11. Wes

1753 Words

Chapter 11 Wes So this coaching thing? It’s harder than it looks. At the start of the morning session, it feels easy. I set up some drills for the youngest offensive players and run ’em like crazy. There’s a whistle around my neck, and they have to do whatever I tell them. Easy money, right? Not so fast. When I take on a scrimmage for the older teens, all the wheels fall off. It’s not that the kids are no good. Their skill levels vary from awesome to virtuosic. But they don’t work in sync like a college team. They’re headstrong and irrational. They listen to what I say, and then they go do the opposite. They’re teenagers. And after ten minutes of play I’m basically beating my head against the plexi, praying for my own death. “Pat,” I beg. “Please tell me I wasn’t like this.” “You w

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