Chapter 27

1166 Words

Not long after, Roe's men started shooting us even not knowing where we are exactly. It was pitch dark inside. I didn't want to use my power for they will see us. Rylan held me tightly. Toughing up even with every bang of bullets I could see him getting startled. I had to find a way for us to escape. I cannot die now. I won't let anyone stop me from getting to those writings! I looked around but like what's Roe said, this place is a dead end. I looked up with high hopes, but I saw a big rock that was about to fall on us. Rylan was looking after the entrance of the cavity. I don't know what he had in mind. I could not say anything. Instead, my power did it for me. I felt a tingling sensation down my feet as it starts to glow. The power was too much that I felt the pain going up my bo

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