
1252 Words
Adeline's eyes were fixed on her feet as the carriage slowly left the lush green surroundings of Olyndria to enter the rocky paths that led to Vahrenhall. She closed her eyes against the tears, shutting them away. She had done what was best for everyone. Her family. Her people. Even Evander. She had saved them all, even though she had been the one to doom them. Suddenly, the carriage stopped, and she lifted her eyes, her chest heaving. Slowly, she peeked out in time to catch Angel walking up to Lucan. "Your Highness. We have arranged for bedding and food. The sun could set soon, and there is also a high probability of rain." Lucan nodded. "Feed everyone and arrange for rooms for them all. Arrange a separate room for the princess. I do not wish to meet her tonight." Angel nodded and turned away. "We are stopping here tonight! Arrange for fire and source for the finest wines." Adeline turned around, and Evander was now on his knees, his lips parting as he tried to breathe. Tears filled her eyes even faster as she felt her chest fill up with pain. She turned away, her fingers lightly trembling. Soon enough, she was escorted out of the carriage and led towards the large Inn. They had stopped by at one of the most majestic inns in the small kingdom of Perla, one that stood between Olyndria and Vahrenhall. Adeline gave a small sigh. It would have been better if she had stayed here instead of wandering off to Vahrenhall. Maybe she would still be back at home, cuddling the flowers brought by Evander. Absent mindedly, she sat on the edge of the large bed, her fingers wrapping around the cloak that her handmaiden had hurriedly put around her. She missed her, too. The trusty young girl she had been with even longer than she had been with her own mother. She slowly looked around the room. It was large and held decorative ornaments, a large mirror with a cushions stool, and two lass decorations on each side. Slowly, she stood and walked towards the small partitioned window. It led to another room, and she wondered if it was a pathway or a window that led outside. She slowly opened it, and the first thing that met her nose was the smell of alcohol and hookah. Angel was sitting next to Lucan, who was shirtless, his head thrown back so his hair fell back in light brown waves, his lips parted as he let out a cloud of smoke. Her chest filled with hatred as she watched him, her fists clenching on either side of her. Angel suddenly went on his knees and thrust his cup of alcohol forward, his head bowing in front of him. "Congratulations, Your Majesty!" Lucan gave a drunken laugh and slowly shook his head. "I would not have done it without you, Angel. Upon my return, I shall give you a trinket of gold, any palace of your choice and a w***e to go with it." Angel howed even deeper. "Your grace is vast, and tis my duty to ensure you have what you want." Lucan drew a long puff and closed his eyes, a smile lifting his lips. "You saw why I wanted her, did you not?" Angel nodded. "She is quite the feisty one, Your Majesty. Completely the type to surprise you later." Lucan laughed again, causing Adeline's blood to boil. She closed the window, her eyes filling with angry tears, her chest heaving. He would be easier to forgive if he had not killed so many princes, enslaved her lover, disgraced her father and captured her from her home just to make her a w***e. A slut. A personal pleasure rag. She turned to the glass ornaments on the table, then slowly walked to them. With one move of her hand, the one closest to her fell to the floor, shattering in a loud noise. None of the men in the other chamber cared to check on her, and she went down. There was a sharp, large piece, and she picked it up, lodging it between her fingers. She dropped the cloak and the corset, then let go of her hair to tumble to her back. She turned to the mirror and looked at herself. The undergarment was barely transparent, and she could see some of the outlines of her own body. Her shoulder was left exposed, and sonwas the skin from her thighs downwards. Enough for a man so driven by lust. She grabbed the cloak again and wrapped it around her, then stepped out of the room. "His Majesty..." said a soldier, stopping her from leaving. "Wait till His Majesty hears that you refused to let me see him." The soldier immediately stepped away, and she walked ahead, her feet conveying her to the next door where she knew he would be. Another set of guards were watching the door, but they let her through once they realized who she was, and the door opened. Lucan looked up from the glass of alcohol, while Angel stood, his brows furrowed. "Who are..." He trailed off, hisveyes squinting. "Tis the princess." She swallowed, then turned to Lucan, whose eyes were taking her in slowly. They were already sleepy without the alcohol and now they looked almost dead. "Your Majesty..." "Leave us, Angel." Angel nodded, then walked away, closing the doors behind him. "I already gave the order that I shall not see you tonight." Adeline swallowed, then dropped the cloak from around her, her chest heaving. She was embarrassed, hateful, vengeful. She hated the ma sitting in front of her with all of the force in the world. Lucan's eyes glided down her body, his expression unchanging. He, however, moved, then gestured for her to come closer to the spread. Abandoning the cloak, she walked to him, the glass lodged deeper in her hand, ready to attack. She slowly sat next to him, and he leaned to her, his brow raised. "We both know you are about to do something foolish. Do not dare." She met his eyes. "Why? Do you not adore a woman who can surprise you anymore?" He chuckled, his fingers dropping to her thighs, slowly trailing down her skin. She hated his touch, and it felt like a can of warms had been released on her body. "I do," he said in a lazy drawl. "I love to be surprised. Just not with a piece of glass." Adeline pulled the glass and struck, but he caught her hand right in front of his eyes. He looked bored, like he had seen several such attempts, and he was tired of the predictability. "You really are foolish, Princess." She gave a small shriek, and he pulled the glass, cutting her hand. Before she could react, her back hit the floor, and his body hovered above her, his eyes taking her in. "I would not mind taking you, however." "You will rot in hell, Lucan." He laughed. "Say my name again." Before she could reply, he leaned to her neck, his lips placing burning, painful kisses on her skin. "Lucan!" She yelled, just as a clatter of silverware came, interrupting him. Lucan leaned away, then turned, just as Adeline sat up, her lips parting in a gasp. Evander was standing by the door, the silverware he had brought to massage Lucan's feet in as he was instructed, laying on the floor at his feet.
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