Part 1: Oriana and Slade

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Ch 1 Oriana Ori was hauling her drunken future Alpha, Slade Southerland, up to his room on the top floor of the packhouse, because neither his Gamma Palmer nor his Delta Yuri, were in any kind of state to haul Slade’s heavy ass back to his room. They were both passed out drunk in the pack’s nightclub. She was not as drunk as they were. Being the Beta of their group, she had not drunk as much as they had. But all four of them had been out drinking, to celebrate them all turning 18 this week. Palmer and Yuri were hammered, and Slade was almost as bad. He could stumble along while leaning on her, that was at least something. The Gamma and Delta could find their own way home tonight. Hopefully, they would remember where their new suites were; they’d all only gotten them two days ago. She was the most sensible out of the four of them today, it seemed. She was only just a little bit passed tipsy, she thought. She hadn’t drunk as much as them, because she needed to be up by 7am and out of the pack by 8am. Ori had orders to follow, from her father, Anders: the current pack Beta. To get Slade off to Alpha College and then herself back to the pack, within a given time frame. Apparently, doing this would show her father, the actual Beta, that she could be a proper, responsible and reliable Beta to this pack. When the time came for her to step up alongside Slade, when it was time for his ascension. Though that was a long way off. Years away. She’d also been training her entire life with Slade, Palmer and Yuri. She was the same age as Yuri, born on the same day as him, 15 minutes earlier than he’d been born. Slade was two days older than she was and Palmer had been born the night before her and Yuri. Born all together like an Alpha, and his unit should be. “Goddess Slade,” she muttered as she pushed the door to his new suite open, “Could you weigh anymore?” she grunted as he tripped over his own feet and down they went, sprawling on the floor just inside the doorway. He was laughing at her now. Didn’t even seem to care they were on the floor. “You should have had one of the boys bring me home, girl.” He thought it was funny as she tried to shove him off of her, and over onto the floor next to her, so she could sit up. She looked at him “Like either of their drunken asses could get you back here, and into your bed. They’re worse than you right now.” She muttered as she got up to her feet and stared down at him. He was laying there on the floor smiling up at her all stupidly happy, she thought, his blonde hair all messy about his face. She reached down and grabbed him, tried to haul him up, only to have him laugh “Put your muscles into it girl.” But then actively resisted against her picking him up off the floor. “Come on Slade, you got Alpha College in the morning.” She laughed down at him. “Help a girl out, won’t ya.” She shook her head as she grabbed his other arm, knew he was just going to be a right pain and lay there on the floor and not help her. Bloody drunken Slade, meant a lazy Slade. She dragged his ass into his suite’s living area properly and went back to close the door. She couldn’t have his father, Alpha Roman, see his son in this state. Both she and he would get in trouble. It was her duty as the future Beta to the pack, to keep Slade from doing anything stupid or getting himself into trouble, and she only had to do it for a few more hours, and then he was the Alpha Councils problem for a whole year. She looked down at him and those merry light blue eyes of his so full of amusement as he smiled up at her, then laughed once more. He really did think this was funny. “One more night.” She told him “Then you’re not my problem for a whole year.” She smiled down at him, and teased him. “Hey!” He pointed up at her “You’ll miss me.” He stated with a pout. “Yeah! Miss hauling your drunken ass here, there and everywhere, to hide you from your own father.” She muttered “Get up, Slade.” She practically demanded him. She saw those bright blue eyes of his lock right on to hers. “That’s not nice you know. I’m your future Alpha, Beta.” He shot right back. “And you’re drunk.” She muttered and went to step over him to drag him to his bedroom, seeing as he wasn’t going to get up and help her at all. Only to have him grab onto her leg and then drag her down to the floor, and then he was up, and trying to pin her down “I might be drunk,” he laughed. “But I can still beat you in a wrestling match.” And then he was trying to wrestle her and pin her down, and she was fighting back against him “I’ll bloody win,” she laughed back at him as they rolled around on the floor trying to put each other down on the floor and hold them down, see who was the strongest when both were more than a little inebriated. The damned man was not only bigger than her, but stronger as well. Even in this state, it seemed, he could put up a good fight, and before she knew it, she was really trying to out muscle Slade. Trying to take back control of the situation, bloody couldn’t a moment later. He was cheating, and it wasn’t fair, he was suddenly tickling her with one hand while the other hand was holding her now laughing and squirming body down. He’d found her one weakness. Hell, he knew what it was, used it in training to get her to lose at times. “You bastard.” She laughed as she tried to get out of his grip and grab him. She was trying to shove him over to get the upper hand but couldn’t, with all the tickling. They were both laughing hysterically a moment later, just enjoying having a bit of fun like they always did. When his mouth found hers, and he was suddenly kissing her all hot and hungry, she’d gasped unexpectedly, and his tongue was in her mouth, demanding she kiss him back, and she kissed him back without much