“I was about to call the whole squad to come to your rescue.” Officer Daniel joked, when I got outside and I laughed. “How was it?” He asked. “Not okay.” I said, as I entered the car. “What’s up?” He asked. I looked at him, then asked “what could possibly make a cover up for a man that abuses her physically?” He raised his brows at my sudden question then asked “is that why we are here? A case of domestic violence?” “Yes.” I nodded my head. I had not told him about why we were at the house. I didn’t see the need to, since he was just an escort. I was baffled by the way she covered up for him that was why I just had to vent to Daniel. “Why is he still in there? He is supposed to be behind bars right now.” He ranted. “I totally agree with you. But we can’t arrest him without pro