The Only Options

1010 Words
Dawn broke, and light came over the world, excluding Corvalon and Olyndria. The cries, the howls of pain, and the shouts of war could be heard throughout the capital city of Corval9n. Angel headed the troops as the castles were seized simultaneously. Women pulled together to be imprisoned. Men falling down to the floor in the already deep hues of blood splattered on the floor. Cardell Fort was seized, and the princes brought to a shameful end, except for Duke Evander. "Tie him up, and head to Olyndria!" Angel gave the order and turned around on his horse, leaving the remains of the fallen capital behind. Lucan's troops were large and fully armed as they approached the large gates of Olyndria. To no surprise of his, the gates were locked firmly. He turned to the troops. "Kill no one." He had come wearing a white robe, and even though it was his favourite sort of clothes to stain with blood, he didn't want to do it just yet. He watched as the door was forced open, and the civilians started to run around hide, anticipating a war. He only gave a small smile, as his soldiers occupied every space around him, protecting him to the very end. They would lay their very lives before anyone could get to him. And that was not the goal. The goal was for anyone who dared to attack to fall under their defence, while Lucan enjoyed a hitch free ride. The palace of Olyndria stood still, and King William stood in front of the Fort, his eyes watching the large gates with anticipation. His crown was balanced on his head. He knew he would die a king just as he had lived as one. Adeline was standing behind him, her body shaking with anger and tears, her chest heaving. The news of Corvalon's conquest had reached them, and they knew that Duke Evander had gone missing, and his body had not been found. She regretted being foolhardy, regretted ever refusing Lucan so blatantly. But the deed was done, and she stood there, her heart unable to take the weight of sacrificing the people who would have become her new family just because she loved their son too much. The gates slowly opened. There was no rush at all, but the first thing they saw was Duke Evander. He was completely bare, and Angel pushed him further till he was on his knees in front of King William. He was bloodied, weak, barely able to even put a sentence together. "Evander!" Adeline gave a shrill yell and ran to him, her dress tearing at the hem as she fell in front of him. Without hesitation, she tore her dress, upnt0 her thighs and wrapped the material around uis waist, then brought his closer to her chest, her eyes filled with tears, her body shaking and heaving. "Adeline," King William said. "Stand up. They are coming, and if you don't want more lives destroyed, please just..." "Father! How can you be saying that right now? How can you be talking about succumbing?" "Adeline! Do you wish to see more people die? Do you wish to stain your soul with the blood of your people? Do you wish to live with the taint?" Adeline was shaking now, her lips parted. Every person in the palace was standing around, soldiers, royal relatives, servants, slaves. Each one of their lives depended on her. She fell back into the sand, Evander falling off her, his body only covered by the torn material of her dress. "What sort of monster does something like this?!" "Me." Adekine looked up with a gasp, and Lucan's troops had arrived. They were by the gate, their majestic stallions shielding every sort of entry or exit. Her eyes filled with tears as they parted up, till Lucan came in front, his eyes cold, a small smile playing on his lips. It felt like seeing the devil himself. "Your Majesty," King William said, bowing, his eyes closing as he felt all of his pride crumble. Lucan did not reply to it as he continued to come forward, till he was right in front of Adeline, who had pushed herself to a standing position, her body shaking with anger and hatred "I see you have received my gift, Adeline." "Curse you, you bastard!" She yelled, spitting to the floor, her eyes as sharp as arrows. The palace fell in a hush, each servant, each guard, each person that was not part of Lucan's troop holding their breaths, including King William. "Thank you," Lucan said, then slowly got down his horse, his feet cushioned by the back of one of his servants. He finally came to her. He was at least a foot taller and way bigger. For the first time in her life, she felt extremely small. Defeated. The silence was deafening as Lucan crossed over Evander, stepping on his fingers. Adeline's filled with tears as Evander gave a weak moan, then turned over, his chest heaving as he struggled to breathe. "I have come for you, Adeline. I believe your father must have informed you." Adeline took a step forward. "I would rather die than..." she trailed off as Evander was yanked off the ground by two soldiers, a dagger put in front of his throat. Lucan smiled as he watched her distress, the way her eyes ran over everyone, and then to her father, as if she was begging him to do something. "Your Majesty, surely, we can..." Before King William could finish, Lucan moved his right hand, a small knife attached to a string leaving his hand. "Father!" Adeline yelled, and the knife stopped right in front of King William's left eye. She gasped, her eyes wide as she turned to Lucan. He had held down the string, and he gave her a small, wicked smile. "I am not here for tea or negotiation. You either come with me, or we both watch as I seize your kingdom and force you to come with me."
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