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CHAPTER FIVEIn the drawing room Mr Wyngate looked around him. Watching him, John had the same sensation as Rena, that here was a man who noticed everything and calculated exactly how to take advantage of it. He felt uneasy and troubled. He was a blunt man, a man of action. If an enemy ship had appeared on the horizon he would have known how to deal with it bravely and efficiently. Even ruthlessly. But this situation required dodging, feinting and subtlety. It needed skill with words. In short, it needed Rena. And she had abandoned him to manage as best he could. “So what are you going to do?” Mr Wyngate barked. “You’re not going back to sea, are you?” “I’m finished with the sea,” John said. “I have enjoyed seeing the world, but that’s now in the past.” “So you’re going to live here

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