and their loud incessant drums were stupid. Kiara also had the headphones, all I had was a bottle of milk that had already been drunk, and her bunny. The bunny she couldn't sleep without, the bunny that Tristan had conveniently decided to stuff in the nappy bag to and I quote, 'keep it safe'. "Got it!" He yanked out the purple animal I could to develop a love-hate relationship with. Anastasia latched into it with her dear life and her cries softened until they were eventually nothing but quiet whimpers. "Aw, she's cute." Tristan cooed, tracing his finger down her warm cheek. Her eyes fluttered shut as she buried her face into my shirt and yawned. "Disgusting." Our heads both shot up. Two elderly woman glared at us disapprovingly, their faces caked in so much make-up it could be considered grotesque. "Two men shouldn't raise a baby." The bitches continued to run the mouths. "It's against God." The particular batty one spat. "First of all, the two of you can f**k off because your opinions really aren't wanted and second, two men can do whatever the hell they want, including raising the cutest baby on the planet so just go to the bathroom and sort your f*****g disgusting make up out before you start lecturing us about living our lives." The bitches glared at me. Seriously, they thought they would beat me in a death stare contest? I narrowed my eyes at them, and channeled all my rage into this one intense look. They broke, and quickly scurried away. Good f*****g riddance. "Those homophobic bitches." Tristan muttered in disgust, then he gave me a side look. "I thought we weren't allowed to swear in-front of the baby?" "She's sleeping." I stared at my daughter. She really was the most precious thing in this world. "Whatever man." Suddenly he straightened and nudged me. I glanced up, only to see the most beautiful thing I've ever laid eyes on. Kiara, wearing the most enchanting silvery gown. It dipped low, revealing her ample cleavage, and a large slit ran up the skirt. Her bare skin was intoxicating, tempting. I wanted to lick it clean, to kiss every single exposed inch before slowly peeling the dress off and f*****g her over the balcony upstairs. "Did she behave?" She crossed her arms over her chest. f**k my life. "Aaron!" Her voice snapped. I looked up. "What? Huh?" "I said did she behave?" Clearly, Kiara didn't like me looking at her boobs. "Oh yeah, she was an angel." "Hmm," We stared at each other closely, afraid to look away. "You should dance." I looked at Tristan. He shrugged and smiled. "Yeah, I'll take Anastasia and you two dance." "I'm not dancing with him." She stated flatly. That burnt. "Why not? Afraid, baby girl?" He taunted, causing her to stiffen. No-one challenged my Princess. "Let's dance." Glaring sharply at Tristan, she stormed over to the dance floor. I hurriedly passed over my bunny, and followed her. Reaching for her waist, I drew her in before she had the chance to dispute and locked my arms around her small frame. Violins sang smoothly, almost a whisper in the quiet breeze that past by. Kiara shivered in my arms, and yet no goosebumps pricked her flawless skin. I smiled inside. I still had that strange effect on her, the invisible chain linking us together was still holding on strong, and she could feel it too. "Why are you here?" She finally murmured, pulling back so she could meet my eyes. My gaze softened as I struggled to find an answer. Because f**k, I didn't have a clue. All I knew was what that I had to come here, had to see her and our baby girl. "Why did you agree to dance with me?" "Because I never back down from a challenge." I chuckled deeply, and slowly leant in until my lips brushed her ear. "That's exactly why I'm here. Because you're rare, and precious, and I'm not willing to let that go yet." Or ever. "That's not fair Aaron, you hurt me." Her bottom lip trembled. s**t, s**t, s**t. This was not supposed to happen. "Hey, Princess I'm sorry. Don't cry, I know I f****d it but I'm going to be better. I promise." "You promise? Aaron, how many second chances have I given you. How many times have I let the past go? I don't think I can do that anymore." The song changed suddenly, the music spewing words that hit me both deep. Well, you only need the light when it's burning low "Try. One more time, I promise you. Please, just try." She stared up at me, questioning everything. I knew it wasn't fair, but it was the only card I had left. "I'm done taking risks, I need truth. I need a forever, not a right now." I was about to dispute, about to tell her that I would do anything for her, everything for her. It wouldn't be enough though, because deep down I knew what she needed to hear. "Mind if I cut in?" We stopped our slow dance and I examined the man standing before us. A bright happy smile on his face, hair gelled back to perfection, brown loafer shoes and a grey suit. Looking back at Kiara, I saw the panic on her face and that's when it hit. This...clown was her boyfriend. This childlike boy who could hardly dress himself properly was f*****g my Princess, plays daddy to my child. The fucker even wore a bow tie with black and white polka dots. Surely she couldn't choose him over me? I mean, is