Chapter Nine

1105 Words

We both had lunch below a huge, willow tree over the tickling green grass. The meal consisted of sandwiches, prune cakes and chilled lemonade. There was an ultimate battle to grab and eat more cakes. "Come on, that's the last one. Can I have that please?" I asked politely and batted my eyelashes. He chuckled and quickly brought the cake in front of his mouth, teasing me. I whined and jumped forward to snatch it away from him. Taking advantage of his height, he held the delicious cake above his head. I climbed over his lap and reached out to grab it. I felt that I wasn't in control of my actions since I actually climbed over him. I giggled like a little girl and managed to grab his arm. The cake tumbled out of his hand and I quickly went to catch it. But in the process, Noah fell backwar

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