First, let's have dinner.

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Dawn Daniels The rest of my day was spent discovering the important locations in The Rogue Lands, it turned out to be the day I familiarized myself with The Rogue Lands. After Lunch, Hera took me around and through the pack, and introduced me to a couple of people, she made me feel at home. We were done by 6 pm and it was some minutes past 6 when she dropped me off at home. “I had an amazing time today and thank you for shopping with me.” “The pleasure was all mine, Dawn. Thank you so much for my jacket, I cannot wait to be flashy in it, might even wear it tomorrow.” She said with a thoughtful look on her face. “So, I will see you tomorrow morning then, and don’t forget to call and let me know if you’ll be needing a ride.” “I won’t. Bye Hera.” I replied as I walked towards the entrance with my bags of clothes, I showered and dressed up in slacks and a loose sleeveless shirt, I thought of making a run to the wine cellar to get a bottle of wine but the fear of May made me leave that thought for later. In a few minutes, I was in the dining. It was 7:16 pm by the time I was down, Dawn wasn’t down yet. “You look, beautiful darling,” May said, I looked up and I saw her walking in, she looked beautiful. She was dressed in one of the outfits she had gotten with Hera, a black slip dress and she had her hair down in a center part. “thank you May,” she replied, then she turned to me with a blinding smile and said, “Hi, housemate.” Referring to the title Cara had given us. “Housemates”. “Hi,” I replied, carried away by how beautiful she looked, “you look nice.” “Thank you, I had to wear this dress. It was picked for me by Hera, I wouldn’t have known how much I needed it if Hera had not insisted I try it on first.” “well, thanks to Hera for that,” I replied as I kept my gaze on her even as May called our attention. “I won’t be present for dinner, I wanted it to be for both of you. But before I leave I want to tell you Dawn that you are welcome to call this your home, I have enjoyed the air you have brought into this house.” Then turning around, she waved at us, “See you two tomorrow morning. Goodnight.” “Goodnight, May.” We said in unison. Immediately after May was out, I turned to Dawn and asked, “Wine?” She smiled shyly and nodded, then I raised my index finger “a minute…” I was in and out of the wine cellar in no time with one of my favorite wine bottles, I had saved it for a good day, this is a good day. “Do you like white wine?” “I have never had wine, so I don’t know which I prefer yet,” she replied smiling shyly but something in her eyes made her look more dangerous than shy when she added, “or we could try both.” “Need help?” I shrieked in surprise and dropped a few bags in shock as I had not heard anyone approach me, “I’m sorry I did not realize I was so quiet,” Kieran said hurriedly picking up the bags I dropped. “You scared me,” I said almost breathless. “I didn’t mean to, sorry.” He sounded like he was laughing so I turned to look at his face and he was trying to hide a smile. “really?” I said laughing in amusement. “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to but your facial expression cracked me up.” “Ohh?” “Yeah,” he answered still chuckling, then added as we stood beside me and we walked together towards the entrance, “How was your day?”. “it was nice, I had a great time with Hera. How was yours?” “It was okay, not as fun as yours but not a bad day nonetheless. I heard you were at the store and seeing these bags I can tell you went shopping, must be nice.” “You heard already? I never thought anyone could beat the White moon pack but the people here are so gossipy, phew! Well, yeah I did, I was out of clothes and after yesterday you know I am not a ‘comfortable when naked’ werewolf so that was a necessity.” “Yeah, you’re not.” He answered chuckling. The moment we got to the main entrance door it opened and May was on the other side already ushering us in, “Welcome back,” she said as she collected two bags from me, leaving me with just one bag. “How was your first day going around?” she asked me as we all climbed the stairs to my room. “It was great, and it’s still going well. I love being doted on by everyone. It is a nice feeling.” I said referring to the attention I was getting from both her and Kieran. May walked ahead of me and Kieran into the room and dropped the shopping bags then she added before she left, “get refreshed then come down for dinner by 7:30 pm, and I am talking to the both of you.” she gave Kieran a knowing look before leaving both of us. “see you at dinner,” Kieran said after he dropped the bags he had carried and was leaving the room, “Okay,” then I remembered Cara, “Ohh and I met someone today, Cara. She said I should say hi to my housemate.” Kieran Arnell The moment Cara’s name came out of Dawn's mouth, I paused in my tracks, what did Cara think she was playing at? I turned to face Dawn, “She said that?” “Yup,” “Was Hera there when she spoke to you?” “Not at first, we joined the queue and then Hera had to leave me because she had to pick a call, that was when Cara came around and started talking to me, she stopped talking after Hera joined me in the queue.” “What exactly did she say? I hope she did not make you feel uncomfortable.” “Nothing that I couldn’t handle, she was just being salty. I was staring at her most of the time, she is a very beautiful woman, just salty.” I was going to have to talk to Cara, I do not appreciate such behavior and I will not let it slide, “I am really sorry about that,” “It’s fine, you should go and get refreshed we can talk more over dinner. It’s really fine, I was with Hera so yeah, I was in good hands.” “Alright,” I said leaving the room and walking straight to my room, I had to shower and be down so I didn’t get in trouble with May. When I got back I had thought of Cara and how I was going to completely detach myself from her. Even after our split, she still kept coming around, acting like we were still together, refusing to acknowledge the split. It had taken a very stern warning from me to keep her away. I smiled as I remembered the day that had happened, it had been a festival day and that was the first event after our break up and I was going for it without Cara. I went with a friend; another female werewolf and we were having a good time till she went to the restroom and came back wanting to leave. She had to raincheck because of something and even though I knew she was lying -I always know that- I did not want to push so I told her I was going to take her home but she refused to say, it was a private issue and she would rather leave alone. So, I let her go because even though I knew she was lying, I could not tell why and she was not going to tell me so I did not pry. After the festival, I told Hera about what had happened and it turns out Hera had seen Cara go into the restroom after her. Cara told her something that scared her away and to this day, I don’t know what it was but that was the last straw. I went to see her and made sure she was scared of ever coming around me. It seems she has forgotten and I might have to remind her again. This was a different situation, Dawn was different and I was not going to take any chances with her.
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