A Game for Two

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"My lady!" Came a servant who ran into the chambers and immediately started to put the fire out. A few more came in after her, and Adeline watched rather calmly as they tried to salvage the dress but to no avail. She gave a small smile as they finally put out the fire and brought out the remaining silk of the dress. The diamonds had fallen off, and the dress was nothing more than rags now. "My lady," Claude said, swallowing. "We will not be able to find another dress for you before the ceremony. What have you done?" Adeline looked at the dress, then slowly collected it. "I will be fine. Do not tell anyone about this." "But my lady..." "Bring me a few sewing materials, will you? I shall fix the dress before the ceremony." Claude swallowed, unable to choose between risking Lucan's wrath and pleasing Adeline. They seemed very interchangeable these days, and she was being careful. As it is, Lucan's interest in all of his women has dwindled drastically. He had not spent a night with any of them ever since he returned and did not even look at them twice. It was like they were losing relevance. She, at least, was lucky to have been assigned to Adeline. She did not like her at all, but she was staying in Lucan's sight because of her, so she would take it. She slowly nodded and bowed, then directing the others to clean up the mess, she walked away, leaving them behind. She soon returned with a silver tray that held all sorts of sewing materials. From beads to pearls to gold threads and silk to wool and thread and needles. Adeline watched as she settled it in front of her, then smiled up at her. "You can leave." "You do not need my help, Your Highness?" Adeline shook her head and turned to the materials. "I am fine. You can go now." Claude bit down on her bottom lip, then nodded and walked away, closing the door behind her. Adeline smiled to herself as she took the tattered piece, then slowly started to fix it to her taste. It was sunset by the time she was done with the dress, and she smiled in satisfaction, tucked it away, and then went to take a bath. Lucan watched his reflection in the mirror, his eyes thin. His hair was elegantly curled and slicked back, and the volume that would be outside of his crown was full and curled. He liked it. His robe, a black diamond encrusted piece, was waiting for him as he slowly stood up from the seat. He could not wait to flaunt Adeline. She was by far the fairest lady he had ever seen, and he put her up there with one of the priceless diamonds in his crown. If only she was not so stubborn. He let his thoughts drift towards her again as the servant carefully climbed the small stool in front of him in order to be able to reach Lucan's height. He fixed the robe around Lucan, then adjusted the inner robes. He reached for Lucan's chain, then put it gently on his neck, and let it settle right on his chest. Lucan's eyes thinned as he thought of Adeline. She was fiery. It was a real tease, but if he was to be honest, he had no idea what to do with her at all. She seemed bent on not allowing him to have her even through marriage. The crown slowly settled on his head, and he sighed, feeling the weight. It was one thing to be an emperor. It was a completely different thing to be an emperor that everyone feared. Vahrenhall had remained peaceful for years because there was not even a single king who thought having Lucan as an enemy was worth it. "You are done, Your Majesty." He nodded, then slowly turned to the mirror. He looked every inch a king. Every inch a beast. He gave a small smile, then grabbing his sword, an accessory he always had on him, just like his dagger and knife beneath his robes, he walked out of the chamber. "His Royal Majesty, Emperor of Vahrenhall, ruler od the fifty three cities, owner of the eight rivers, guardian of the fort of treasures, His Majesty, Emperor Lucan has arrived the banquet hall!" Lucan slowly emerged, and everyone in the banquet Hall stood up, then bowed to pay their respects. He walked majestically towards the large throne, his eyes falling on the smaller one to his right. That will soon be occupied by Adeline. The thought made him smile to himself. He sat down before the rest of the people sa down. The dignitaries and members of the Royal Council came forward to pay special respects and welcome him. Lucan answered half-heartedly, eager to get past this event and introduce Adeline already. Soon enough, it was done, and he heaved a sigh of relief and adjusted his robe. "His Majesty has brought back with him, a present for all of Vahrenhall, and he wishes for us all to meet the noble woman he has brought back." Lucan smiled, his eyes fixed on the top of the stairs. "Her ladyship, Princess Adeline of Olyndria." All went into total silence as they waited for her. A few seconds passed, then a minute, and then two. Lucan's eyes thinned, his anger slowly rising. He would not put it past that vixen to humiliate him. Suddenly, the door opened, and he heaved a sigh of relief, his eyes thinning as he watched her, a small smile lifting his lips. The smile immediately fell off his face, however, and she descended the stairs, a knowing smile plastered on her beautiful lips. "Your Majesty," she said, bowing. Lucan swallowed, his eyes wide with anger as he gripped the sword hard, his knuckles turning white. How dare she?
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