CH 6

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Oriana She was glad when Slade actually fell asleep. She didn’t want to talk about last night at all, it seemed that he’d let it go as well. In his words, he didn’t even see her as a girl. That had hurt more than she’d liked. She was a bloody girl and that man next to her, her future Alpha, had been all over her last night, she’d certainly been a girl to him in his drunken state. She wondered how he’d feel if she told him she didn’t see him as a man. Was just an Alpha and nothing more. She bet he would be more than insulted by those words. But she also knew that if she had said them back to him, he’d likely come to the realisation that his instincts were right and something had gone on between them. So she’d kept her mouth firmly closed on that retort, that had itched to be unleashed back upon him. It was very clear that he thought something had happened between them, but she also knew that he didn’t know exactly what either. It might be s*x in his mind, it might be just a bit of getting hot and heavy, or it might be that he was just digging because he was butt ass naked on his floor when he’d woken up. He had no proof of anything, and without proof, something she wasn’t going to give him, what could he say or do? Nothing was what! She would never say anything to anyone about it. Never tell a soul. It was now her dirty little secret, she supposed. Because she did not want her dad to ever find out. She drove all the way to his Alpha College and didn’t stop once. This car had a full tank of gas, she would have to gas up upon leaving, that was a certainty, and she would stop to fill it up before giving it back to Lindal as well. Slade slept soundly, and she didn’t bother to wake him for anything. If he slept she didn’t have to talk to him, she was uncomfortable around him and she knew it. Bloody drunken s*x, that he didn’t recall, was going to ruin their Alpha Beta bond if she couldn’t forget about it. Ori nearly sighed out loud at that thought. They did normally have a good relationship, got along well, and now it was going to be all screwed up, because of one night, that only she could recall. Was going to be screwed up from her end, he was going to be gone for a year. Slade would come home in a years' time and have forgotten all about this moment he’d tried to get her to talk about. Let it go and push it aside as nothing until he actually forgot about it. It probably wouldn’t take that long; out of sight, out of mind. She had to put it behind her, and quickly so, or she was going to be the one to ruin the Alpha Beta bond they had, and he wouldn’t understand what had happened either. But how could she do it so soon, like now on this trip? It was harder than she’d thought it would be. Had thought this morning to just let it go and not think about it, he wouldn’t remember so she’d never have to think about it. Then he’d gone and brought it up, now she was thinking about it. Had to console herself with the knowledge that after this morning, she had an entire month before she had to come back and pick him up again. A whole month to get over it, let it go and deal with the fact that he, her future alpha, her best friend, had popped her v-card in a drunken f**k, and he didn’t even remember it. Didn’t, in his sober state, even think she was a girl worth looking at. She pulled up in front of the gates to Alpha College. She’d never been here before, and she was now parked in front of a very grand set of gates. All wrought iron with intricate swirls, that kind of reminded her of the wolfen filigree that was given when wolves marked each other. They were attached to massive concrete posts on either side and there was a guard box with a man or wolf sitting in there. This place was making one hell of a statement to the human world. To humans, she knew they would see it as a very exclusive boarding school for the world's super wealthy children and getting in here was too damned expensive or too damned hard, she supposed. She announced herself to the gate guard, and he looked passed her into the car as she spoke “Oriana Vale, future Beta to Alpha Slade Southerland of the Highland Hills Pack.” “Is he dead or sleeping?” the guard snorted full amused, likely saw it all the time. She turned and looked at Slade, shook her head and punched him one right in the arm. “Hey Slade, wake up, you’re here. Greet the guard.” She saw him frown at her and rub his arm, and she smiled all sweetly at him, then he looked passed her to the guard “Slade Southerland reporting for Alpha College.” “Mm, he is alive I see.” the guard smiled at her “Go on in, drive up the main road, don’t deviate and park yourself in the white arrivals zone, can’t miss it...” he looked at his list and ticked something off it. Then he looked back at Ori, “You made good time, I see, almost an hour ahead of your scheduled drop-off.” “Good.” She nodded, was actually happy to hear that. She drove through the massive gates and up the very long winding driveway. This place was massive, all neatly mowed lawns and hedges. As the actual college came into view, it was like a bloody castle. All luxury for Alphas, she supposed. “An hour early, you sped?” Slade asked. “Yes. Going to get back before my time runs out.” She answered simply. “Take it easy in getting back Ori. You’ve been driving all day, 5 hours non-stop.” “I know how long I drove, with no company to keep me awake. Did you sleep well?” she asked as she pulled up in the white arrival zone. The guard was right, you couldn’t miss it, the entire area was painted white. She also saw there was a blue pickup zone and a green departure zone as well as she looked about. “Like a baby.” He smiled right at her and then got out. She got out herself and stretched her stiff muscles. On the bright side, she was apparently all healed up and no longer uncomfortable. She smiled a little as he to stretched out, and then groaned and complained about having a crick in the neck. It wasn’t missed on him, that she smirked at his pain while getting his luggage out to put it on the ground. “What’s