Chapter 23

1184 Words

I couldn’t help but think about what will I do when I find out about my past. Those sacred writings are here. For sure I will get some sort of answers to my questions. And maybe, somewhere in those writings, I will find my future as well. All of a sudden, I felt my body was being pulled by someone, quickly masks my mouth harshly with his hand to prevent me from making a sound in a quiet place. I’m not even sure if this person is a man or a woman. But as soon as the person’s other hand was placed on my chest I felt my heart being dragged out. I screamed in pain, my body shuddering wrestling for freedom. I know what this is! It's absorbing my energy! And the only one who can do this is Rylan! But why now? I don’t want to die yet! I’m close to getting the answers to my questions! I can’t

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