Former Lovers

612 Words
Lucan watched as Claude set the bowl of honey laced water on the floor. She had earlier brought in the honey ointment, wools, clean bandages, chichen broth, and dry clothes. She moved away, then bowed. "Is thwre anything else you need, His Highness?" Lucan started to wave her away, but he stopped as the curtains slowly opened. Adeline was wearing the dress he had brought for her earlier, but only up to her waist. The sleeves fell off her hips and exposed the wounded part of her stomach. She was wearing a padded silk to cover her chest, and Lucan swallowed, his eyes taking her in. She was wearing none of the makeup that Claude and the others wore, and her hair fell in two sections in front of her chest to further cover it, and the rest fell down her back all the way to her waist. He bit down on his lip slowly, forgetting about Claude's presence entirely. "Stop looking at me," Adeline said, clenching her jaws. "You have already done enough to humiliate me." Lucan gave a small laugh. "You are one beautiful woman, Princess. If only you could fix your attitude." "To accommodate a tyrant? Never." He laughed, then gestured to the bed. "Lay on it. We do not have much time." Adeline swallowed, then walked slowly to the bed. She closed her eyes as She got on the bed, facing upwards, her hand clasped over her chest. Claude watched, her eyes filling. The man she loved was watching another woman with a wonder She had never seen in his eyes when he looked at her, and she was not sure she had felt anything even had as hurtful. He never called any of them princess after they became his women, neither did he care to touch them beyond the nights when he cared for their presence. She turned around and walked away, quite unnoticed by Lucan. Lucan slowly moved Adeline till she was facing away from him, and her side was upwards to him. She held her breath and closer her eyes as he tore off the former bandage. He let his fingers slowly caress her stomach, and he smiled. Without a word, he dabbed the dry towel in the water, then gently dabbed at the wound. She flinched a bit, and he raised his eyes to her. "You should have thought about the pain bedore doing thos, Adeline." She shook her head. "I do not regret it." "For a man who could not even run past me as you bled on the floor. I do not want this love you speak of if this is how it is done." She closed her eyes. "He was injured too." Lucan did not reply as he moved the damp towel. He then took a swab of cotton wool, dipped it into the ointment, and slowly applied it across the wound. Gently, he arranged the cotton swabs, then helped her up. She gave a low grunt, and he brought his shoulder close, guiding her to rest on his shoulder. He wrapped the bandage around her, then tightened it. "Does it hurt?" She nodded. "It does." "I will untie it and..." "No," she shook her head. "That is not where it hurts." "Then? Did you hurt somewhere else?" She met his eyes, her lips parted. "Where is Evander?" He watched her, his eyes narrow. "Are you really asking me about your former lover right now?" She nodded. "Please, just..." "I do not want to hear it. You will be riding in the same carriage with me." Lucan got off the bed and walked away, a sting of curses leaving his lips.
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