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CHAPTER NINEFor a moment time seemed to stop. Then John’s glad cry rang out, “Adolphus, my dear fellow. How good to see you.” Before Rena’s bewildered eyes he wrung the man’s hand and drew him into the house. “I can’t believe this,” he kept saying. “You’re actually here.” “Can’t believe I’m here?” the stranger said. “But you wrote to me. I thought you wanted me to come.” “Of course I hoped you’d be able to come, but I didn’t dare think it possible, knowing how busy you are. Rena, this is the friend I told you of, the pastor and historian who may know what the coins are. The Reverend Adolphus Tandy. Adolphus, this is Miss Rena Colwell, the lady I am going to marry.” “Well, well, that’s delightful news. My dear, I am so pleased to meet you.” “But we have met before, haven’t we?” she s

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