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Adeline sat on the edge of her bed, her lips parted, tears streaming down her cheeks in long, unbroken lines. Never in her life did she expect to hear such vile words from Evander. It was easy to misunderstand, but she thought he knew her. She thought he could trust her. After so many years of being the only man in her life, how could he suddenly believe someone with so little regard for human life could make her be so overcome with lustful desire that she would instantly think to hand him her honor? She closed her eyes and turned to the window. It was still dark, and from her estimation, dawn could come in the next hour or two. She swallowed, then slowly stood up. She had to make a move now. Vahrenhall was not so far, anymore. If she wanted to be safe, she had to run now. She had no clothes, however, and she checked the chamber, hoping a precious occupant of the inn could have forgotten something. Anything. There was nothing at first, but right in the last drawer in the chest was a folded slack and loose shirt. It looked nicely done, like a man of dignity had owned it. She immediately wore it. It was large, but she tore off her inner garment, then tied it around her, keeping it on her waist. She pulled her hair into a tight bun and then turned to the mirror. She looked feminine still, but not completely. The looseness of the clothes helped to hide her voluptuous but well trimmed body, and she sighed. It needed to be enough. She had no other alternative now. She walked to the door. The inn was quiet, and the guard in front of her room was fast asleep. His bow was by his side and the cup of arrows, too. She moved around him and took both items, and raising her feet to only depend on the toes, she walked stealthily down the long halls. There was no one as far as she could see, and she started to run to the main entrance. "Who are you?" Cane a gruff voice, stopping her in her tracks. She turned, her eyes closing. She had wrapped her face with a piece of the torn cloak Lucan had given to her. "I am..." she started to say, her voice immediately deepening. "I am a..." "Open your face!" He yelled, moving closer. Once he got close enough, she pulled an arrowhead and stabbed his shoulder with it. He gave a loud shriek and fell back, and she immediately turned, running with all her might. She knew he would now alert the soldiers, and they would come after her, looking. She jumped over the low fence and turned around the inn, running through the dense forest. Lucan woke up to the sound of running feet and yelling servants. His brows furrowed as he sat up, his hand coming to his face. His hair fell on both sides of his face, his chest lightly heaving. "Your Majesty," Angel said, bringing a cloak. Lucan waved it off. It felt too hot with the hookah and the anger he had slept with, the last thing he wanted was a cloak restricting his flow. "What is happening?" He said, pushing his hair back, his deep blue eyes rising to meet Angel. Angel swallowed, then bowed. He always thought the king before him was so exceptionally beautiful, especially in the mornings. Especially when he walked in on him sitting on the floor, so they would be the same height. He did wonder, however, if Lucan would want to take his sister as his wife. It had been Angel's dream for far longer than he could remember. "Angel." Angel looked up, then shook his head. "I will handle it, Your Majesty. I have ordered for a cold bath for you." Lucan nodded. "Have you checked on the princess?" Just talking about her made him angry. Angel swallowed, then closed his eyes against Lucan's imminent wrath. Lucan had never hit him before, but seeing the lengths he was willing to go for Adeline, he was not ruling out the possibility this time. "She... we are looking for her, Your Majesty. I swear. I know we will find her. Perla is a small kingdom and..." "What if she is not in Perla?" Angel looked up. Lucan did not seem too surprised. Instead, there was a rather bored look in his eyes, his hand gently massaging his forehead. "Did you know she was going to run?" He shrugged. "I gave her the idea myself. And I was expecting her to take it." Angel bit down on his lips. "What now, Your Majesty? What should we do?" Lucan shrugged again, then slowly stood up, his hands swiftly pushing back his hair. He walked to the small window, his eyes squinted as he took in the long path. He gave a small snicker. "Where is my bath?" "I will take you to it, Your Majesty. " Lucan slowly nodded. "Secure the former Duke of Corvalon. Adeline will return on her own. As for my bath, I need a massage." Angel nodded. "I will bring a woman from the carriages." Lucan nodded again, then smiled to himself again, his eyes closing as he took in a deep breath. He loved a challenge. To be honest, it was refreshing. At this point, he wanted to drag it out even longer. His hand came to his cheek, and he smiled again.
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