1912 Words

“I behaved terribly,” she said, shocked at herself. “It sounds to me as though you behaved very sensibly,” he said, handing her a cup of tea, and sitting down beside her. “They may not be a den of thieves exactly, but they’re certainly a nest of bullies. And the only thing to do with bullies is stand up to them.” “Well, that’s what I think too,” she said, delighted to find a kindred spirit. “And yet – oh, goodness, if you could have heard the things I said to them.” “I wish I had. I’m sure it would have been very entertaining.” “Oh no, I’m sure that’s wrong,” she said, conscience stricken. “How can a fight be entertaining?” “Very easily if you have righteousness on your side. Nothing like a good fight. Engage the enemy and turn your ten-pounders on him.” “Ten-pounders?” “Guns.” “Th

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