there even a choice? "I'm Alessi, and you must be...Aaron, Stasia's father." He held out his hand for me to shake, a bright smile plastered to his face. That's why she liked him so much. He was a nice guy, boring but nice. He would never have secret fiancé's, or mummy issues, or run one of the biggest gangs in the world. He was Mr Perfect, but I knew deep down that Kiara wasn't his Mrs Perfect. She needed more, she needed me. Only know you love her when you let her go And you let her go "Yes, it's nice to meet you. Here," I gently placed Kiara's hand in his, who watched me with a wary and confused expression. I'd play the long game, I'd be the knight in shining armour, not the dark knight anymore. If she wanted a Mr Nice, I'd be him. I'd show her how much I've changed. "I'll be with Anastasia if you need me." Alessi said goodbye with a smile, Kiara continued to stare after me as though she'd just met a stranger. To be honest, I felt like a stranger. I felt like a shell of a man for not punching Mr Perfect's lights out. However, that would do nothing for me. It would only ruin everyone's night. "Man, what the f**k are you doing? Get your girl back." Tristan seethed as I sat down besides him. I smiled down at my little girl, her small body wrapped up inside Tristan's jacket. "She's already my girl, I just have to wait." He stared at me incredulously. "So that's your big plan? Just to wait. What happened to the Aaron Black who'd literally shoot a guy for just looking at her wrong, or the Aaron Black who took his girl to Paris? What happened to that guy? That guy wouldn't be sat on his ass waiting for the universe to hand him his woman. He'd be out there, fighting for her." "Or with her? And trust me she doesn't want that right now. This will work." It had to. Tristan shook his head. "You stupid fucker. If I never ended up with Kiara, I knew it was for the best because she would be with you. Her soulmate, her protector. I knew she would be happy and loved. Right now, she's playing happy families with that other guy but I won't last forever and when she realises that, she'll be alone." Well, you see her when you fall asleep But never to touch and never to keep 'Cause you loved her too much, and you dived too deep "I'll be here, waiting in the shadows." He scoffed, agitating my persistent patience. "She won't return to you Aaron unless you tell her the truth. Tell her what she's been waiting for, for two f*****g years. Tell the truth you can't admit to yourself." "I can't...I don't..." Those words were scared, but they were also lies. They hurt and destroyed people. I couldn't risk letting that happen to my family, to her, and Anastasia and Caitlin. "It's time Aaron, because if she doesn't realise she's playing happy families then what happens? She'll marry him, have his kids, and you'll just be some guy in her past. You'll just be Anastasia's father, who barely sees her. You won't be her dark knight anymore. All because you're a coward." I slammed my fist on the table. "I'm not a..." I noticed people staring, and my Princess dancing with...him. Only know you love her when you let her go Only know you've been high when you're feeling low Only hate the road when you're missing home Her eyes were light, a soft beautiful aura surrounding her, happiness radiating from her smile. I knew Tristan was right. I was losing her because of own cowardice. She needed to hear those words, I needed say them because they've been true, held locked inside my dark heart for the better part of two years. If I didn't say them now, it would be too late. Slowly, I stood. "Atta boy." Tristan cheered, but I only had eyes for her. My Princess. She was swaying gently in the middle of the dance floor, but waiters and people were all over, blocking my clear path to her. I pushed through, shoving and bumping people, but I needed to get to her now. Before, it was too late and she was gone forever. Only know you love her when you let her go Only know you've been high when you're feeling low Only hate the road when you're missing home Just as the song came to close, I reached the dance floor, the words spurring inside of my chest, slipping off the edge of my tongue and... Only know you love her when you let her go And you let her go No. The crowd fell silent, Kiara gasped, her hands cupping over her mouth and I could see the shock resonating around the room. Ryder was stricken with panic and anger, even Gabi seemed taken aback. But me...I was f*****g terrified. My heart was pounding out of my chest and the words I was ready to say, slowly slipped back inside their locked chest. On one knee was Mr Perfect, his smile bright, a ring in his hands and his mouth proudly speaking the words I knew Kiara had always wanted to hear. "Will you marry me, Bella?" I stared on, heart breaking slowly, as I waited the only redemption in my life to give her answer. ________________________________ A/N: Okay, so...who was expecting that? ?? And if you were, ya lying!!!! How did you like Aaron's P. O. V?? His desperation and belief that Kiara would just come back to him really broke my heart. What do you think Kiara will say?
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