thought in her happy drunken state. Before Ori knew it, she was pulling at his clothes and he at hers, and they were naked, his mouth on hers once more, their hands all over each other, touching and grabbing onto each other’s bodies, then his hands were pulling her thighs apart, and he was just buried deep inside of her. A deep groan came from him right into her own mouth, as she gasped as pain shot through her at the sheer size of him, but it only lasted a brief moment as he started taking her. His mouth was practically devouring hers, and her hands were in his blonde hair a moment later, as she arched up to him as he took her. She gasped his name out, as she felt pleasure flood her body, with her first o****m. He smiled down at her “f**k, I want that again.” He growled at her, and crashed his mouth down on to hers and was taking her once more. She was all arched up to him, wanted more herself, wanted control, and she knew it, pushed at him as hard as she could and shoved him over. He held her to him, and then she was on top and moving against him, his hands on her shoulders, and he pushed her up and back. A cry burst from her as she felt him so big and hard inside of her with the change of position, “Oh yes.” He growled at her “This is f*****g perfect.” He told her as his hands slid down her body, cupped her breasts briefly, then slid down to her hips, and he was helping her, get what she wanted holding her hips and thrusting up into her as she started to ride him. Ori's head fell back as she felt that pleasure building once more. "f**k, I’m cumming." She cried out as she felt her whole body flutter around his c**k, his hands were gripping her hips tightly pulling her harder down on to him “Don’t you dare stop.” He gasped out, up at her still thrusting up and into her. She looked down at him as she put a hand on his chest to steady herself as the o****m rolled through her body. Saw that devilish smile of Slade’s spread across his face, as he looked up at her. “Oh, we're not even close to being done.” He smirked up at her, and then she was just over and under him again. His mouth crashed down onto hers as he started to take her again, thrusting in and out of her harder and faster. She was cumming for him once more, gripping at his arms as she cried out his name, felt him pull himself from her quickly and was just rolled over by him onto her stomach. Then he was pulling her up by the hips till she was on all fours. She cried out as he took her once more “Oh f**k, I’ve so wanted this.” He groaned as she felt his arm lock around her waist, and the other was on the floor next to hers, and then he was just really taking her, holding her body to his as he thrust furiously in and out of her, she was gasping as much as he was grunting and groaning in pleasure himself. Pleasure was ripping through her body in minutes, and she was screaming his name as she came once more, felt her whole body get shoved down on the floor, his body so very hard up against hers, “Fuck.” He groaned as his hot sweaty body lay atop of hers. She felt him slip from her body and pretty much just flop onto the floor next to her “I knew it would be good.” He murmured from his place on the floor next to her, his breathing as ragged as her own. Ori lay there trying to catch her own breath, she didn’t even really know how they’d gotten to this, them both naked and going at it. She’d known him her whole life, and they’d never even looked at each other like that. She was just his Beta and he, her future Alpha. She’d never seen him look at her like he was attracted to her, not once. Yet here they were in his suite, and had just had drunken and very aggressive s*x with each other. Her eyes moved to Slade laying on the floor next to her a few minutes later, after she was settled, and her breath was back to normal, she bit her lip a little nervously. She didn’t know what to say to him about what had just happened. The man, she realized, was out cold, he’d passed out, it seemed. She sighed a little, guess she wasn’t going to know what he thought. Ori pushed herself up off the floor and groaned as her body protested. “Just freaking great.” She muttered to herself, that had been her first time, and not only was it just a drunken free for all, it was with Slade, her freaking future Alpha. She knew this man well. He was not going to remember anything, never bloody did when he was drunk. He’d drunk way more than she had, and she’d seen him not recall things before, after drinking wolfen loaded alcohol. Which they’d all been doing tonight. She got herself up and looked about the room. It was a little out of place, though she didn’t think he’d care or notice. On the bright side, he wasn’t going to remember, and she could plead ignorance, a Beta did not just have s*x with her Alpha. That was a no-no. She looked for her clothes and found them, they were a bit on the tattered and torn side, as were his. She huffed as she realized she was going to have to make her way back to her room naked. She never thought she’d have to do the walk of shame, let alone from Slade’s suite to her own. It might only be across the hall, but still, this was not something she’d thought about, or wanted to do with the man. She closed her eyes and checked the hallway with her pack tether for anyone out there, or coming this way. There was no one, so she slipped from his room and dashed across the 15-foot-wide hall to her own room. She didn’t want anyone to know what had just happened between her and Slade. Goddess, if her father found out, she’d be removed from her position, so quickly her head would likely snap off her body. That was not something that she wanted, though she knew it was something her younger brother Hayden would want. He wanted her position as the future Beta.
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