Chapter 46

1109 Words

SEIRA’S POV After changing clothes, we went back to the building apartment where Lucian took me before. We wanted to start there for that’s the only place we know what Lucian was going to. Rylan told me about the black barrier. I didn’t know about it until we saw it. The whole building was surrounded by a black barrier. Obviously, it's Lucian’s power. I bet this barrier can only be seen by us. “I can feel it too, vaguely,” Troy said. “It’s weaker than before. Guess, I must have injured him pretty badly. If I wasn’t injured, I could’ve killed him.” “You two should better check the house while he’s still weak.” “But if we enter the barrier, surely Lucian will sense it,” I said. This barrier should serve him well. If I could just find a way to enter this barrier without making Lucian no

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