Chapter 38

1962 Words

  ADLEY   It had been a week since we didn’t sleep together. Every time he started kissing me, my excuse, I was not in a mood. I admired his patience, and he never forced himself into me. Deep in my heart, I felt terrible for him, but as long as he would not throw the condom in his drawer, we were not having s*x. Call it childish, but I wanted to teach him a lesson, and that condom was his idea.   We were good, though. In fact, we were great. We started talking about planning a family in three or four years. Life was good either way.   Kaelie knocked and came in. “Someone here insisted on talking to you, Adley.”   “Who?” I lifted my gaze from the screen of my laptop.   “Me.”   I was on my feet before I even realized it. Icy seeped through my veins as if I’d seen a ghost. “What are yo

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