The Confession

1018 Words
Lucan gently sat beside Adeline. Luckily, she was lying on her side with the wound yp, and Lucan gently treated it. He did not apply to alcohol this time because the pain could wake her up. Carefully, more for his own sanity than for her, he wrapped the bandage around her, then stepped back. With an exasperated sigh, he walked away, feeling much better, too. Adeline's lashes fluttered slowly as the bright streaks of sunlight streamed in through the open windows. She closed her eyes tighter, then gave a grunt, her hand coming to cup her stomach where the wound was. She was met, instead of with naked skin like she had slept with, a bandage, and a layer of soft wool coated in honey under it. Her brows furrowed, and she opened her eyes fully, then straightened. A small grunt left her lips as she did, then slowly turned towards her stomach. It was indeed carefully wrapped up and tied. Her brows furrowed, the crease lines going even deeper. With the way Lucan had left last night, she knew he would not come back even if she was dying. Her breath caught in her throat. Could it be Evander? Could he have snuck into her room and taken care of her wound? Tears filled her eyes as a smile lifted her lips. He still loved her. That was obvious. He definitely still loved her. All of the things he had said were merely out of anger and helplessness. Neither of them had foreseen this, and he had lost his family, been abused and maltreated so much. He had to be angry. She pulled herself to stand, just as a knock came on the door. Her smile faltered, but the door opened, and Claude walked in and gave a small bow. "My lady. I have arranged a bath for you and also brought this dress for you upon His Majesty's orders. We will be leaving for Vahrenhall in an hour. I shall wait for you so I can redress your wound." Adeline swallowed, her hand cupping the wound protectively. "No. No. You shall not redress my wound. And I shall not wear this dress! I shall take a bath and wrap these sheets around me if I nust, but I shall not take anything of Lucan's kindness." Claude sighed. "Other women would die for the attention he is giving you, incuding I. You are being ungrateful by refusing it like this." Adeline watched her for a while, her kips parting. "How can you love a man like that? A man who sees you as nothing but a body..." "As long as he sees me. And you are making even that hard now. Please just do exactly as he says, and I shall wait for you to finish your bath." Adeline let her eyes fall to the dress, and she closed her eyes. "I shall not refuse to wear the dress because I know he will only come here, and I will deprive you of your time with him. But I shall not let you touch the wound." Claude nodded, then silently walked away, her head held high. Lucan had brought the cup of alcohol to his lips when Claude walked into the open chamber where he was sitting. The caravan was ready, and he was taking some rest before Adekine would finish. "Your Majesty." "Did she accept?" He asked, his voice low. Claude nodded. "She accepted all except the treatment for her wound. She has insisted that no one will touch her wound." Lucan's brows furrowed. He did not feel very up to the task of bearing with Adeline, especially not after the rather stressful day yesterday. "Did she say why?" Claude shook her head. "She did not, but she seemed adamant." Lucan sighed and turned away. This woman would drive him to insanity one of these days, and it would be his fault. "Inform me when she is done with her bath," he said to Claude, then closed his eyes and sucked in a sharp breath. "Your Majesty, can I speak with you?" He raised his eyes to her. "Did she do something else?" Claude shook her head. "No, Your Majesty. I want to talk about you and I." "What is it?" Claude swallowed a little nervously, then slowly went to her knees, her lips parting. Lucan watched her indifferently, the lack of expression in his eyes unwavering. "I beg of you, Your Majesty. Please just look at me." "I was of the inclination that I was looking at you." "No, Your Majesty. To you, I am a servant. A tool of pleasure, a woman for the night. That is not what I want to be anymore, Your Majesty." "What do you want to be?" Lucan asked, tilting his head upwards, his eyes cold. Claude swallowed, then slowly met his eyes. "I want to be the only woman by your side, emperor. I hate when I see you with any other woman. I do not want to share you with..." "I was not aware that I have started to consider your wants in making decisions for myself, Claude. I barely remember your name during the day, I think you should realize your place. And if you have become greedy and can no longer fill the shoes I have given you, then I will make sure to let you go." "Your Majesty, I..." "I can not deal with one more whining woman so early in the morning." He turned away, and Claude sniffed, tears filling her eyes. "What does she have that I do not? I am beautiful, Your Majesty. I would do whatever you ask for me, and I certainly shall not give you a headache..." "You are giving me one now, Claude. Get out." "I am in love with you, Your Majesty. I love you so much, and I would..." "Never, ever speak to me about this again. Never will you speak to me in this tone or manner, ever. Leave before I make you." Claude sniffed, then pulled away, her heart shattering in her chest.
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