My tragedy story of covid

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Once upon a time, in a world filled with magic and wonder, there existed a mysterious force known as Corona. This ethereal energy pulsated through the air, granting powers beyond imagination to those who were able to harness its energy. In the kingdom of Eldoria, a young sorceress named Seraphina discovered the existence of Corona during her studies at the prestigious Academy of Arcane Arts. She poured over ancient texts and manuscripts, seeking to unlock the secrets of this enigmatic force. As she delved deeper into her research, Seraphina learned that Corona was not just a source of power, but also a living entity in its own right. It had a consciousness of its own, guiding those who sought to wield its power for good or for evil. Determined to prove her worth as a sorceress, Seraphina set out on a quest to locate the legendary Corona Crystal – a powerful artifact said to be the physical embodiment of Corona itself. With the help of her faithful familiar, a wise old owl named Alistair, she journeyed across treacherous lands and faced countless dangers in her pursuit of the crystal. Finally, after months of travel and hardship, Seraphina found herself standing before the entrance to the fabled Crystal Caverns. The air crackled with energy as she stepped inside, her heart pounding with anticipation. As she ventured deeper into the caverns, she encountered a series of challenges that tested her skill and determination. She faced off against fearsome creatures and solved complex puzzles, all the while sensing the presence of Corona growing stronger with each step. At last, she reached the heart of the Crystal Caverns, where the Corona Crystal shimmered with an otherworldly light. Seraphina reached out a trembling hand and touched the crystal, feeling a surge of power coursing through her veins. In that moment, she was granted a vision of a world engulfed in darkness, ravaged by a malevolent force known as the Shadow King. She saw the people of Eldoria suffering and in need of a savior – and she knew that it was her destiny to rise up and vanquish the darkness once and for all. With the power of Corona coursing through her, Seraphina set out to confront the Shadow King and his minions. She called upon the elements themselves, summoning storms of fire and lightning to smite her enemies and protect the innocent. In the end, it was Seraphina who emerged victorious, her courage and selflessness shining brighter than any other. With a final burst of energy, she banished the Shadow King back to the depths of the void from whence he came, saving Eldoria from certain doom. As the people of Eldoria celebrated their newfound freedom, Seraphina stood tall as a hero and a beacon of hope. She had harnessed the power of Corona not for personal gain, but for the greater good of all. And so, the legend of Seraphina and the Corona Crystal lived on, a tale of bravery and magic that would be told for generations to come. For in a world of darkness and despair, the light of Corona would always shine bright, guiding those who sought to make a difference and protect the ones they loved. Hi friends, My name is asrin. I am from tamil nadu. This is try true story of covid when I was affected by corona in 2020. 1. Baby shower function 2. I went to my Mother's house 3. Trauma 4 .Painful moments 5. Unexpected phenomena 6.My new Lifeline 1. Baby shower function My baby shower function was conducted in such circumstances that was a corona time. Restricted rules are announced by the government that nobody came from country to country. If we are came to other country. E-pass is mandatory then only we go to other country. When my baby shower function happening nobody came from my mother's house because that is a corona time they would not get E-pass easily so that they are not came. only my mother-in-law wear bangles to me .My father-in-law & My husband arrange E -pass because I want to go to my mother's house but we not get E-pass easily many strictly rules and regulations are taken it then finally we got the E-pass. Me, My mother-in-law,father -in-law go to my mother’s house in cab. We are going in cab on the way one police Inspector abruptly stopped our cab & said you are not going anywhere. Police Inspector said strictly rules are permitted by the government that nobody cannot go to other country or other city Why you was going? My father-in-law said We send off our daughter-in-law to her mother’s house for delivery then police Inspector stare at my father-in-lars & said go. Then we would went to my mother's house. 2. I went to my mother's house Many obstacles finally I reached my mother's home. When reached my mother's house my mother also conduct my baby shower function because she was not came and my other family relations also not came to my husband's house so that my mother arrange a babyshower function and afternoon lunch for guests. Afternoon lunch was over, my mother and my other family relations wear bangles to me .Blessed me and arrival of my baby. Function was over I feel happy excited because few months to go my baby has come to see this universe. 3.Trauma Enjoying my pregnancy days in my mother's house. Whatever I desire to eat my mother prepared for me. But unfortunately, my happiness is suddenly gone at that day August 18 2020 that night I feel brose Pain in my legs I thought that it was normal for all pregnant women those who are in 8th month of pregnancy, my leg pain was not gone full night I cannot sleep each second. Next day morning, I said to 6my mother that I cannot sleep whole night because of leg pain. My mother said we will go to hospital now . Then my mother me & my mother go to hospital in Auto. when we are entering the hospital one nurse came and said what problem then she call doctor, Doctor check my temperature she said normal but she wrote I have high fever in my prescription Why she wrote like this me & my mother don't understand. Then doctor said go to go to covid test centre & take test, she forcefully said again and again go to covid centre But I do not have any covid symptoms why she said like this me & my mother feel so much anxiety why take covid test. Then me and my mother will go to covid centre one person will take a test for me and said you will go we will inform your test result by contact you in mobile. Me and my mother go to home. 4. painful moments Two days later, I have a call in call centre said I have covid+ve. When I heard this news, my body was shivering I said noooo…I was not affected by covid. please check my test result again. Immediately that person End my call. I these news to my mother and elder brother they get shocked and not believed this news. This day passed……Next day morning, my street government hospital nurse call me and forced to join in My city main government hospital. I shouted, I continuously sobbing and said I donot have covid; I am not go anywhere. But they do not hear my each word they admitted me in My city main government hospital. 5. unexpected phenomena When I was entered in the one hospital. One hospital nurse see me and check the ultra sound scan and baby heart beat. Then she said go to third floor that is you ward. I went to, my ward I saw some patients take up rest, some patients speaking Joviently with others. After a few hours, my ward all patients introduce herself and I also Introduce myself & maintain friendship with them. Next day morning my brother brought me a breakfast and said he had a call in centre one Lab Technician said I was not covid +ve. Their machine was something wrong. After hearing this, I feel so much worried and sobbing I tell these matter to that hospital nurse also but she donot know my pain. she do not understand my pain; Instead of , that hospital doctor give me her hospital work. 6. My new lifeline Days passed rapidly, One day my cousin call a hospital chief doctor and said she Leave me ; I was not affected by Covid. Then doctor said to me, go to home. when I reach home, I refresh, myself. and maintain social distance with my family members because I was coming from hospital so that was the reason. Days passed, on September 4 2020, that day afternoon I give a birth to healthy boy baby, I feel soooo much happy at that moment finally my little prince is come to see this world.

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