that smirk for?” he muttered. “Maybe you deserve that pain in your neck, for sleeping the entire way.” She stated simply up at him. Ori knew that she had to actually walk Slade into the main building and see him sign in, before she could head back. She pushed that suitcase at him and went to walk passed him. “Come on, the sooner you’re registered, the sooner I can hit the road and get back.” She said. Ori found his arm in front of her, his hand landed on the roof of the car, blocking her way passed him, and she turned her eyes to him “I’m on the clock, you know this.” She muttered. “Mm, you are, but are also one hour ahead of schedule, so we got time.” “Time for what?” she frowned at him. “I want to finish our conversation from earlier. I’ve had time to think about it now.” She turned to walk back the other way only to find herself caged in by him. “When I’m ready, Ori, then you may go. I am your future Alpha.” He told her. Ori’s jaw tightened a little, and she heard him chuckle softly. He had pulled rank on her, and knew she couldn’t actually ignore him when he did, it would be considered disobeying an order. She turned to look up at him, leaned herself back on the car and stared at him. “I thought that conversation was finished, you seemed happy enough with the explanation, and slept like a baby even.” “Mm, I did sleep.” He nodded “after much thought, do you want to know what I think?” he smiled down at her. “Am I getting a choice in you telling me?” she asked in return, though already knew that she wasn’t going to be, not with how he was holding her in place, and pulling rank on her to make sure she didn’t walk away. “I think.” He leaned right down to her ear “You and I got naked together.” He murmured softly. “Interesting theory you have.” She stated right back, keeping her tone sounding board. “You got any proof to go with your unfounded theory?” she asked in return. “I’d be willing to bet your being uncomfortable, sitting in that seat when we left the pack was for a reason. I can be...a little aggressive in the bedroom department.” “I’ve seen you with girls before.” She shrugged it off, and she had actually, and she’d backed out of a few rooms in the past few months. She’d not meant to interrupt him in the act with she-wolves, pure accident on her part. “I’ve seen the way they sit and shift to try and get comfortable the following morning. Know what else I noticed; it was just like you did in this very car.” His light blue eyes met hers now, he seemed amused to her. “And that means nothing. Not my car, an uncomfortable seat.” She shrugged it off. Slade laughed now. “Oh, you’re all Beta I see.” “That is what I am to you... Your Beta.” “Mm, that you are.” He nodded. “Slade, whatever this is, you're trying to do. Stop playing games. I’m on the clock, and you’ve got a whole Alpha College full of un-mated Alpha she-wolves to f**k your way through, I believe.” She stared up at him. “Does that bother my Beta?” he smiled down at her. “Jealous maybe.” “Not at all, you’re the Alpha. You can go and do as you please, I believe.” “Mm, I am, and I can...thanks for reminding me of that.” His body was suddenly pressed right up against hers and his face was buried in the side of her neck, and she actually heard him smell her, all long and deep. “What the hell are you doing?” she gasped and put her hands on him to shove him away, only to have him grab them and pin them to the car. “Now, now, Ori, you just said yourself, I can have what I want and well smelling you is what I want right now. Do you know what I smell, Ori?” she could actually hear the smile in his voice. “Nothing.” She grated out as her eyes moved about hoping there was no one out here watching them. “Hmm, it was definitely you in my room and I smelled blood this morning as well, not a lot, maybe.” He chuckled softly right in her ear, and then there was a sharp sting as well as he bit her earlobe, she gasped in shock and heard him once again breath in all deeply “Ah yes, it was you’re blood, definitely your blood.” He murmured softly now then his eyes met hers “My, my, did I pop your v-card last night?” He asked her, though still sounded amused to her. She was glaring up at him now and when that amused smile turned into a full-blown smirk at her not answering his question, she slammed her knee up and into his balls, as hard as she could. Heard him gasp in pain and watched him stagger back and double over clutching at himself. Snarled right at her all angry now. “No, you didn’t pop my v-card. It’s still completely intact, and I wouldn’t let you have it anyway. You're just an Alpha, not a man in my eyes.” She stated, repaying his insult right back at him. Then she just grabbed his suitcase and walked away from him, threw over her shoulder, “Please, Alpha, enjoy your time here, f**k your Alpha self stupid.” “Oh I bloody will, don’t you worry about that, every freaking one of them she-wolves that will let me.” He snarled at her. “Good, go right ahead, it won’t affect me in the slightest.” She stated and moved on up the stairs and in through the front doors of the main building. He was stalking after her now. “You’ll pay for that, Ori. What you did just now, is bloody punishable by pack law.” “Hmm.” She put his suitcase by the lady at the desk and looked at him “I don’t see it that way, you drew first blood. I just reacted is all.” And he was glaring at her now. “And that’s how it will go when your father orders the truth out of me, not a lie either now is it.” She challenged him directly. “When you two love birds are done bickering,” The woman behind the counter stated. Ori turned and looked at the woman, ignored the ridiculous comment “Alpha Slade Southerland, Highland Hills pack.” She stated simply to the woman and then turned and walked away, she’d delivered him and seen him being attended to, her job here was done. “Oriana.” She heard him snap. “I’ll pick you up in a month. Enjoy Alpha College, Alpha Slade.” She stated, turned and looked right at him, bowed low and then was gone out the doors away from him.
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